Examples of the the word, dell , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dell ), is the 4699 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had helped to found a German hospice in Rome, which survives as the Institute, dell ,' Anima, and had begun to write a chronicle, of which only fragments are extant
  2. First servers. Dell Inc. soon reported about $1 million in sales per day from, dell , Com. In the first quarter of 2001,Dell Inc. reached a world market share of
  3. In Coronelli's honor. Selected maps #1690-91 Atlanta Veneto #1696-97 Isolation, dell ,' Atlanta Veneto #1692 Torso geographic universal #1695 Re-issued #1693
  4. More there rose a lusty yell;: It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the, dell ,;: It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat, : For Casey, mighty
  5. Arabesques for flute, oboe,clarinet, bassoon,and horn (1978) *Quintet to, dell ,' estate for flute, clarinet,violin, cello and piano (1979) *" ... DE
  6. The azalea garden, the bamboo garden, the juniper collection, the Berbers, dell , the lilac garden, the magnolia collection, and the fern collection. The Plant
  7. Weston. The name Riven dell is formed by two English elements:" riven" and ", dell ," meaning split, cloven and valley respectively, making the whole word purport
  8. Movements would lose support. Musicology The book was entitled: Recreation, dell ,' Ohio e deal Monte Nell observation' Dell Chiociolle, proposta a' curios
  9. Referred to as a vale. A small, secluded,and often wooded valley is known as a, dell ,or in Scotland as a glen. A wide, flat valley through which a river runs is
  10. Contain many dozens of varieties. Out of season the spring garden and winter, dell ,are famed nationally, particularly in February when the snowdrops first appear.
  11. The greatest work of Serves is the huge treatise on tomography," Idea, dell ,' Universe" ( Idea of the Universe) (Cessna,1778-87,in 21 vols. in 4to).
  12. ATX (non-industrial standard),view the power pin layout in the on-line, dell ,'SERVICE' manual (not user manual) and compare it with the ATX pin diagram
  13. Feature that comes directly from Palladio's woodcuts from his I Quarto Libra, dell ,' Architecture of 1570. Immediately behind the Ha Ha and positioned between the
  14. And specialist areas include the bonsai collection, the rhododendron, dell , the azalea garden, the bamboo garden, the juniper collection, the Berbers
  15. Appear (Ancient Greek: ναπαῖαι, from νάπη; English translation:" a wooded, dell ,") were a type of nymph that lived in wooded valleys, glens or grottoes.
  16. Important River We, but also because the steep limestone gorge and castle, dell ,afforded an excellent defensive location. William the Conqueror ordered its
  17. Id=438 (Soprintendenza per i Ben Archeological, dell ,' Umbra) National Archaeological Museum of Oviedo. Located in the Palazzo
  18. Placenames derive from Old Norse Annandale 'eagle dell ' or rainfall 'dwelling, dell ,'. Similarly, the name of Roundel could just as well derive from Old English
  19. False foxglove (Against Göttingen) Among the rare animals in the, dell ,are six dragonfly species, including the Royal river cruiser (Acromial
  20. Derive from Old English Grendel or Handel, meaning 'eagle dell ' and 'dwelling, dell ,' respectively. Geography Roundel civil parish occupies an area of and has a
  21. The Ponte Vecchio. Was built for the Grand Duke Costco I DE' Medici. *Galleria, dell ,' Academia housing a Michelangelo collection, including the David. It has a
  22. Then replied in an Apologia. The Consideration sullen censure and the Tattoo, dell ,' interest, the latter partly prepared under his direction by other
  23. One of the ex-Lebanese aircraft is now on display at the Muse Stories, dell ,' Aeronautical Military Italian at Via di Value, north of Rome. A second one
  24. The work to appear separately in Italian and later in Spanish were" Virility, dell ,' Como" ( Manhood of Men) (4 vols.,1779-80);" Vecchiaja e more dell '
  25. Classic CD 93.022. *Non, Luigi. 2001. Variation canonical Sulla series, dell ,' op. 41 DI A. Schoenberg; Variant; No hay casinos, hay Que laminar—Andrej
  26. Of Every Queen) with Hammett's permission. All of these were reprinted as, dell ,map-back paperbacks. * The Continental Op (Bestseller Mystery,1945)
  27. On philosophy, he wrote Filosofia morale Esposito (Venice,1735),Dell force, dell ,' intendimento many (Venice,1735),and Dell force Della fantasia (Venice
  28. Muse diocesan DI Santa Stefano all Monte, Florence *Frescoes in the Capella, dell ,' Assent (c. 1434–1435) - Duo mo, Prato *Nun-Saint with Two Children (
  29. Flowing one '. It is possible that the town of Roundel may mean Arno- dell , or, dell , of the flowing river. Evidenced by Tarrant Street in modern Roundel, later
  30. Likely that the Scandinavian place names derive from Old Norse Annandale 'eagle, dell ,' or rainfall 'dwelling dell '. Similarly, the name of Roundel could just as
  31. Copies of the original 1570 publication of Andrea Palladio's I Quarto Libra, dell ,’ Architecture were also placed here. Many of these books were housed in
  32. The distance along the road. That night, the Ring wraiths attack their camp in a, dell ,below the summit, stabbing Frodo with a Morgul-blade, but are then driven off
  33. An Italian shipbuilding company founded in 1908 and renamed Cartier Reunite, dell ,' Adriatic (CODA) Monfalcone in 1929 Non-profit organizations * The Center
  34. With a few hundred inhabitants. ) Geography Salzgitter is located in a bride, dell ,coated with less, between the Overall Forest and the Salzgitter-Höhenzug ("
  35. MHz (machine can take 8 GB of memory however, it is currently not an option on, dell , Com but listed in the support manual on page 71
  36. Island proposed the highly detailed theory that Daniel Defoe used the Islam, dell ,Cooke as an accurate model for his descriptions of the island inhabited by the
  37. By Plato of Tripoli, under the title Fiber Embadorum (see Boncompagni in Anti, dell ,' Academia DEI Linda,1851,iv. 275; Her. Bill. vii. 84; Serapeum,1858,p.
  38. Dell' Como" ( Manhood of Men) (4 vols.,1779-80);" Vecchiaja e more, dell ,' Como" ( Old age and death of Man) (1780);" DiMaggio static all Mono
  39. RPM Ultra-ATA/100 44 pin IDE ATA/EIDE/ATAPI * Wi-Fi Card: mini-PCI slot with, dell ,true-mobile 802.11b/g 1350 * I/O Ports: 1 IEEE 1394 FireWire,2 Hi-Speed USB,1
  40. As an appendix of the 77th. Advertisement (section) entitled General Reform, dell ,' Universe (The Universal Reformation of Mankind) from a German translation
  41. When he came with the Hobbits to Weather top on October 6. Later that night in a, dell ,on the western side of Weather top, five Ring wraiths attacked and Frodo Bagging
  42. In 1504 and reprinted in Basel in 1556,translated in Italian as" Astoria, dell ,' origin et imperil de Torch" and in French. #Chronicum Turkic, (
  43. And by the Spanish ex-Jesuit, Requeno, who,in his Saggy sub Ristabilimento, dell ,' ARTE Harmonica de' GREC e Roman Canton (Parma,1798),attacks Burney's
  44. The composer's own) formed the background to the monumental Promote—tragedian, dell ,' ascot (1984/85) (Steel,1995). Nono's late music is haunted by
  45. Could just as well derive from Old English Grendel or Handel, meaning 'eagle, dell ,' and 'dwelling dell ' respectively. Geography Roundel civil parish occupies an
  46. 1891,Revue d'Economic Political *"Observation Sulla Peoria mathematical, dell ,' economic political ",1891,GDE (trans. " On the Determinatives of Economic
  47. Brythonic word Arno, meaning run or go. So Roundel would mean Arno- dell or the, dell ,of the flowing river. Another theory is that due to the preponderance of
  48. In the hall of the college, the Espousal of St Catherine to Jesus; in the Sale, dell ,Anticollegio, four extraordinary masterpieces - Bacchus, with Ariadne crowned
  49. 1502) — A discourse about the provision of money. *Nitrate Dell come, dell ,’ Alemán (1508–1512) - Portrait of the affairs of Germany. *Dell’ARTE Della
  50. The north gate, of a theater built into modern houses in the (misnamed) via, dell ,' Anfiteatro, lesser remains of a second temple in the church of S. Vincenzo

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