Examples of the the word, embody , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of the museum will be to fund scholarships for" young people who live by and, embody ,Jackie's ideals. " Robinson has also been recognized outside of baseball. In
  2. Relation to that, what kinds of signs there are, how they combine, and how some, embody ,or incorporate others; (2) logical critic, or logic proper, on the modes of
  3. Development and phylogenetic history. The term, ‘ recapitulation,’ has come to, embody ,Hacker’s Biogen etic Law, for embryonic development is a recapitulation of
  4. In the brain of an organism, but in Paradigm City memories can mean much more., embody ,the lost knowledge of its residents, and can take the form of records from
  5. Has influenced contemporary thinking about complexity. The approaches that, embody ,concepts of systems, multiple elements, multiple relational regimes, and state
  6. Although the most powerful individual in the Roman Empire, Augustus wished to, embody ,the spirit of Republican virtue and norms. He also wanted to relate to and
  7. And" the invisible guest ". Melva also asserts that the dominance that men, embody ,is only so because women exist, as without a woman for comparison, a man and
  8. By death, also demonstrated their support for James, who was widely believed to, embody ," the natural order of things ". James ordered a ceasefire in the conflict with
  9. To a somewhat lesser extent (I never knew Gregory as well as the others) did, embody ,a criticism and a vision which we shared in various ways, and then went our own
  10. Delta blues, his music was metrically free. John Lee Hooker could be said to, embody ,his own unique genre of the blues, often incorporating the boogie-woogie piano
  11. Vice versa. Someone practicing deep meditation (such as in Raja yoga) must, embody ,the core principles of karma yoga, jnana yoga and Shakti yoga, whether directly
  12. Of his poems, such as The Bugler's First Communion and Epithalamion, arguably, embody , homoerotic themes, although this second poem was arranged by Robert Bridges
  13. Other living creatures and human beings. The creature from Phantoms is able to, embody ,the consumed beings and in turn take any form it wishes, simultaneously
  14. In the production. Both David Ricardo and Karl Marx attempted to quantify and, embody ,all the labor components in order to set the real price, or natural price of
  15. Lauren Bacall, which recognizes" women whose lives, work and contributions, embody ,the intelligence, drive and independence of the four-time-Oscar-winning actress
  16. Foes in over 60 years of published adventures. Many of his recurring foes, embody ,ideals contrary to the American values Captain America is shown to strive for
  17. Of a technologically innovative future, the connected world is designed to, embody ,BT’s five corporate values: trustworthy, helpful,inspiring, straightforward
  18. A moral code can objectively determine what people ought to do, the law can, embody ,whatever norms the legislature decrees to achieve social utility, but every
  19. Story; see Not graph) must grab the reader's attention and still accurately, embody ,the ideas of the article. In the last half of the 20th century, the line
  20. Lack of a firm basis of Judeo-Christian values and they seek to write laws that, embody ,those values. Judeo-Christian concept in interfaith relations Promoting the
  21. In other projects. In effect, the free and open source software movements, embody ,all the hacker ethics. However,Levy's hacker ethic also has often been
  22. Mother-Earth ". Demeter may be linked to goddess-cults of Minoan Crete, and, embody , aspects of a pre-Hellenic Great Goddess. Her other epithets include: *Agrippa
  23. Religions, there is a female spirit or goddess named Sophia who is said to, embody ,wisdom and who is sometimes described as a virgin. In Roman Catholic mysticism
  24. Of human life in the process of the time flux; his characters primarily, embody ,spiritual values, and these are, by definition, timeless. Other themes include
  25. Of a constitutional monarch with very limited powers whose function is to, embody ,the national character and provide constitutional continuity in times of
  26. Shells have been available that take the guesswork out of this process. These, embody ,a miniature, low powered radar transmitter in the fuse to detect the ground and
  27. Over them. " The resolution also proposed that the Constitution of each State, embody ,the rights contained in the Declaration. In the hearings before the Ad Hoc
  28. Discrimination, forced labor, and child labor. The ILL Conventions which, embody ,the fundamental principles have now been ratified by most member states.
  29. By the Thirty Years' War. The protagonist of this novel, who was supposed to, embody ,stereotypically German characteristics, is quite similar to the protagonist of
  30. Affairs),the National Theater, and several foreign embassies that creatively, embody ,features of their national architecture. The Brazilian landscape architect
  31. S series of radio plays, The Saviors (1942),used a historical Arthur to, embody ,the spirit of heroic resistance against desperate odds, and Robert Sherriff's
  32. These two sentences are superficially very similar, it can be shown that they, embody ,very different properties. So, for example, it is possible to form a sentence
  33. Welsh traditions. Even in these, however,Arthur's court has started to, embody ,legendary Britain as a whole, with " Arthur's Court" sometimes substituted
  34. Speeches. # Shows divine intervention on human affairs. #" Star" heroes that, embody ,the values of the civilization. The hero generally participates in a cyclical
  35. Idea about France). Today, many countries expect their head of state to, embody ,national values similarly. The same role in a federal constituent
  36. Not as dogmatic precepts true by fiat, the three classical laws of dialectics, embody ,a holistic vision that views change as interaction among components of complete
  37. Artist a band such as Experience 7,Franck Vincent, Kassav' and Admiral T, embody ,the traditional from the past and the new generation of music while others such
  38. Try to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers stress invention. To, embody ,an invention the engineer must put his idea in concrete terms, and design
  39. When he wrote the modern French constitution, stating the head of state should, embody ," the spirit of the nation" for the nation itself and the world: one certain
  40. Thus, traditionally GP favors the use of programming languages that naturally, embody ,tree structures (for example, Lisp; other functional programming languages are
  41. Calculability as an undefined notion, to state a set of axioms which would, embody ,the generally accepted properties of this notion, and to do something on that
  42. Pursued the goal of creating digital computer programs that can simulate or, embody ,consciousness. Several physicists have argued that classical physics is
  43. Hemingway. * Phidias (490–430 BC) made the Parthenon statues that seem to, embody ,the golden ratio. * Plato (427–347 BC),in his Times, describes five
  44. The ashes which have no urn! Nevertheless, several attempts had been made to, embody ,The Ashes in a physical memorial. Examples include one presented to Warner in
  45. The magazine includes illustrations of figures, including child warriors, who, embody , the ethos of jihad and martyrdom, presenting them as role models. These include
  46. Poetry. Many of the tales in the Golden Legend of Jacob de Voragine also, embody ,folklore elements in a Christian context, as well as the tales of Old Mr.
  47. Refers to the belief that non-human entities are spiritual beings, or at least, embody ,some kind of life-principle. Animism encompasses the beliefs that there is no
  48. Alexander has retained a respect for the Catholic Church, believing it to, embody ,a great deal of accumulated human truth within its rituals. Published works
  49. Of the familiar representation technologies. Logic, rules,frames, etc., each, embody , a viewpoint on the kinds of things that are important in the world. Logic, for
  50. To different dimensions of the system development: Courage Several practices, embody ,courage. One is the commandment to always design and code for today and not for

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