Examples of the the word, playground , in a Sentence Context

The word ( playground ), is the 7972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Invar Lamprey was born). Parents drop off their children at a gate to the, playground , and pick them up after they arrive at another entrance. Parents are also given
  2. Park, an outdoor theater, various sports fields such as baseball and soccer,a, playground , tennis courts, and a velodrome. The city also offers over of developed trails
  3. Facilities. Beverley Park provides a football pitch, tennis courts,children's, playground , allotments and open space. Tudor Williams Ltd, established in 1913,is a
  4. And the Eagles Book Mobile, a literacy program. EYE is also known for annual, playground ,builds in underserved neighborhoods, an annual chess tournament, and a variety
  5. With a family Some houses have a pool in the backyard, or a trampoline, or a, playground , History of the Interior It is unknown of the complete origin of the house and
  6. Difficult subject (although it is deep); one can learn classical physics on a, playground , which describes the motion of balls, swings,slides and merry-go-rounds.: Note
  7. A girl to help him. She promptly punches the boy in the nose and sulks in the, playground , We go forward in time to where Gracie Hart (Sandra Bullock) works for the
  8. Playing golf one afternoon he realized that it might be fun for the kids on his, playground ,if they played" golf" with Frisbees. He set up an object course for his kids
  9. That arsenic could leach out of the wood into the surrounding soil (from, playground ,equipment, for instance),a risk is also presented by the burning of older CCA
  10. Was attending the Roman Catholic Shaw College, Durham. He was injured in a, playground ,accident during his teens, causing loss of vision in his left eye. Emigration
  11. Until the Eisenstein mountain and Erlangen. Beneath the tower, an adventure, playground ,and a cabin is located. A flag on the tower signals whether the cabin’s
  12. Ground for Roman soldiers. Later, the Campus became Rome's track and field, playground , In the campus, the youth assembled to play and exercise, which included
  13. Beach, lighted cross country skiing and hiking trails, the city's largest, playground , lawn bowling and tennis facilities, a boating pond, a treetop adventure course
  14. A Treasury of Library of Congress Field Recordings," the actual title of this, playground ,song might also be" See the Lying' Woman" or" C-Line Woman. " * Jack
  15. Office to petition the bureaucrats to turn a waste area into a children’s, playground , The viewer is then shown a series of point of view shots of various
  16. Spastic or queer, all those who still want to pick on anyone not like them, playground ,bullies who never grew up. The politically correct society is the civilized
  17. Where students eat lunch and often breakfast and snacks. * Athletic field, playground , gym, and/or track place where students participating in sports or physical
  18. Purdy opens fire with an assault rifle at the Cleveland Elementary School, playground ,in Stockton, California,killing five children and wounding 29 others and one
  19. Outlets, coffee shops, a bowling alley, movie theaters, and a children's, playground , Also, recently Sudan opened the Hotel Section and part of the food court of the
  20. Friendship and companionship. The bleak moors surrounding Hayworth became their, playground , Education Anne's studies at home included music and drawing. Anne, Emily and
  21. The Jackson city limits on Michigan Avenue. There are picnic tables and a small, playground , *Camp Store: a campground in Napoleon Township in the eastern part of the
  22. Homeowners with children build sandpits in their backyards because, unlike much, playground ,equipment, they can be easily and cheaply constructed. A" sandpit" may also
  23. A phenomenon. An example would be to unobtrusively observe children on a, playground ,(with a video camera, perhaps ) and record the number and types of aggressive
  24. In 1999 as part of the elaborate" History of Parma" section of the, playground ,at Grover Park. The interurban station serves as the current library. Education
  25. Of Undercook Lake in Summit Township. It consists of a beach, picnic tables, playground , and some woods. *Waterloo State Recreation Area: the only State Park in
  26. Trails * Wilmot Park - recreational park in downtown featuring wading pool, playground , and family oriented activities. * Queen Square Park - this popular park
  27. And is still a popular place for day-trippers, especially families, as a large, playground ,and a café have been built at the foot of the tower. Climbing the Goethe Tower
  28. Hence from the armies and the Imperial courts, and it offered an undesirable, playground ,for disaffected politicians. Yet it had been the capital of the state for over
  29. With many expensive, luxurious bars and restaurants, and is considered to be a, playground ,for New Russians and celebrities. Overstay Street is also one of the busiest
  30. Among the myriad of activities offered. The park also includes an accessible, playground ,and is the home of the Jester Park Lodge. The Great Western Trail is a journey
  31. King Park: a small park in the Jackson city limits. It has picnic tables,a, playground , and a Recreation Area with some trees and foliage. *Meridian Baseline
  32. Daisy appears in an MMORPG game called Downtown Online. She appears in the, playground ,called Daisy Gardens. She is a NPC character that walks around leaving comments
  33. Schools, and many children who spoke Hawaiian at school, including on the, playground , were disciplined. Beginning in 1900,Mary Arena PKI, who was later the
  34. Solely to extraordinary success of the casino. This made Monaco not only the, playground ,for the rich, but the place to live. 20th century Until the Monégasque
  35. Town of Pebbles in the Scottish Borders, mainly in the local primary school, playground , where it is favored to more traditional childhood past-times such as 'British
  36. New pool (a hybrid of a kids wading pool with fun water toys and a lap pool), playground , tennis courts and 2 baseball fields. Tennis courts are flooded in winter to
  37. In the Jackson city limits. It consists of picnic tables, and a large wooden, playground , There are a lot of trees but not enough to be considered woods. *McCready
  38. The county. The campground is on the South Branch Kalamazoo River. There is a, playground ,and a basketball court. The campground allows campers and RVs, as well as
  39. Ground for Roman soldiers. Later, the Campus became Rome's track and field, playground , In the campus, the youth assembled to play and exercise, which included
  40. Downtown *Brightest Park – contains the Alexandria Zoo, Bringhurst Field,a, playground , a golf course, and tennis courts *Inglewood Plantation – plantation located
  41. Above. Bowman Bay is a quiet refuge, although popular for kids with a big toy, playground , and for kayaks. Rosario Beach is a wilder beach. Rosario also has tide pools
  42. Of the leisure units behind the Arena facing onto the plaza with a children's, playground ,in front. The plan is to build a 200 seat theater inside the leisure unit. The
  43. Some organizations adapt and operate play buses or learning buses to provide a, playground ,or learning environments to children who might not have access to proper play
  44. Descriptor of a sufferer of muscular hypertonicity in British English, but, playground , use of spastic (and variants such as span and spacer) as an insult led to
  45. With 7.1 % not stating their religion. It became known as the servicemen's, playground , as it was where sailors from the Royal Navy would seek entertainment of all
  46. A concession stand, picnic tables, barbecue pits, walking/skiing trails, playground ,facilities, and Moose wood Nature Center. The city has two popular beaches
  47. And designer Southey Glamour has come up with a marvelously rickety, adventure, playground , of a set, all ladders, stairs and elevated walkways, with Rapunzel discovered
  48. And choppers have what they want, while scholars and mythologists have a vast, playground ,of new stories, legends and myths to enjoy. " The world of Glorantha has
  49. Greatest variety of freshwater sport fish in the country. The Lake serves as a, playground ,for numerous personal yachts, sailboats,power boats and watercraft, and
  50. For years after it was built. Despite the losses, the Manufacture served as a, playground ,of innovation, both in turning a large amount of cotton, but also developing

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