Examples of the the word, donation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( donation ), is the 2853 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chief Executive Officer of First Reserve Corporation. It is the largest single, donation ,in the history of PUNY and has been used to buy a landmark building on the
  2. Illegally in Pune. However, the Lucknow Court has put a stay on the land, donation ,and said that the status quo on the land be maintained. On 12 October 2007
  3. Value of Kluge's estate at the time of his death; however, the generous, donation ,has helped change financial aid policy at Columbia. Annual gifts, fund-raising
  4. States Food and Drug Administration instituted a policy that excludes from, donation ,anyone who spent at least six months in certain European countries, ( or three
  5. Factor being that the new college did not have a chapel. Sometime later a large, donation ,was made to establish a chapel and the fellowship elected to accept it. Crick
  6. A darker shade of red; this is present in veins, and can be seen during blood, donation ,and when venous blood samples are taken. Blood in carbon monoxide poisoning is
  7. For Motorcycle Outreach, through the sale of raffle tickets and the generous, donation ,of prizes. People The following are people born or brought up in or around
  8. Sacramento developer Angelo Tsakopoulos. The area would be part of an overall, donation ,by the Tsakopoulos family, William and Claudia Cummings, Wayne and Mary Prim
  9. And/or any country in Europe (except the former USSR),also precludes, donation , People with a biologic relative who has been diagnosed with CJD or CD are
  10. But for some other purpose, Aristotle would call the collecting of the, donation ,by that particular donator a result of chance. It must be unusual that
  11. This system establishes the right of every man to his own person, the right of, donation , of bequest (and, concomitantly,the right to receive the bequest or
  12. And control of disease on products ranging from certain household pets to sperm, donation ,for assisted reproduction. The FDA is led by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs
  13. Protection might be financed by charitable organizations relying on voluntary, donation ,rather than by state institutions relying on coercive taxation, or by
  14. Not always been the case. The choice of red is in recognition of a charitable, donation ,from Nottingham Forest, soon after Arsenal's foundation in 1886. Two of Dial
  15. This would typically require the approval of all masters of a guild,a, donation ,of money and other goods (often omitted for sons of existing members),and
  16. Immigrants processed on the island. Inclusion on the list is made possible by a, donation ,to support the facility. In 2008,the museum's library was officially named
  17. The acid–base reaction here, according to the Lewis definition, is the, donation ,of the electron pair from to the ion. This forms a covalent bond between and
  18. The book supports notions of economic justice, achieved through voluntary, donation ,of" substance, every man according to that which he had, to the poor. " In one
  19. 1874. In 1895 German archaeologist Otto Vendor, financed by a 10,000 guilder, donation ,made by Austrian Karl Manner Ritter von Markham, resumed excavations. In 1898
  20. Tax credits: There are two types of education tax credits: personal use, and, donation , Personal use tax credits are tax credits given to individual taxpayers for
  21. There is some debate over the year, King Alfred because of his support and his, donation ,of alms to Rome received a number of gifts from the Pope Marines. Among these
  22. The other half to the BNP. The Legion said that Firth had assured them that the, donation ,would not be exploited politically, although the story was later" splashed
  23. Because the Foundations had adopted language from the USA PATRIOT Act in their, donation ,agreements, including a clause stipulating that none of the money would go to "
  24. Buildings at Bletchley Park, and that they were in discussions regarding the, donation ,of a further £600,000. In July 2009,the British government announced that
  25. Alumnus John Kluge to be used exclusively for undergraduate financial aid. The, donation ,is among the largest single gifts to higher education. Its exact value will
  26. New supporters at public places, subscribing them for a monthly direct debit, donation , In 2008,most of the €202.5 million received by the organization was donated
  27. Should not be encouraged. The project was eventually launched with a, donation ,from a Danish businessman, Augustin Game; the rest came mainly from small
  28. And Key remain the Arms of Gibraltar to this day. *1506 - Alleging a false, donation ,by the king Philip I of Castile, the Duke of Medina Sonia attempted to
  29. Was set up to plan for expansion of the museum, and further highlighted by the, donation ,in 1822 of the King's Library, personal library of King George III's
  30. Deceased without the body present. This may take place after an earth burial, donation ,of the body to an institution such as a school, cremation (sometimes the
  31. And 15th in Europe. History The University was founded in 1829 following a, donation ,by William Chalmers (1748–1811),a director of the Swedish East India Company
  32. For all living beings, from extending knowledge and experience to others to, donation , giving oneself up for others, non-violence and compassion for all living
  33. And Got Books? To support school communities and place fundraising book, donation ,containers at schools across the state in order to help raise money for schools
  34. To obtain more from her gleaning without offering the embarrassment of direct, donation , Though no doubt also motivated by an affection towards Ruth, in marrying her
  35. There was just something neat about the machine. " After the Mothers Club, donation ,was exhausted, he and other students sought time on systems including DEC PDP
  36. Given a new gallery in the North Wing funded by the Sainsbury family - with the, donation ,valued at £25 million. Governance In technical terms, the British Museum is a
  37. Stop it, Mr Griffin. Just stop it. " In September 2009,the Legion accepted a, donation ,which it had initially rejected from BNP member Rachel Firth. Firth had spent
  38. Over $20,000. On April 11, 2007,Columbia University announced a $400m to $600m, donation , from media billionaire alumnus John Kluge to be used exclusively for
  39. a million to his alma mater to expand the film school. It is the largest single, donation ,to USC and the largest gift to a film school anywhere. Previous donation s led
  40. Scandal when it transpired he had given the Labour Party a million pound, donation ,- which raised eyebrows when the incoming Labor government changed its policy
  41. Being sponsored by tobacco manufacturers. The Labour Party returned the, donation ,when the scandal came to light. (1997) * Double resignation rocks government.
  42. Pat Robertson's Family Channel, but backed off when Democrats criticized the, donation ,as a ploy to avoid campaign-finance restrictions. In April 1997 Richard DeVos
  43. On Phone (officially named the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center), donation , of police vehicles for the Yap state police, a facility to house the FSM's
  44. The Hotel would acknowledge the Center's ownership of the trademark and make a, donation ,to a nonprofit organization promoting reading and literacy among children.
  45. 2010. Over 40,000 diners went out during the week culminating with a $5,000, donation , made to the Mid-Ohio Food bank on behalf of sponsors and participating
  46. Industry, but he acknowledged that SEPT had received one unsolicited charitable, donation ,of $10,000 from ExxonMobil, and that it was one percent of all donation s
  47. Blood products Blood for transfusion is obtained from human donors by blood, donation ,and stored in a blood bank. There are many blood types in humans, the
  48. Sign up online, invite friends around for dinner and then ask them to make a, donation ,to Action Against Hunger, if they liked your cooking. Several celebrity chefs
  49. Strain, proximity and orientation of molecules relative to the enzyme, proton, donation , or withdrawal (acid/base catalysis),electrostatic interactions and many
  50. Βασιλεια meaning kingship) and this name is documented from 374 AD. Since the, donation ,of the Abbey Moutier-Grandvalto and all its possessions to Bishop Albert II

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