Examples of the the word, genuinely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genuinely ), is the 6687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Epoch or ideology ". Throughout human history, political and economic leaders, genuinely ,have been the cause of enormous amounts of death and misery, and they sometimes
  2. To the chef Ginger who would only allow them their allotted share. Berwick is, genuinely ,despondent when he learns that few of his men had survived an engagement. When
  3. A rough consensus on the ideology's core tenets. For Griffin, fascism is" a, genuinely ,revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis
  4. Islands of the Northern Group in 1862 and 1863. At first the traders may have, genuinely ,operated as labor recruiters, but they quickly turned to subterfuge and
  5. Of the events and personages of Biblical history; and many beautiful and, genuinely ,poetic embellishments of the Biblical record, which have become common
  6. Clear that Poirot's retirement is no longer a convenient fiction. He assumes a, genuinely ,inactive lifestyle during which he concerns himself with studying famous
  7. Only veteran of Jagdgeschwader 1 never invited to post-war reunions. Göring was, genuinely ,surprised (at least by his own account) at Germany's defeat in World War I.
  8. Fiction wrote: Much of Herbert's work makes difficult reading. His ideas were, genuinely ,developed concepts, not merely decorative notions, but they were sometimes
  9. Good idea, Jan. We'll do that one more time! " However, since Feeder was, genuinely ,injured and had to be hospitalized, this was the only take available and
  10. To not" feel as good" as sexual intercourse without a condom. * Some men, genuinely ,cannot properly maintain an erection while a condom is on, even if they always
  11. Between Miller and Monroe was strained; he said that Miller appeared to, genuinely ,care for Monroe and was willing to help her, but that Monroe rebuffed while
  12. Comet being a possible example of this. Early observations have revealed a few, genuinely ,hyperbolic (i.e. non-periodic) trajectories, but no more than could be
  13. Argentine barbecue) it is hard to think of any other type of dish that more, genuinely ,matches the national identity. Nevertheless, the country's vast area and its
  14. However, the Orthodox churches accept only the first seven general councils as, genuinely ,ecumenical, while Roman Catholics accept twenty-one. Only a very few
  15. And phosphoric acid, which contains a non-acidic P-H bond. Arsenals acid is, genuinely ,Triassic, whereas phosphoric acid is not. A broad variety of sulfur compounds
  16. That" some limited amnesties may be compatible" with a country's obligations, genuinely ,to investigate or prosecute under the Statute. Czech politician Marek Bend
  17. And Bishop Barberton (and others) initially thought that the work was, genuinely ,by Bolingbrook rather than a satire. All the reviews of the work were positive
  18. Newspapers and magazines exist. Monaco is a general news magazine" like a, genuinely ,international Time or Newsweek ", but written by local correspondents. A
  19. Take falsifiability as his criterion of demarcation between what is and is not, genuinely ,scientific: a theory should be considered scientific if and only if it is
  20. And the Western Allies The Continuation War represents the only case of a, genuinely ,democratic state participating in World War II on the side of the Axis powers
  21. Construction of a temple. However, there is controversy about whether they were, genuinely ,recorded at the time or merely ascribed to ancient rulers by posterity. The
  22. System, they would have positive total energies, and would be observed to have, genuinely ,hyperbolic trajectories. A rough calculation shows that there might be four
  23. Pain relief and other symptomatic alleviation. In this case, the patient, genuinely ,has been helped by the faith healer or faith-based remedy, not through any
  24. A dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has, genuinely ,happened in the past. Scientific research The most likely explanation of Dena
  25. Carried against those who repeatedly question the church's behavior and/or who, genuinely ,differ with the church's theology as well, although in almost all cases the
  26. From the canonical version, though Marion argued that his text was the more, genuinely ,original one. Marion also rejected all the other gospels, including Matthew
  27. Of homosexuality any more than it can legitimize adultery or incest, however, genuinely , such acts may be performed out of love and by mutual consent. Rabbi Norman Lamp
  28. Earlier Greek attitudes towards" barbarian" cultures. The extent to which, genuinely ,hybrid Greco-Persian cultures emerged is contentious; consensus tends to point
  29. Laws chosen by the people. As an example or inspiration After the Revolution, genuinely ,democratic politics became possible. The rights of the people were incorporated
  30. In the constellation of Ursa Major (including most of the Big Dipper) are, genuinely ,close to one another, travel through the galaxy with similar velocities, and
  31. Kept healthy. However, the queen died of puerperal sepsis ten days later. Henry, genuinely ,mourned her death, and at his own passing nine years later, he was buried next
  32. That she had been faking amnesia, some experts have come to believe that she, genuinely ,suffered a protracted fugue state. David Fitzpatrick, a sufferer of
  33. York Times reviewer commented:" The natural environment makes for something, genuinely ,haunting and mysterious as night falls on the audience ..." Sondheim attended
  34. In the extreme empiricism of the positivists—at least before the 1930s—any, genuinely ,synthetic assertion must be reducible to an ultimate assertion (or set of
  35. The EP MTV Unplugged, which Entertainment Weekly called" the strongest, most, genuinely , musical record she has ever made ... Did this live performance help her to take
  36. From the English, and Tolkien was inspired by Grimm to recommend reviving the, genuinely ,German form in his Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings (1967) and Lb
  37. Successful first harvest, but is driven out of the farm by Napoleon. Snowball, genuinely ,works for the good of the farm and the animals, and devises plans to help the
  38. Reasonable way be combined with the first point, as long as the axiom system is, genuinely ,military. Nevertheless, the subsequent achievements of proof theory at the very
  39. What these results indicate is unclear. They may indicate that suggestions, genuinely ,produce changes in perception or experience that are not simply a result of
  40. Permanently replaced by a unitary state. The constitution adopted in 1798 had a, genuinely ,democratic character (despite the fact that it was pushed through after a coup
  41. According to Dins dale either the objects are part of a very subtle fake or, genuinely ,part of the monster. Another object that he points out to prove the photograph
  42. In his 1971 book, Howard: The Amazing Mr. Hughes, Dietrich said that Hughes, genuinely ,liked and respected Jane Russell but never sought romantic involvement with her
  43. Under which imprisoned ETA members whom the government believed had, genuinely ,abandoned violence could be freed and allowed to rejoin society. Claiming a
  44. Position to do what she is doing today ”. Moreover, the British government had, genuinely ,believed in the German claim that it was only the Sudetenland that concerned
  45. Drysdale (who was merely interested in the Competes' wealth),Jane was, genuinely ,fond of them (to the Competes, she was considered family; even Granny, the
  46. God or God's purposes in human life. It should be simple and metrical in form, genuinely ,emotional, poetic and literary in style, spiritual in quality, and in its ideas
  47. Just as well as a rich and fortunate man. " For a short time it was passed as a, genuinely ,antique Roman play. Like Petrarch, who had been the first famous philologist to
  48. Criminals" leave the Ministry as loyal subjects who have been brainwashed into, genuinely ,loving Big Brother. Legacy Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four the
  49. In his writings. He was more conscious of social obligations than Luther and he, genuinely ,believed that the masses would accept a government guided by God’s word. He
  50. Prisoners. According to British soldiers who arrested him, Himmler was, genuinely ,shocked to be treated as a prisoner. In 2008,Himmler was named" the greatest

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