Examples of the the word, disposal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disposal ), is the 3939 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Joseph Mercy Hospital in nearby Superior Township. The city provides sewage, disposal ,and water supply services, with water coming from the Huron River and
  2. Transported to Lakehurst Naval Air Station for rail heading to a site for proper, disposal , In 1962 the Air Force started using modified A-models as drones; following the
  3. And chose the latter. He was at the beginning of life, and he had at his, disposal ,the means to a career as a Roman noble; clearly he was not a child. If we
  4. The world; there is also concern in some quarters about the widespread landfill, disposal ,of such timber. Mapping of industrial releases in the US One tool that maps
  5. Country, or and of the countries of transit. The definition of the term, disposal ,is made in Article 2 all 4 and just refers to annex IV, which gives a list of
  6. Protection and introduced taxes for air and water pollution and solid waste, disposal , whose revenues are used for environmental protection activities. Armenia is
  7. He must dispose of it by either kicking or hand balling it. Any other method of, disposal ,is illegal and will result in a free kick to the opposing team. This is usually
  8. Of environmental laws (for example, RCRA) in developed nations in the 1970s, disposal , costs for hazardous waste rose dramatically. At the same time, globalization of
  9. Into Antarctica of non-indigenous plants and animals *the discharge or, disposal ,of pollutants into Antarctica or Antarctic waters *the importation into the U.
  10. 2006 Department of Defense report listed Agent Orange testing, storage,and, disposal ,sites at 32 locations throughout the United States, as well as in Canada
  11. Closed to foreign direct investment are defense and national security, disposal ,of hazardous wastes, and real estate—the last of these restrictions is intended
  12. Of water and air, and the remediation of contaminated sites, due to prior waste, disposal ,or accidental contamination. Among the topics covered by environmental
  13. Current issues: n inadequate supplies of potable water; improper waste, disposal ,in rural areas contributes to soil and water pollution; desertification Also
  14. Systems of social control. With institutional and legal machinery at their, disposal , agents of the State can compel populations to conform to codes and can opt to
  15. Similar structures. Environmental concerns in relation to groundwater and waste, disposal ,have spawned a new area of study called environmental engineering where
  16. Preventing the export of hazardous waste from wealthy to developing nations for, disposal , Geography Basel has an area, of. Of this area, or 4.0 % is used for
  17. Maintenance, refurbishment,and ultimately, demolition and associated, disposal , recycling, and replacement, less the value of scrap and reuse of components.
  18. Tube or tin, so presenting the painter with a vast color range at his or her, disposal , This versatility is also illustrated in the wide variety of additional
  19. 26 square feet). Downstream emissions from distribution, retail,storage and, disposal ,of waste can be over 45 % of a bottled micro-brew beer's CO2 emissions.
  20. Structures. Concrete debris was once routinely shipped to landfills for, disposal , but recycling is increasing due to improved environmental awareness
  21. On elementary functions for further information. We have various methods at our, disposal ,: * the linearity of integration allows us to break complicated integrals into
  22. Even user interaction): the less, the better. This also includes correct, disposal ,of some resources, such as cleaning up temporary files and lack of memory leaks
  23. Power plants since the late 1970s because of concerns over radioactive waste, disposal , In addition, several cities such as Oakland, Berkeley and Davis have declared
  24. At the least, of his architectural dreams. Speer placed his department at the, disposal ,of the Wehrmacht. When Hitler remonstrated, and said it was not for Speer to
  25. Result in a free kick to the opposing team. This is usually called" incorrect, disposal ,"," dropping the ball" or" throwing ". If the ball is not in the possession
  26. Countries, more than half is shipped for recovery and the remainder for final, disposal , Increased trade in recyclable materials has led to an increase in a market for
  27. May be inadvertently used in commercial and domestic fires. Protocols for safe, disposal ,of CCA lumber do not exist evenly throughout the world; there is also concern
  28. Of operations which are understood as disposal or recovery. The examples of, disposal ,are broad and include also recovery, recycling. Annex II lists other wastes
  29. On a campaign in the southern colonies. With fewer regular troops at their, disposal , the British commanders saw the" southern strategy" as a more viable plan, as
  30. Nicknamed the" Birdseed House ". Financial performance * Restated for the, disposal ,of the regional business of BA Connect. Operations British Airways holds a
  31. Mostly 241Am and 243Am. Their prolonged radioactivity is undesirable for the, disposal , and therefore americium, together with other long-lived actinides, have to be
  32. Latter has a long half-life, of 351 years, and is therefore undesirable in the, disposal ,products. Synthesis and extraction Preparation of isotopes Berkelium is
  33. And others, as they encountered them. The instrumental forces at their, disposal ,were also quite" Classical" in number and variety, permitting similarity with
  34. Army in Syria. Abu Obadiah got the letter of his appointment and Khalid's, disposal ,during the siege, but he delayed the announcement until the city was conquered.
  35. He was unquestionably a charismatic leader and seasoned warrior who had at his, disposal ,a trained, mobile force of 4,000 loyal cavalrymen; or" pearl of pearls" ).
  36. Which led to the creation of the Basel Convention was the Khan Sea waste, disposal ,incident, in which a ship carrying incinerator ash from the city of
  37. Enters landfills from discarded smoke detectors. The rules associated with the, disposal ,of smoke detectors are relaxed in most jurisdictions. In the U. S., the "
  38. Committee of the state legislature to get simple local policies such as waste, disposal ,to land use zoning. Alabama is an alcoholic beverage control state; the
  39. And even composting toilets that completely eliminate water usage in sewage, disposal , The classic solution with minimal life-style changes is using a well. Once
  40. Times of thousands of years and need to be removed to neutralize the fuel for, disposal , The associated procedure involves several steps, where curium is first
  41. Supplied and the correctness of weights and measures; the purchase of corn for, disposal ,at a low price in case of necessity. (3) Care of the games: superintendence
  42. And should be lightly acidified but not concentrated (<6 % w/v) before, disposal ,once the test is completed. Laboratory use of anhydrous ammonia (gas or liquid
  43. The berkelium isotopes,berkelium-249. During the storage and before the fuel, disposal , most of it breaks down to californium-249. The latter has a long half-life, of
  44. Supply networks, sewers,street lighting, municipal solid waste management and, disposal , storage depots for various bulk materials used for maintenance and public
  45. The role. Brian James played Leon Kowalski, a replica masquerading as a waste, disposal ,engineer; he shoots a Blade Runner to escape, establishing the physical threat
  46. Refers to annex IV, which gives a list of operations which are understood as, disposal ,or recovery. The examples of disposal are broad and include also recovery
  47. Fabricated out of beryllium are used by naval or military explosive ordnance, disposal ,teams for work on or near naval mines, since these mines commonly have magnetic
  48. In Belgium are exercised by municipalities or provinces (fire brigade, waste, disposal , ). The by-laws enacted by it do not have the status of a legislative act. * A
  49. BA's Boeing 757s have now been withdrawn from service and are awaiting, disposal , The British Airways fleet includes the following aircraft in May 2011: In July
  50. For the receipt of petitioners and the dispensation of justice; and in the, disposal ,of business he was indefatigable. He succeeded in imposing an organized

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