Examples of the the word, bombing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bombing ), is the 3940 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Independence from the United Kingdom. *1973 – Vietnam War: The United States, bombing ,of Cambodia ends. *1974 – Yuk Byung-soo, First Lady of South Korea, is killed
  2. Nosier was eventually convicted in connection to the 1993 World Trade Center, bombing , and for the murder of Rabbi Meir Khan on November 5,1990. In 1991,Ali
  3. EMB-312 Techno for training role, Czech-made L-39 for training and, bombing ,role, Czech Lin for training role and a variety of western made aircraft such
  4. From fighting armies to killing civilians. Two people were killed in the, bombing , an Australian tourist and a Yemeni hotel worker. Seven others, mostly Yemenis
  5. Japan) *1986 – The United States launches Operation El Dorado Canyon, its, bombing , raids against Libyan targets in response to a bombing in West Germany that
  6. Baseball, beating the Chicago White Sox 1-0. *1944 – Allied forces started, bombing ,of Belgrade, killing about 1,100 people. This bombing fell on the Orthodox
  7. Of terrorist attacks. In 2003,the Névé Shalom Synagogue was targeted in a car, bombing , killing 21 Turkish Muslims and 6 Jews. In June 2011,the Economist suggested
  8. In Berlin, to make way for non-Jewish tenants displaced by redevelopment or, bombing , Speer was aware of these activities, and inquired as to their progress. At
  9. Resistance by any means during the Mongol invasions. 1993 World Trade Center, bombing ,In 1993,Ramzi Yousef used a truck bomb to attack the World Trade Center in New
  10. To disband al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, the US and British air forces began, bombing ,al-Qaeda and Taliban targets inside Afghanistan during Operation Enduring
  11. Power blackout in the northeast United States and Canada. *2006 – Chencholai, bombing ,in which 61 Tamil girls are killed in Sri Lankan Air force bombing . *2007 – The
  12. Ali as Prime Minister. *1944 – Navigation errors lead to an accidental American, bombing ,of the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. *1945 – World War II: Operation Iceberg –
  13. Plants were retooled for military production, and were a target for allied, bombing ,during the war, leaving them damaged. Overrun by the Soviet Army in 1945,on
  14. That killed two U. S. servicemen, U. S. president Ronald Reagan orders major, bombing ,raids against Libya, killing 60 people. * 1986 – hailstones fall on the
  15. Chencholai bombing in which 61 Tamil girls are killed in Sri Lankan Air force, bombing , *2007 – The 2007 Kshatriya bombing s kills at least 796 people. *2010 – The
  16. Air al-Hakim, the Shia Muslim leader in Iraq, is assassinated in a terrorist, bombing , along with nearly 100 worshipers as they leave a mosque in Naval. *2005 –
  17. From the U. S. and British governments. They started mass production after the, bombing ,of Pearl Harbor. When D-Day arrived, they had made enough penicillin to treat
  18. S war production continued to increase despite massive and devastating Allied, bombing , After the war, he was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to 20 years in prison
  19. To perform a terrorist act against the US on a scale larger than the 1998, bombing , of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. " And Massoud's September 9,2001
  20. Of Pearl Harbor and Japan's atrocities in China ... If Clark can apologize for, bombing ,Nagasaki, why can't Granny apologize for the raid on Pearl Harbor? " A number
  21. 1909) *1945 – Minor NASA, Japanese actress, survivor of the Hiroshima atomic, bombing , died of radiation poisoning (b. 1909) *1946 – James Clark Reynolds, U. S.
  22. Killed in Baghdad's Shiite district of Sadr City, and the second Alaska, bombing ,in 2007,they provoked Shiite militias to unleash a wave of retaliatory attacks
  23. Allied forces started bombing of Belgrade, killing about 1,100 people. This, bombing ,fell on the Orthodox Christian Easter. *1945 – The Red Army begins the final
  24. Most likely kill prisoners without disrupting the killing operation, and that, bombing ,the railway lines was not technically feasible. The debate over what could have
  25. Honolulu, killing one teenager and injuring 15 passengers. *1984 –" We begin, bombing ,in five minutes" - United States President Ronald Reagan, while running for
  26. Day of Ahura and Barbara and Naval bombing s, the 2006 first Alaska Mosque, bombing ,in Samara, the deadly single-day series of bombing s in which at least 215
  27. Adapted from a Kyoto Murat novel, but the film's references to the Nagasaki, bombing ,came from the director rather than from the book. This was his only movie to
  28. El Dorado Canyon, its bombing raids against Libyan targets in response to a, bombing ,in West Germany that killed two U. S. servicemen. *1989 – Hillsborough disaster
  29. Ford and Reagan and at tribute concerts for events such as the Oklahoma City, bombing ,and 9/11. Three different renditions of the song have entered the Hot Country
  30. Monochromatic oils, to depict the harrowing consequences of a contemporary, bombing ,of a small, ancient Basque town. Leon Golub's Interrogation III (1981)
  31. Winston Churchill ordered that such a plan be prepared, but he was told that, bombing ,the camp would most likely kill prisoners without disrupting the killing
  32. They made would be established over the next decade and used in the USS Cole, bombing , Concerns grow over Al-Qaeda is group in Yemen. In Iraq, al-Qaeda forces
  33. Dodeskaden over twenty years before—which explored the scars of the nuclear, bombing ,which destroyed Nagasaki at the very end of World War II. It was adapted from a
  34. And industry had become commonplace. However, the Allies in their strategic, bombing ,campaign did not concentrate on industry, and Speer, with his improvisational
  35. High-profile religious targets. With attacks such as the 2003 Imam Ali Mosque, bombing , the 2004 Day of Ahura and Barbara and Naval bombing s, the 2006 first
  36. Non-stop circumnavigation of the world. *1972 – Vietnam War: Increased American, bombing ,in Vietnam prompts anti-war protests in Los Angeles, New York City, and San
  37. Activities Africa Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa has included a number of, bombing ,attacks in North Africa, as well as supporting parties in civil wars in Eritrea
  38. Of 680,000 barrels per day, was badly damaged or destroyed by the siege and by, bombing , Previous to the war, the city's civilian population was about 300,000,but
  39. In May 2010,Faisal Shaheed, who pleaded guilty to the 2010 Times Square car, bombing ,attempt, told interrogators he was" inspired by" al-Awlaki, and sources said
  40. Rajah and Prime Minister Mohammad-Javad Baloney of Iran are assassinated in a, bombing ,committed by the People's Mujaheddin of Iran. *1995 – NATO launches Operation
  41. Leads to the Tiananmen incident. *1986 – Three people are killed in the, bombing ,of the La Belle Discotheque in West Berlin, Germany. *1991 – An ASA EMB 120
  42. Signatories. *1999 – The Avila TV Tower near Belgrade is destroyed in the NATO, bombing ,of Yugoslavia. *2004 – Dick Cheney and George W. Bush testify before the 9/11
  43. Future. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for the 2009, bombing , attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The group
  44. Including murder, attempted murder, kidnapping,stalking, assault,arson, and, bombing , Anti-abortion violence has been classified by governmental and scholarly
  45. Completes its first test flight. *1986 – In retaliation for the April 5, bombing , in West Berlin that killed two U. S. servicemen, U. S. president Ronald Reagan
  46. In Japan (the only country ever to have been the victim of an atomic, bombing ,), and one particular incident in March had exposed a Japanese fishing boat to
  47. 2007 – Richard Jewell, central figure in the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park, bombing ,(b. 1962) * 2007 – Pierre Messier, French politician and Prime Minister (b.
  48. Relief effort, Operation Restore Hope. Internally, al-Qaeda considered the, bombing ,a victory that frightened the Americans away, but in the U. S. the attack was
  49. On industry, and Speer, with his improvisational skill, was able to overcome, bombing ,losses. In spite of these losses, German production of tanks more than doubled
  50. Resources on large-scale, propagandist strikes. In June 1996,the Hobart Towers, bombing ,took place in Hobart, Saudi Arabia, attributed by some to al-Qaeda, killing 19

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