Examples of the the word, sic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sic ), is the 7975 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. First by Goebbels, then by Montgomery, and finally, after he was poisoned (, sic ,), by all former enemy powers, he has become a symbol of the best military
  2. Page du Pratt recounted that" ... when I asked them from whence the Chateau, sic ,came, to express the suddenness of their appearance they replied that they had
  3. At the Cairo University stated that:" The Zionists kidnap several non-Muslims, sic ,– Christians and others ... this happened in a Jewish neighborhood in Damascus.
  4. The newspaper continued" On the bone being shown to an intelligent black (, sic ,), he at once recognized it as belonging to the bun yip, which he declared he
  5. College Australia in Victoria Square and the Entertainment Technology Center (, sic ,) in Light Square. Canfield University followed suit in 2007 and established a
  6. As Essendon" A" (" A" for association). Known as the" Dreadnoughts ", sic , the team continued to play at the Essendon Cricket Ground until the expansion
  7. Was when he objected to H. R. Giger's painting on the" Frankenchrist" (, sic ,) poster, saying he couldn't bear to show it to his parents. I'd sure love to
  8. Inheritance from ancestors in a distant region, transmission from one race, sic ,to another. " Taylor formulated one of the early and influential anthropological
  9. As a cherry, some perfectly round, others oval, all of them hollow with sower (, sic ,) astringent taste; they are ripe in August and September. They are excellent
  10. Dice. It is derived from grand hazard, and both can be considered a variant of, sic ,Beau, a popular casino game, although chuck-a-luck is more of a carnival game
  11. Several of those involved in the conspiracy: Gatsby, Rookwood, Keyes, Wynter, sic , John and Christopher Wright, and Grant. " Johnson" meanwhile persisted with
  12. Kung-ho, on the other hand, tends to be pronounced (the OED gives" Guangzhou ", sic ,). For the same reason, Kung-fu (Pinyin gong 功夫" ability ", meaning "
  13. There has never been a time when there has been no person in Cornwall without, sic ,a knowledge of the Cornish language. " The number of Cornish speakers is
  14. Of location of the 38 Motorized Rifle Brigade in a basement 18 armed SS-men (, sic ,) were found, who refused to surrender, the Germans found were destroyed. They
  15. Fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire," The complexity of characters such as Daenerys, sic , Arya and the King slayer will keep readers turning even the vast number of
  16. The Vocals are elected also by a merits contest, and it shall be formed by, sic ,experts in law and 3 experts in management, economics and other related areas.
  17. In 1660,he first published it in anagram form, ceiiinosssttuv, for UT tension, sic ,is (Latin: as the tension, so the force). In a related use, from 1975
  18. Writing in Latin, in the first century AD. Pliny also gives the names time, sic , barbaric, alabaster,and the" very common" platyophthalmos," wide-eye" (
  19. Informs him that Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from" that book suppository, sic ,building, Sir! ". He does not appear in Vietnam. Production Development Stanley
  20. Fusion cell consists of two electrodes submerged in a solution of palladium, sic ,and heavy water. The electrodes are then connected to a power source to
  21. James wrote:" The gentler tor tours tortures are to be first used unto him, et, sic ,per grades ad IMA editor and thus by steps extended to greater ones, and so
  22. It, but that here, not in the words of course, but in words as crossings-outs, sic , in their lattice, what is said is" the meaning of being ". A pedagogy that
  23. In an" aqueous extract" of leaves of a plant they name Estonia ammonium (, sic ,) and describe as" commonly mixed" with B. carpi. The lack of a proper
  24. Elements, but human beings are not totally deprived of the ability to make, sic ,sense out of it. " John Pilling, biographer of Beckett, does state that Candide
  25. Lifetime, but in 1705 his executor provided it as Ut pendent continuum flexible, sic ,stab it continuum rigidum inverse, meaning " As hangs a flexible cable so
  26. Each other in the eyes and say they really cared personally for Gary Coleman, sic ,", turned out to be superseded by a later one replacing Mail with Gray, and
  27. For proselyting reasons to offer sexual contacts and services to perspective, sic ,members, the more so when the latter were potentially good financial
  28. National Comics seemed to be selling better than most. It was a book called The, sic ,Justice League of America, and it was composed of a team of superheroes. ... 'If
  29. Bagel in residence, it became a year-round hive of charismatic avante-gardism, sic ," on two occasions combining electronically generated sounds with relatively
  30. And Principle 21 of the Stockholm Declaration ('good neighborliness' or, sic ,star). Judicial decisions International environmental law also includes the
  31. Less regard to pitch or rhythm, and influenced by John Cage’s aleatory mu sic , sic ,concept. Popularization: 1970s to early 1980s Synthesizers Released in 1970 by
  32. water’d'ye see. Same with cocked hats; the cocks form gable-end eave-troughs, sic , Flask. " * Flush: Toilet, used primarily by older speakers throughout the
  33. Institution it was up to the people of Tibet to decide whether (, sic ,) the Dalai Lama should reincarnate. " The government of the People's Republic
  34. Recorded until the late 18th century. George Borrow asserted the word element, sic ,is synonymous with" gypsy ". Bias Infant, in his book Origins de lo flamenco
  35. A dense forestland, used only as a hunting ground. The" Borough of Columbus ", sic ,was officially established on February 10, 1816. Nine people were elected to
  36. When Dr. Serial demonstrates the Oxygen Destroyer to his fiancée, Emiko, sic , the super weapon is somewhat anticlimactic. He drops a pill into a tank of
  37. The use of the rack:" the gentler Tortures are to be first used unto hi met, sic ,per grades ad IMA editor and so by degrees proceeding to the worst ". Fawkes
  38. The existence of related events, for example the so-called Oktoberfest's (, sic ,) or" Fiestas de la Served" in locations that have a significant German
  39. The possible wagers are usually fewer than the wagers that are possible in, sic ,Beau and, in that sense, chuck-a-luck can be considered to be a simpler game. The
  40. The fervor of hoof diseases. The Indians and English use them mush, boyling (, sic ,) them with sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a delicate sauce
  41. Allied control. " Rommel inquired if anything was needed, promised the British, sic ,medical supplies and drove off unhindered. " Eventually, Rommel did supply the
  42. S transcendence to the spiritual and universal reality was the fundamentals, sic ,of the paradigm that he demonstrated. " The character for I is used in
  43. In 1978. In this edition of the game, the game world is" Golgotha" (, sic ,). Several later editions were made; Request II in 1979 introduced many
  44. The pack" with" a captivating story that doesn't take itself too serious, sic ," and" one of the best video game soundtracks ever produced ". Overall, critics
  45. The title being increased to an Earldom in 1784; and in 1876 William Neill, sic ,5th Earl (b. 1826),(d.1915) an indefatigable and powerful supporter of the
  46. Spoken Latin. Examples are CIL IV,7838: Pentium Fir mum / edited quactiliarii, sic ,Rogan. Here," EU" is pronounced" co. " The 83 pieces of graffiti found at
  47. In regard to sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and" life hygiene" (, sic ,). The institute also conceived the" scholar book" (" live Claire" )
  48. As: * Selection of Space Cabin Atmospheres. Part II: Fire and Blast Hazards, sic ,in Space Cabins. (Emanuel M. Roth; Dept of Aeronautics Medicine and
  49. They had plenty of archers and crossbowmen, but nobody wanted to let them fire, sic , The reason for this was that the site was so narrow that there was only enough
  50. For North Carolina," Thatch" was described as operating" a sloop 6 guns, sic ,and about 70 men ". In September Teach and Marigold encountered Steve Bonnet.

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