Examples of the the word, sodium , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sodium ), is the 7130 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sodium was first produced commercially in 1855 by thermal reduction of, sodium ,carbonate with carbon at 1100 °C, in what is known as the Seville process.:
- Light. During the Vietnam War the United States used Agent Blue, a mixture of, sodium ,acetylate and its acid form, as one of the rainbow herbicides to deprive the
- 2 Na → 2 CH3-CH2-O−+ + H2↑ Water is similar in PKA to many alcohols, so with, sodium ,hydroxide there is an equilibrium set-up, which usually lies to the left:: R-OH
- By a synthetic substance. Cryolite is a chemical compound of aluminum and, sodium ,was the predominant refining technology. ) The electrolytic process replaced
- Is most stable, especially in solutions. Reduction of Am (III) compounds with, sodium ,amalgam yields Am (II) salts – the black halves AmCl2,AmBr2 and AmI2. They
- Silver (I) oxide in perchloric acid, or with ozone or sodium per sulfate in, sodium ,carbonate solutions. The pentavalent oxidation state of americium was first
- At least an hour after brushing with toothpaste when the toothpaste contains, sodium ,Laurel sulfate, since the anionic compounds in the SLS toothpaste can
- Neutralizing a weak acid with a strong base gives a weakly basic salt, e. g., sodium ,fluoride from hydrogen fluoride and sodium hydroxide. Weak acid/weak base
- Either with a strong base such as sodium hydride or n-butyllithium or with, sodium ,or potassium metal.: 2 R-OH + 2 Nah → 2 R-O-Na+ + 2H2↑: 2 R-OH + 2 Na → 2
- Hope process. The process involves the electrolysis of molten aluminum with a, sodium , barium and aluminum fluoride electrolyte. The resulting aluminum has a
- And the Nozaki-Hiyama reaction. Reduction Aldehydes or ketones are reduced with, sodium ,borohydride or lithium aluminum hydride (after an acidic workup). Another
- To the precedent set in other newly discovered elements of the time: potassium, sodium , magnesium, calcium,and strontium (all of which Davy isolated himself).
- Sabine can also be produced by treating salts with hydride reagents such as, sodium ,borohydride. Sabine decomposes spontaneously at room temperature. Because
- To react with strong bases such as sodium hydride or reactive metals such as, sodium , The salts that result are called oxides, with the general formula RO- M+.
- While analyzing petalite ore. This element formed compounds similar to those of, sodium ,and potassium, though its carbonate and hydroxide were less soluble in water
- Acids than water, but they are still able to react with strong bases such as, sodium ,hydride or reactive metals such as sodium . The salts that result are called
- Curium can be achieved by treating a slurry of their hydroxides in aqueous, sodium ,bicarbonate with ozone, at elevated temperatures. Both Am and Cm are mostly
- Ingredients also include water, sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucralose, sodium ,saccharin, and Capitol (which doubles as a bacterial inhibitor). Sometimes a
- And neutralized base; for example, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide form, sodium ,chloride and water:: :HCl (a) + NaOH (a) → H2O (l) + NaCl (a)
- Lower the melting point below 700 °C. As calcium is less electromotive than, sodium , no calcium will be formed at the anode. This method is less expensive than the
- From human industrial activities. Improper irrigation of farm land can wick the, sodium , calcium, and magnesium from the soil and water to the surface. This process
- The compound resorcinol, hydrogenated with Reyna nickel in presence of aqueous, sodium ,hydroxide forms an enolate which is alkylated with methyl iodide to
- On the issue. Commercial mouthwashes usually contain a preservative such as, sodium ,benzoate to preserve freshness once the container has been opened. Many newer
- Gives a weakly basic salt,e.g. sodium fluoride from hydrogen fluoride and, sodium ,hydroxide. Weak acid/weak base equilibrium In order to lose a proton, it is
- Disagree with this hypothesis; in fact, many of the popular mouthwashes contain, sodium ,Laurel sulfate as an ingredient (e.g., Listerine Total Care). Active
- Salts can be estimated quantitatively by distillation of the salts with, sodium ,or potassium hydroxide, the ammonia evolved being absorbed in a known volume of
- Be observed. Ammonia may be conveniently deodorized by reacting it with either, sodium ,bicarbonate or acetic acid. Both of these reactions form an odorless ammonium
- Method is less expensive than the previous Caster process of electrolyzing, sodium ,hydroxide. Very pure sodium can be isolated by the thermal decomposition of
- As tasting sour, reacting with metals such as calcium, and bases like, sodium ,carbonate. Aqueous acids have a pH of less than 7,where an acid of lower pH is
- Found in many minerals, of which the most common is ordinary salt (, sodium ,chloride),which occurs in vast quantities dissolved in seawater, as well as
- In the first trap, a small cloud of positrons is captured from radioactive, sodium ,in a Surko-style positron accumulator. This cloud is then recaptured in a
- Formation of magnesium nitride Mg3N2,and when the gas is passed over heated, sodium ,or potassium, sodamide,NaNH2,and potassamide,KNH2,are formed. Where
- Then the previous Caster process of electrolyzing sodium hydroxide. Very pure, sodium ,can be isolated by the thermal decomposition of sodium aside. Potassium Pure
- By electrolysis. Later in the same year, Davy reported extraction of the metal, sodium ,from a mineral derivative (caustic soda, NaOH,or lye),not a plant salt, by
- Base, producing a salt and neutralized base; for example, hydrochloric acid and, sodium ,hydroxide form sodium chloride and water:: :HCl (a) + NaOH (a) → H2O (l
- Hydroxide. Very pure sodium can be isolated by the thermal decomposition of, sodium ,aside. Potassium Pure potassium metal may be isolated by electrolysis of its
- That are one-electron short of a full shell, such as occurs in the compound, sodium ,chloride and other chemical ionic salts. However, many elements display
- To influence the excitability of the neuron. The density of voltage-gated, sodium ,channels is much higher here than is found in the adjacent cell body, excepting
- Nitric acid, with silver (I) oxide in perchloric acid, or with ozone or, sodium ,per sulfate in sodium carbonate solutions. The pentavalent oxidation state of
- Production of applications that exploit its inertness, e. g., in high pressure, sodium ,lamps. Sulfates Several sulfates of aluminum find applications. Aluminum
- To produce an oxide salt is performed either with a strong base such as, sodium ,hydride or n-butyllithium or with sodium or potassium metal.: 2 R-OH + 2 Nah →
- Fuels and termite. * Aluminum can be reacted with hydrochloric acid or with, sodium ,hydroxide to produce hydrogen gas. * A variety of countries, including France
- Record cold temperature of 450 ±80 pk in a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) of, sodium ,atoms was achieved in 2003 by researchers at MIT. It's noteworthy that this
- Mineral, as opposed to potassium, which had been discovered in plant ashes, and, sodium , which was known partly for its high abundance in animal blood. He named the
- Most electronegative elements on the periodic table, like cesium fluoride and, sodium ,chloride. Physics Potassium and rubidium are naturally weakly radioactive as
- Blood. He named the metal inside the material as" lithium ". Sodium Although, sodium ,(sometimes called" soda" in English) has long been recognized in compounds
- Increase, with the notable exception that potassium is less dense than, sodium , and the possible exception to francium, whose physical properties have not
- His improvements in a book in 1859,chief among these being the substitution of, sodium ,for the considerably more expensive potassium. Seville likely also conceived
- l) + 2 C (s) → 2 Na (g) + 3 CO (g) A process based on the reduction of, sodium ,hydroxide was developed in 1886. This is done in a Downs Cell in which the NaCl
- Group within the main-group series. The alkali metals include lithium (Li), sodium , ( Na),potassium (K),rubidium (Rb),cesium (Cs) and francium (Fr).
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