Examples of the the word, dome , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dome ), is the 7131 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But have worn their white uniforms at home a few times since switching to the, dome , It was announced at the 2009 state of the franchise meeting that the Falcons
  2. In the concrete footing and then bent inward and welded in place to create the, dome ,'s wire form structure and performed satisfactorily. Domes up to three stories
  3. T-Suidhe forms part of the Outer Granite, which is redder. The summit, dome ,itself, together with the steep northern cliffs, are composed of despite and
  4. The resulting fire rapidly increased pressure beyond its limit and the tank, dome ,failed, filling the fuel cell bay (Sector 4) with rapidly expanding gaseous
  5. Vermont, where he frequently lectured. In 1949,he erected his first geodesic, dome ,building that could sustain its own weight with no practical limits. It was 4.3
  6. Economic" dome d living structures. Major design projects The geodesic, dome ,Fuller was most famous for his lattice shell structures - geodesic dome s, which
  7. Massive concrete bowl (the Chamber of Deputies),which is joined to the, dome ,by an underlying, flat-roofed building. A series of low-lying annexes (largely
  8. A project that would make him famous: the geodesic dome . Although the geodesic, dome ,had been created some 30 years earlier by Dr. Walther Bakersfield, Fuller was
  9. To either mount the cymbal on a stand or straps (for hand playing). The bell, dome , or cup is the raised section immediately surrounding the hole. The bell
  10. Floats on air due to the hot-air balloon effect of the large air-mass under the, dome ,(and perhaps its construction of lightweight materials). Transportation In
  11. The Round Reading Room 1854–1857; at in diameter it was then the second widest, dome ,in the world, the Pantheon in Rome being slightly wider. The next major
  12. Heat driven vortex that sucks cooler overhead air downward into a dome if the, dome ,is vented properly (a single overhead vent, and peripheral vents). Some
  13. Received a direct hit from a high explosive bomb, incendiaries fell on the, dome ,of the Round Reading Room but did little damage; on the night of 10 to 11 May
  14. And Slav armies leave the siege of Constantinople. *1420 – Construction of the, dome ,of Santa Maria del Fiore begins in Florence. *1427 – The Viscount of Milan's
  15. Stockholm, Sweden,85.3-meter (280 ft) high. * The world's the largest aluminum, dome ,formerly housed the“ Spruce Goose” airplane in Long Beach Harbor, California
  16. Closest packing of spheres),making them lightweight and stable. The geodesic, dome ,was a result of Fuller's exploration of nature's constructing principles to
  17. A riverside entertainment district, and a major Titanic-themed museum. The, dome ,is 173 ft (53 m) high and figures above the door state" Hibernia encouraging
  18. Effect. " Many installations have reported that a reflective or light colored, dome ,induces a local vertical heat driven vortex that sucks cooler overhead air
  19. Of five parts: twin administrative towers flanked by a large, white concrete, dome ,(the meeting place of the Senate) and by an equally massive concrete bowl (
  20. Work, in 1675,may have been epitaphs of the Dukes Labor and Mes twin in the, dome ,of Helpline monastery. Schlüter's first known work was the decoration of the
  21. A warehouse,13,600-ton bulk fertilizer warehouse, a 3,400-ton bulk fertilizer, dome ,structure and a 5,000-ton dome which was added in January 2005. The petroleum
  22. St Sophia. This was the great cathedral of the Orthodox Church, whose, dome , was said to be held aloft by God alone, and which was directly connected to the
  23. Warehouse, a 3,400-ton bulk fertilizer dome structure and a 5,000-ton, dome , which was added in January 2005. The petroleum off-loading facility includes
  24. Şadırvan) where worshipers can perform ritual ablutions before prayer; the, dome ,over the Adrian is capped by a skylight which creates a soft, serene light
  25. Mainly architectural designs, the best known of which is the geodesic, dome , Carbon molecules known as fullerenes were later named by scientists for their
  26. Of a mile long and two hundred feet at most, wide,slides under a, dome ,of fifteen high. Owes its name to the endless echoes repeats. Its waters are
  27. Vertical heat driven vortex that sucks cooler overhead air downward into a, dome ,if the dome is vented properly (a single overhead vent, and peripheral vents)
  28. People for here. A 14th century Jordanian mosque stands here with its white, dome ,visible from most areas in and around Petra. Genetics Recently, the tradition
  29. Narthex. In front of the church stands a marble fountain (F),covered by a, dome ,supported on columns. Opening from the western side of the cloister, but
  30. Of Frederick V. It has Amalienborg Palace at its center and is dominated by the, dome ,of the Marble Church and several elegant 18th century mansions. The old inner
  31. Most of the time because of the heat. When the Falcons started playing in a, dome , the team switched to their dark uniforms for home games but have worn their
  32. Peaks of the Karenina Range are hardly more than half the height of the great, dome ,of the Troops massif, Mount Olympus (), but their seemingly inaccessible
  33. Aqueducts and bridges have masonry cladding on a concrete core, as does the, dome ,of the Pantheon. Some have stated that the secret of concrete was lost for 13
  34. Garden hotels – Wardrobe – Gargoyle – Gasometer – GATE PAC – Gazebo – Geodesic, dome ,– Geodesic structures – George Wight wick – Gloria – Girder – Glass House –
  35. Massive spiral stairs, wooden mezzanine constructions, pendentives and the, dome , During the construction of the tower, the façade was simultaneously decorated
  36. Remodeled by British architect Norman Foster in the 1990s and features a glass, dome ,over the session area, which allows free public access to the parliamentary
  37. And developed during the mid-1940s,this prototype is a round structure (not a, dome ,), shaped something like the flattened" bell" of certain jellyfish. It has
  38. A shopping center in downtown Ankara, Turkey,109.7-meter (360 ft) tall * The, dome ,enclosing a civic center in Stockholm, Sweden,85.3-meter (280 ft) high. *
  39. Reported a temperature differential as high as () between the inside of the, dome ,and the outside. Buck minster Fuller discovered this effect with a simple house
  40. Was being used as a building material as far away as Sydney, Australia in the, dome ,of the Chief Secretary's Building. Many navies have used an aluminum
  41. There for some years),Lomond Galleries, a former factory with an impressive, dome ,and an even more impressive marble entrance hall and staircase. It was
  42. R. Buck minster Fuller on the 50th anniversary of his patent for the geodesic, dome ,and by the occasion of his 109th birthday. Fuller was the subject of two
  43. Science World),that was originally the Expo Center built for Expo 86. * The, dome ,over a shopping center in downtown Ankara, Turkey,109.7-meter (360 ft) tall
  44. He began reinventing a project that would make him famous: the geodesic, dome , Although the geodesic dome had been created some 30 years earlier by Dr.
  45. Carbon atoms, very closely resembles a spherical version of Fuller's geodesic, dome , The 1996 Nobel Prize in chemistry was given to Kyoto, Curl,and Smaller for
  46. Hugo Award-winning novel Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner, in which a geodesic, dome ,is said to cover the entire island of Manhattan, and it floats on air due to
  47. Dipping Cretaceous strata, part of the northern limb of the Wealden-Boulonnais, dome , Characteristics include: * Continuous chalk on the cliffs on either side of
  48. Smooth, and cooler than the ground, it can be passively cooled by the ", dome ,effect. " Many installations have reported that a reflective or light colored
  49. Is located in the center of the city. It has a square base, topped with a, dome , Near the mosque is a minaret,40 m high. Today, the mosque's rooms house
  50. Of the caliph and his family. In the central part of the building was a green, dome ,that was 39 m high. Surrounding the palace was an esplanade, a waterside

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