Examples of the the word, protestant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( protestant ), is the 6010 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And famous throughout Germany and the neighboring countries. Especially, protestant ,Dutch students liked to study in Stanford. The professors built
- Half of the population are Roman Catholics, while about a quarter adhere to the, protestant ,churches introduced during the colonial period: the Congregationalists mainly
- Places of interest: in the center of the circular layout of the old city. The, protestant ,church is the oldest in the town. Its tower dates from the 11th century, while
- French hegemony in Europe and thus preserved the British constitution and the, protestant ,monarchy; second he was instrumental in planning the military and diplomatic
- Settlements. To guard against Mi'KMA, Acadian and French attacks on the new, protestant ,settlements, British fortifications were erected in Halifax (1749),Dartmouth
- Presbyterians). Among the Paleo-orthodoxy and emerging church movements in, protestant ,and evangelical churches, which includes many Presbyterians, clergy are moving
- Prize winner, known as Nobel Prize of agriculture * EFA Mideast - evangelical/, protestant ,Gospel singer * Males Buddha - Ethiopian Full Gospel church (Aka) singer
- Sacks it, massacring over 20,000 inhabitants. Shocked by the massacre, many, protestant , states in the Holy Roman Empire decide to ally with Gustav Adolf of Sweden and
- And The Republic had many things in common: they were both republican and, protestant , When after the death of Frederick Henry his son stadtholder William II of
- De Rohan (Paris,1667); Schybergson, Le Due de Rohan et la charge Du part, protestant ,en France (Paris,1880); Behring, Venedig, Gustaf Adolf, und Rohan (Halle
- I and World War II) combined. Reformation Marburg is the seat of the oldest, protestant ,founded university in the world, the University of Marburg (
- Christians from Rome's dictates against usury. In the late 18th century, protestant ,merchant families began to move into banking, especially in trading countries
- Onwards. Soul sleep has been called a" major current of seventeenth century, protestant ,ideology. " John Milton wrote in his unpublished De Doctrine Christiana
- The center of the Netherlands. It is known for its poultry industry and large, protestant ,community. The population of the municipality was 52.629 in June 2010,the town
- Religious services, often called" protestant " Sunday services, so minority, protestant ,denominations are not left out or unnerved. William Edward Bernhardt Du Boys (;
- Change any laws, change the country's religion to anything other than, protestant ,or make any important decisions. These rules of monarchy are still present
- Of Sweden upon his death at the Battle of Luther. Being the daughter of a, protestant ,champion in the Thirty Years' War, she caused a scandal when she abdicated her
- The city, the Stiftskirche was one of the first to convert to Martin Luther's, protestant ,church. As such, it maintains (and carefully defends) several" Roman
- And became older it kept its Christian roots but became more of the orthodox, protestant ,denominations, such as Lutheran, Methodist,and Presbyterian. There are several
- Medieval collections of wooden sculptures that survived the iconoclasm of the, protestant ,reformation in the Netherlands. The church itself was originally built in the
- Act of the sheriff than by the choice of the freeholders, and he was one of the, protestant ,majority who made Sir John Davies speaker. In the following year he had a grant
- And protected by several ships of the British Navy and by 160 Regular soldiers, protestant ,settlers established the village. The original inhabitants of Luxembourg (
- 1800,the Church of England and Church of Ireland were united into" one, protestant ,episcopal church, to be called, the united church of England and Ireland ".
- They had built was used by a black congregation after the war. Several white, protestant ,denominations organized congregations and built churches in the 1870s.
- Richard Grafton, MP for Coventry, elected 1562-63. Grafton was an ardent, protestant ,and sanitized the earlier story. In his version Godiva summoned the officials of
- Current. However, in the 1950s and 1960s it became more social democratic than, protestant , and while the acronym PRO was kept, its meaning was dropped. It was the first
- Tobacco factories and the brewery“ Rollick” became famous. The mostly, protestant ,population grew remarkably. An almost forgotten fact is that the first line of
- Yet even more than this,Bacon's views of God are in accordance with popular, protestant ,theology, as he writes that“ They that deny a God destroy man's nobility; for
- To the ground in 1852 File: Boreholes_Kyra. JPG|The Church of Mustasaari (, protestant ,), in Van ha Vaisey A birthday attack is a type of cryptographic attack that
- Legend ". Simultaneously they reproached his religious sham (he wrote as, protestant ,for the catholic Deutsche Hausschatz and several Marian calendars)
- An Edict of Toleration. However, in 1698 Louis XIV forced him to expel all, protestant ,immigrants from Savoy in accordance with a treaty of 1696. Internal reforms
- The SGP and the CU worked together closely as they were both based on, protestant ,Christian politics. Recently however, as the CU moved more towards the left
- All impediments to the triumph of the ideology of the men of property - the, protestant ,ethic. There was, however,another revolution which never happened, though from
- By Captain Jenkins. At Genoa, Jenkin attended the University, being its first, protestant ,student. Padre Bangalore, the professor of natural philosophy, lectured on
- Course between the two factions. As part of that middle course, it yielded to, protestant ,demands by approving in March 1533 the publication of the Bible in French, but
- Culturally, Cabarrus County residents are historically Christian of low-church, protestant ,traditions, especially Southern Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist. A small
- Of Korean Buddhism. Antagonism with Korean Protestantism Fundamentalist, protestant ,antagonism against Buddhism is perceived to have increased in recent years.
- Cast ells' Information Age. As an alternative to the industrial-capitalist, protestant ,work ethic he proposes a hacker ethic as something like a cyber
- Tilly besieged and captured Under 30 May 1626,whereupon local and refugee, protestant ,ministers were thrown into the Terra river, but could not lay a siege to Kassel
- The University of Helmeted was founded, which was the largest university of, protestant ,Germany. The Duchy of Brunswick (deriving from Brunswick-Lüneburg) created
- Will routinely hold multi-denominational religious services, often called ", protestant ," Sunday services, so minority protestant denominations are not left out or
- VIII in 1512,restored by the Catholic Queen Mary I and again abolished by, protestant ,Elizabeth I, though here and there it lingered on for some time longer. On the
- That being said, he is seen several times attending Reverend Lovejoy's, protestant ,church. Brockman's penchant for using offensive language works against him in
- Chaldean Catholic Church and Syriac Orthodox Church, and have a number of, protestant ,churches. Other religions, such as Yazidi, Yarsan and Andean religions also
- In exurban Columbus. *Wittenberg University and The College of Wooster, both, protestant , liberal arts school in the North Coast Athletic Conference. Both are
- S policies by which James designed to" endeavor to subvert and extirpate the, protestant ,religion, and the laws and liberties of this kingdom ". These were: * by
- Acadians),there were nine Natives and Acadian (Catholic) raids against the, protestant ,settlers on the Luxembourg Peninsula. The French, Acadians and natives were
- Bishop cost dearly in 1519-1523 when they engaged in a feud. Hildesheim became, protestant ,in 1542,and only the cathedral and a few other buildings remained in imperial
- An army of 13.000,king Gustav Adolf of Sweden enter the Thirty Years' War on, protestant ,side by making landfall at Peenemünde, Pomerania. * July 9 – Thirty Years' War
- Census were none (atheist, agnostic,and so on. ) with 1,388,300 (35.9 %);, protestant ,with 1,213,295 (31.4 %); the Roman Catholic Church with 675,320 (17 %); the
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