Examples of the the word, creationist , in a Sentence Context
The word ( creationist ), is the 8735 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the First World War the growth of fundamentalist Christianity gave rise to a, creationist ,opposition to such teaching. Legislation prohibiting the teaching of evolution
- Estimates of the age of the Universe and the age of the Earth, arguing for, creationist ,cosmologies with timescales much shorter than those determined by modern
- Scientific interpretation of Genesis. Judaic-Christian faith is radically, creationist , but in a totally different sense. It is rooted in a belief that everything
- For the not biology teachers). Portugal and Cyprus had 15 % to 30 % of, creationist ,teachers, with no significant difference between biologists, but a significant
- With those characterized as evangelical, conservative,or fundamentalist. While, creationist ,movements also exist in Islam and Judaism, these movements do not use the
- Their view or were" hidden" creationist s. Under his leadership, the first, creationist ,society was founded (" Wort UND Wis sen"—Word and Knowledge). Three book
- Nachmanides. Among other things, Schroeder attempts to reconcile a young Earth, creationist ,Biblical view with the scientific model of a world that is billions of years
- Know Nothing of Evolution. " At the end of the year Horst W. Beck became a, creationist , Both an engineer and theologian, he was a leading figure in the already
- Kim was inaugurated as president in March 1995. At Mongol University, creationist ,Dr. Wolfgang Lee is a biology professor. The Korea Advanced Institute of
- Of grandeur (Phantoms); and in his 2009 book Breathless the plot follows a, creationist ,logic of new species just appearing suddenly, positive characters discussing
- Their beliefs. Issues Creation science has its roots in the work of young-earth, creationist ,George McCready Price disputing modern science's account of natural history
- Of creationism. Various claims of creation scientists include such ideas as, creationist ,cosmologies which accommodate a universe on the order of thousands of years old
- Political party then in control of the country’s education ministry added, creationist ,explanations alongside the passages on evolution in the standard high school
- Specializing in isotope dating states: Rationales In the 1970s,young Earth, creationist ,Robert V. Gentry proposed that rationales in certain granite represented
- On the science television program Quantum. In 1989,Primer debated American, creationist ,Duane Gish. Switzerland In 2007 a survey found that 30 % of Swiss reject
- Of Life's Origin was first published. It was co-authored by chemist and, creationist ,Charles B. Taxon with Walter L. Bradley and Roger L. Olsen, the foreword
- Favour verifiable scientific explanations of natural phenomena over those of, creationist ,beliefs. Other scientists, such as Richard Dawkins, reject the non-overlapping
- Have begun to offer Creation Science courses. At Handing Global University, creationist ,Dr. Jong-il Kim was inaugurated as president in March 1995. At Mongol
- Between biologists and others). Romania and Burkina Faso had 45 % to 48 % of, creationist ,teachers in Romania and Burkina Faso, with no difference between biologists and
- Texts as a source of truth. Irrespective of this diversity in viewpoints, since, creationist , beliefs are not supported by empirical evidence, the scientific consensus is
- To have developed by natural, unguided processes. Kenyon later co-wrote with, creationist ,Percival Davis a book intended as a" scientific brief for creationism" to use
- Earth but also Mars and other planets. People who support this claim include, creationist ,astronomer Wayne Spencer and creationist cosmologist Russell Humphreys. An
- Publication by any peer-reviewed scientific journal, and to the fact that the, creationist ,scientists conducting them were untrained in experimental website, Original
- Countries. Lebanon, Senegal,Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria had 62 % to 81 % of, creationist ,teachers (with no difference between biologists and others). Romania and
- Education of the Russian ministry of education has cosponsored numerous, creationist ,conferences. Since 1994 Alexander Solo, the previous deputy minister of
- Was written by Dr. Jong-il Kim and 26 other fellow scientists in Korea with a, creationist ,viewpoint. The textbook drew the interest of college communities, and today
- P=0.004.17 % and 26 %). Italy, Finland and Hungary had 3 % to 6 % of, creationist ,biology teachers but 15 % to 18 % of other teachers, with significant
- Is clear, however,that the LDS church does not conform to the same young-Earth, creationist ,creed as many other faiths. The church has made it quite clear that the six
- People who support this claim include creationist astronomer Wayne Spencer and, creationist ,cosmologist Russell Humphreys. An ongoing problem for creationist s is the
- Most vocal literalist creationist s are from the United States, and strict, creationist ,views are much less common in other developed countries. According to a study
- They were later reclassified as Homo erectus. Polygenic and racial theory The, creationist ,polygenic of Samuel George Morton and Louis Agassiz, which presented human
- Between biology and other teachers. France and Estonia had less than 5 % of, creationist ,teachers, with no difference between biology and other teachers. Creation
- Resigned on 16 September 2004 from her post. South America Brazil has had two, creationist ,societies since the 1970s - the Brazilian Association for Creation Research and
- Testimony given during the trial revealed the book was originally written as a, creationist ,text but following the adverse decision in the Supreme court it underwent
- For the BBC found that more than a fifth of those polled were convinced by the, creationist ,argument. Less than half - 48 % - chose evolution. In 2009 a survey found that
- Empirical evidence and theoretical conclusions which contradict a literalist, creationist ,interpretation of scripture, creationist s often reject the conclusions of the
- Universe results from relativistic effects. Humphreys' theory is advocated by, creationist ,organizations such as Answers in Genesis; however because the predictions of
- On work previously published in reputable scientific journals. More recently, creationist ,physicist Russell Humphreys has proposed a hypothesis called" white hole
- A different case. " Australia In the late 1970s,Answers in Genesis,a, creationist ,research organization, was founded in Australia. In 1994,Answers in Genesis
- And Knowledge). Three book series were soon published, an independent, creationist ,monthly journal started (" Factum" ), and the first German article in the
- To rock flow, and so cannot be more than a few thousand years old. While some, creationist ,astronomers assert that different phases of meteorite bombardment of the solar
- Age to the Universe than to Earth. Creationist cosmologies are attempts by some, creationist ,thinkers to give the universe an age consistent with the Usher chronology and
- And the theory itself as" evolutionism. " Some creationist s and, creationist ,organizations, such as the Institute of Creation Research, use these terms in
- That intelligent design is not science and" cannot uncouple itself from its, creationist , and thus religious, antecedents. ", and hence cannot be taught as an
- Literal interpretations of the narratives of particular religious texts. Some, creationist ,beliefs involve purported forces that lie outside of nature, such as
- Design to be essentially religious, and unable to dissociate itself from its, creationist ,roots, as part of the ruling that teaching intelligent design in public school
- Estimated that about only 10 % of children were from a family that supported a, creationist ,rather than evolutionary viewpoint. Wales has the largest proportion of
- These can neither be confirmed nor disproved by scientists. However, many, creationist , beliefs can be framed as testable predictions about phenomena such as the age
- Seventh day" ). Strictly speaking, Day-Age creationism is not so much a, creationist ,theory as a hermeneutic option which may be combined with theories such as
- Unconstitutional. The higher percentage of Republicans who identified with a, creationist ,view is described as evidence of the strong relationship between religion and
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