Examples of the the word, bidding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bidding ), is the 8739 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These are in use, players make a call by taking the appropriate card from the, bidding ,box and placing it on the table. This avoids the need for players to bid out
  2. A well-known convention and a part of a system is not always clear-cut: some, bidding ,systems include specified conventions by default. Bidding systems can be
  3. Fans packed Shea Stadium to watch the New York Jets and Buffalo Bills. The, bidding ,war for players between the AFL and NFL escalated in 1965. The Chiefs drafted
  4. Which is important information to share, and they also consume substantial, bidding ,room before a possibly strong opposing pair can identify whether they have a
  5. Used by a partnership about the meaning of each call is referred to as a, bidding ,system, full details of which must be made available to the opponents; 'secret
  6. Revision to the Laws and conduct world championships. Bidding boxes and, bidding ,screens In tournaments," bidding boxes" are frequently used, as noted above.
  7. 11 tricks,5 x 20 = 100). Because of the value of the game bonus, much of the, bidding ,revolves around investigating the possibility of making game. Even higher
  8. Through four phases: dealing the cards, the auction (also referred to as, bidding ,), playing the hand, and scoring the results. Dealing the cards and scoring the
  9. Con more as I should be ashamed to create a Blank Verse Tragedy at the, bidding ,of others. " 1926 to 1928 Milne is most famous for his two Pooh books about a
  10. World championships. Bidding boxes and bidding screens In tournaments,", bidding ,boxes" are frequently used, as noted above. In top national and international
  11. Back down. With two, or more, equally determined players this can result in a ", bidding ,war" where the attribute is driven up by increments to large sums. An
  12. The only way Ash can return to his time is to retrieve the Necronomicon. After, bidding ,goodbye to Sheila, Ash starts his search for the Necronomicon. Entering a
  13. Efficiency, Morris reduced the civil list, saved money by using competitive, bidding ,for contracts, tightened accounting procedures, and demanded the federal
  14. Partnership that can interfere with the opponents' bidding (as by raising the, bidding ,level rapidly) can cause difficulties for their opponents, bidding systems are
  15. 1 is not a jump. Similarly, a double jump is a bid that skips two levels of, bidding , for instance 3 over 1 or 4 over 1. A double can be made only after the
  16. Determine who proposes the highest-ranked contract, and the side that wins the, bidding ,must then strive in the play of the hand to fulfil that bargain by winning at
  17. Optional customizations incorporated into the main system for handling specific, bidding ,situations) which are pre-chosen between the partners prior to play. The line
  18. His partner becomes the dummy. For example, suppose West is the dealer and the, bidding ,was: Then East and West would be the defenders, South would be the declarer (
  19. Sense, CEO of Italian Serie A association football club A. S. Roma, to be, bidding ,for a takeover. The takeover bid was successively rejected by the Sense family
  20. Is a set of partnership agreements on the meanings of bids. A partnership's, bidding ,system is usually made up of a core system, modified and complemented by
  21. Character with 65 even though there is only one bid difference. Instead, lower, bidding , characters are ranked in ascending order according to how much they have bid
  22. To sign with the AFL. Although Davis's intention was to help the AFL win the, bidding ,war, some AFL and NFL owners saw the escalation as detrimental to both leagues.
  23. Beyond a simple like or dislike of a particular suit, and because the limited, bidding ,space can be used more efficiently by taking situations in which a given call
  24. And play are summarized as bridge maxims. Bidding systems and conventions A, bidding ,system is a set of partnership agreements on the meanings of bids. A
  25. Scored below the line toward game or a slam bonus, a change that resulted in, bidding ,becoming much more challenging and interesting. Also, new was the concept of
  26. Article. The following morning, Speer left the Führerbunker, with Hitler curtly, bidding ,him farewell. Speer toured the damaged Chancellery one last time before leaving
  27. The game variant and associated method of scoring have significant influence on, bidding ,and card play strategies. Game play A session of bridge consists of a number of
  28. Called hands or boards). A hand is dealt (or may have been pre-dealt),the, bidding ,(or auction) proceeds to a conclusion and then the hand is played. Finally
  29. Placed in the board prior to commencement of the game.: Auction or Bidding: The, bidding ,starts with the dealer and rotates around the table clockwise with each player
  30. To ask for information on the number of aces and kings held, used in slam, bidding ,situations). The term preempt refers to a high level tactical bid by a weak
  31. Of vulnerability affects scoring and introduces a wider range of tactics in, bidding ,and play. Every partnership is beforehand assigned one of two states:
  32. Bids of 2 or 3 are not allowable, but 3 or 4 are. A bid that skips one level of, bidding ,is called a (single) jump, for instance 2 over 1 is a jump, but 2 over 1 is
  33. Hand, containing 12 or 13 points, is usually considered sufficient to open the, bidding , i.e., to make the first bid in the auction. A combination of two such hands (
  34. Basic contracts; 1 being the lowest, followed by 1 etc., up to 7NT. In the, bidding ,stage or auction, the pairs compete to determine who proposes the
  35. From which players can choose; many books have been written detailing, bidding ,conventions. Well-known conventions include Stay man (to ask for the showing of
  36. Raising the bidding level rapidly) can cause difficulties for their opponents, bidding ,systems are both informational and strategic. It is this mixture of information
  37. And also avoids voice inflections passing information to a partner. Pre-printed, bidding ,pads, on which the calls can be written, are sometimes used instead in
  38. Frequently used, as noted above. In top national and international events,", bidding ,screens" are used. These are placed diagonally across the table, preventing
  39. Informed guess which is the best contract, and/or to obstruct the opponents ', bidding , The set of agreements used by a partnership about the meaning of each call is
  40. American League declared its intent to operate as a major league. The resulting, bidding ,war for players led to widespread contract-breaking and legal disputes. One of
  41. At the heart of bidding in bridge. A number of basic rules of thumb in bridge, bidding ,and play are summarized as bridge maxims. Bidding systems and conventions A
  42. The possibility of making game. Even higher bonuses are also awarded for, bidding ,and making small slam (level 6,i.e. 12 tricks) and the rather rare grand
  43. Owned 15,555 shares (25.0 %) in the club. This led to press speculation of a, bidding ,war between Krone and Romanov. While the rest of the board have first option
  44. To emphasize skill, vary the method of scoring, set limits on the nature of the, bidding ,systems which may be used, set the pace and duration of play, define player
  45. Players to bid out loud. This prevents players at nearby tables overhearing the, bidding ,and also avoids voice inflections passing information to a partner. Pre-printed
  46. Bids serve a double purpose — they allow players to indicate they are, bidding ,on the basis of a long suit in an otherwise weak hand, which is important
  47. Each deal can be made available to the players for later analysis. Auction or, bidding ,The auction determines the declaring side and the final contract. Only one of
  48. Holds most of the high cards and their opponents have no interest in, bidding , they are still encouraged to bid high in order to achieve the best possible
  49. Exchange and evaluation, deduction,and tactics that is at the heart of, bidding ,in bridge. A number of basic rules of thumb in bridge bidding and play are
  50. Information, and since a partnership that can interfere with the opponents ', bidding ,(as by raising the bidding level rapidly) can cause difficulties for their

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