Examples of the the word, gon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gon ), is the 8737 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These, lam phi fa and lam fuel are probably the oldest, while it was for lam, gon , which was the main ancestor of the commercial for lam performed today. After
  2. Marker is the reversal auxiliary go nor goinlama" am/is/are going to ":, gon , bai" is going to buy ". These tense markers indicate relative tense: that is
  3. Ballad," parodying the lyrics thus::" Can't go on:: Doctor says I got the, gon , .: Stormy Weather, : Can't keep my poor legs together--: Keeps running all the
  4. Texts falling into three categories: tea Muhammad (" normal tea" ), using,on, texts in San; tea Pharma (" Burmese tea" ), using central or northern Thai
  5. subject led to the use of a free-form series of individual lines, called,on, gap. The slower pace of some Lao styles allows the singer to improvise the
  6. Folksongs; these are exemplified by lam phi fa, an range, lam fuel and lam, gon , ( for the last two factors) respectively. Of these, lam phi fa and lam fuel
  7. Mache Nan on chimes: POU liberty key liberty: For lists black sou pay a.: NOU, gon , drapo tank tout Pep.: Se noun renewal, mouri POU LI.: Se pa Karo, blan the
  8. Future events or situations: Examples include Jamaican English Creole /Ai, gon , bai wan pickup/" I going to buy one pickup ", /The gas used hi on fins mi app wit
  9. Towards the end of the 10th century by the Tibetan prince, Skyid LDE Lima, gon , ( or Lima on),a grandson of the anti-Buddhist Tibetan king, Langdarma (r.
  10. Don ລຳສີພັນດອນ, ลำสีพันดอน ), from Champassak is similar in style to the lam, gon , of Upon. It is accompanied by a solo then, playing in a San mode, while the
  11. Creole /Ai on bad wan pickup/" I going to buy one pickup ", /The gas used hi, gon , fiks mi app wit wan brain day/" The guy said he going to fix me up with one blind
  12. Their beliefs, stating " Who shot Biggie Smalls/If we don't get them they, gon ,' get us all,I'm down for running' up on them crackers in they City Hall. " "
  13. Teaching ". Aspect auxiliaries can co-occur with tense-marking auxiliaries:, gon , ste plei" going to be playing "; Jen STE it" was eating ". Hawaiian is
  14. Only 300 men. Several towns and castles are said to have been founded by Lima, gon , and he apparently ordered the construction of the main sculptures at She. " In
  15. The donors, called army Wei () by saying Army army army you DAW mu gym BA, gon , law () three times, with the audience responding Thad (), Pali for" well
  16. Add and subtract in mental arithmetic. If one is traveling on a course of 117,on, ( clockwise from due North),say, then the direction from one's left is
  17. Ai Jen see on" I saw him" ). The future marker is the reversal auxiliary, gon , or goinlama" am/is/are going to ": on bad" is going to buy ". These tense
  18. Supposed to ". Was" was" can indicate past tense before the future marker, gon , and the modal post: Ai was on lift was" I was going to lift weights "; Ai
  19. Instantly convertible into 17 on; while the direction from one's right is 217,on, ; and the direction from behind one is 317 on. A disadvantage is that the
  20. Kane's hype man:" Ask a Jay-Z fan about Big Daddy Kane: Don't know him, Game,on,' show 'em ". He also appeared on the remix of" Don't Touch Me" by Bust
  21. With the letters" DEGRADE ". Benefits Each quadrant is assigned a range of 100,on, which eases recognition of the four quadrants, as well as arithmetic involving
  22. Or Jataka stories in lam fun. The most common verse form was the four-line, gon , stanza with seven main syllables per line, although in Khan Keen the technical
  23. And in astronomy and ballistics: *The grad, also called grade, gradian, or,on, is 1/400 of a turn, so a right angle is 100 grads. It is a decimal subunit of
  24. Gon, respectively ). Similarly, in one hour (day),Earth rotates by 15° or 16,on, Originally,1 on of arc along the Earth's surface was equal to 100
  25. Progressive aspect, analogous to the English" I'm seeing him tomorrow. " Ai, gon , bai wan pickup" I'm going to buy one pickup ". Haitian Creole
  26. End of the 10th century by the Tibetan prince, Skyid LDE Lima on (or Lima, gon , ),a grandson of the anti-Buddhist Tibetan king, Langdarma (r. c. 838 to 841)
  27. Home. Instrumentation Many genres (including the Khan of northern Laos and lam, gon , and lam fuel in San) are traditionally accompanied only by the then, but
  28. Similarly, in one hour (day),Earth rotates by 15° or 16 on. Originally,1,on, of arc along the Earth's surface was equal to 100 kilometers of distance at
  29. Is an auxiliary for inchoate aspect when combined with the verbal suffix -in:, gon , stat plan" going to start playing ". The auxiliary pay without the verbal suffix
  30. Of 30° and 60° in geometry must be expressed in fractions (33 on and 66,on, respectively). Similarly, in one hour (day),Earth rotates by 15° or 16 on
  31. Due to confusion with existing grad (e) units of Northern Europe, the name, gon , was later adopted, first in those regions, later as the international standard.
  32. From their album Testify, contains the words: If Jay is for me, tell me whom I, gon ,' fear? (no I won't fear),And Jay of Jacob, deserving of my love. Also, Jah
  33. Common angles of 30° and 60° in geometry must be expressed in fractions (33,on, and 66 on, respectively ). Similarly, in one hour (day),Earth rotates by
  34. Is an 11-sided poly gon . (The name hen deca gon , from Greek ended 'eleven' and, gon , – 'corner ', is often preferred to the hybrid deca gon , whose first syllable
  35. Gonna buy her half a pint, : Take it easy, fast life woman,'cause you ain't, gon ,' live always ..." Discography *1963 - Blues Hoot (Veejay Records; live at
  36. e. Based on the number of syllables rather than on the number of stresses. In, gon , verse (the most common form of traditional lam text) there are seven basics
  37. This is going to be awesome! ". Other variants in different forms of English are, gon , and a, thus,a phrase like" You're going to like it" could also be said as "
  38. Gradian is a unit of plane angle, equivalent to of a turn. It is also known as, gon , grad, or grade (not to be confused with the grade of an inclined surface, i.
  39. Smoke some nice says in the West, y'all niggaz is a mess Thinking I'm, gon , stop,given L. A. props All I got is beef with those that violate me
  40. I'm going to put my finger on the trigger/I'm going to pull it, and then we, gon ,' see/What the deal/I'm for real' ) ". " Feel Like Main' Love" is a cover
  41. Benchmark that may or may not be the speaker's present (e.g., Da gas used hi, gon , fiks mi app" the guy said he was going to fix me up ". There are various reversal
  42. From one's right is 217 on; and the direction from behind one is 317,on, A disadvantage is that the common angles of 30° and 60° in geometry must be
  43. To work as a migrant laborer in Bangkok and finds a new, richer lover. The, gon , verses in lam tang San were typically preceded by a slower, speech-rhythm
  44. Language. The subject varied according to the genre: love in the lam, gon , of Upon; general knowledge in the lam jot of Khan Keen; or Jataka stories in
  45. Short form" ) took up the bulk of the time, with the singers delivering, gon , poems a few minutes in length, performing alternately for about half an hour
  46. For a digital short consultation. * Kanye West in song" Stronger ":" So we, gon ,' do everything that Kan like / Heard they'd do anything for a Klondike" The
  47. Is equivalent to" I'm going home ". Etymology Go descends from Middle English, gon , from Old English an, from Proto-Germanic *Gena, from Proto-Indo-European
  48. Indicate past tense before the future marker on and the modal post: Ai was, gon , lift was" I was going to lift weights "; Ai was post go" I was supposed to
  49. Say, then the direction from one's left is instantly convertible into 17,on, ; while the direction from one's right is 217 on; and the direction from
  50. And radians only. The international standard symbol for this unit today is ", gon ," (see ISO 31-1). Other symbols used in the past include" gr "," GRD ", and

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