Examples of the the word, irritate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( irritate ), is the 8214 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is usually applied. ’ Like any such device, scare quotes lose their force and, irritate ,readers if overused. ” Use–mention distinction Either quotation marks or italic
  2. In the Iliad, Book V. Afterwards, Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate ,them and scatter them. Hera then sent a flood which raised the water level of a
  3. Should be able to drag the game out indefinitely either to avoid losing or to, irritate ,the other player. Possible methods include: the superego rule, time control, or
  4. Installer of street signage ... He also partakes in Gaston's schemes to, irritate ,Contain, the policeman. Foes Time De Mesmaeker is a rich businessman; we know
  5. Home to save money, providing even more opportunity for the two men to, irritate ,each other. When Mike finally graduates from college and the Civics move out, it
  6. Lithium dust or lithium compounds (which are often alkaline) initially, irritate ,the nose and throat, while higher exposure can cause a buildup of fluid in the
  7. Walks as seeds, burrs and floating dust in the air can get into the coat and, irritate ,the skin. This breed sheds little to no hair. Oral The teeth of an Italian
  8. Named after Enrico Caruso) who serve as secondary characters, and often, irritate ,the main character, Freddy Uranus who strongly dislikes their acting antics.
  9. To mock Frazier, again calling him The Gorilla, and generally trying to, irritate ,him. Some felt this behavior beyond the call of sport. The fight was far more
  10. Ethylene glycol can be treated in the same way. Drug effects Pure ethanol will, irritate ,the skin and eyes. Nausea, vomiting and intoxication are symptoms of ingestion.
  11. IV access device and the medication is injected directly (slowly, if it might, irritate ,the vein or cause a too-rapid effect). Once a medicine has been injected into
  12. And have entire or undulating margins with small hairs, which can, irritate ,skin. Flowers are bisexual and in diameter. They have five fringed
  13. S later incarceration. Comedies of society Wilde, who had first set out to, irritate ,Victorian society with his dress and talking points, then outrage it with
  14. With limited success. This may have been due to Gandhi's" uncanny ability to, irritate ,and frustrate" India's Muslim leadership. The British did not respond. On 31
  15. The resellers' perceptions of its flaws and" the capacity of the novel to, irritate ,and rankle, even a century and a half after its first publication. "
  16. NSAIDs cause a dual assault on the GI tract: the acidic molecules directly, irritate ,the gastric mucosa, and inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 reduces the levels of
  17. Advocated paracetamol as a gastric-friendly alternative to aspirin, which can, irritate ,the stomach when taken without food. Roth was also principal consultant to
  18. Ni ska (Michael Foreman) is a criminal, against those who fail him or even, irritate ,him. He appeared in" The Train Job" and" War Stories ". *" Saffron" (
  19. Have spiny bristles or long fine hair-like STAE with detachable tips that will, irritate ,by lodging in the skin or mucous membranes. This chemical is being investigated
  20. To start a number of quarrels with his mother, whom he saw as a useful proxy to, irritate ,the King. Frederick applied to Parliament unsuccessfully for an increased
  21. Alone. She is also quite short-tempered for a goddess, and is rather easy to, irritate ,and anger. URD is also notable for her tendency to lie, something a goddess
  22. Care handling it because the leaves and stems are covered in hairs that can, irritate ,the skin. It is advisable to wear gloves when handling camera. Despite being
  23. Claims that there are nuances:“ The basic fact about a woman that seemed to, irritate ,him was that she was a woman; the long record showed not a single exception;
  24. Can be lessened by avoiding unprotected sexual activity, chemicals that could, irritate ,the urethra; this could include detergents or lotions as well as spermicides or
  25. Going to the mosque as inappropriate because the smell from the mouth will, irritate ,the fellow worshipers. In both Hinduism and Jainism, garlic is considered to
  26. Adherent cells. * Also used by those who are sensitive to tannins (which can, irritate ,the stomach) in teas, soups or brews. * It may be used as a medium with which
  27. Can aggravate the respiratory system, and exposure to the gas can, irritate ,the eyes. The toxicity of chlorine comes from its oxidizing power. When
  28. In supermarkets. Similar to onions, raw shallots release chemicals that, irritate ,the eye when sliced, resulting in tears. See onion for a discussion of this
  29. Commentary were subjective but that they" do appreciate that over-talking can, irritate ,our audience ". The BBC added that it hoped it had achieved" the right balance
  30. Harlan uses his gifts for colorful and variegated invective on those who, irritate ,him — intrusive fans, obdurate editors, callous publishers, offensive strangers
  31. Theoretically, the rubber adhesive could somehow stimulate the immune system or, irritate ,the skin differently. " The Winner study was published in the March
  32. Been used medically since the 1970s outside the US, but due to its potential to, irritate ,the skin, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration did not approve its use as a
  33. With these chemicals involves inhalation of the fine vapors or droplets which, irritate ,the nose lungs and thorax. Increased exposure to isocyanates can lead to
  34. A pearly luster. It can be applied by spray, painting,or dipping. It may, irritate ,the eyes. Its alternatives are mica, faux pearl (from ground shells),and
  35. Peroxide, iodine,or any strong soaps should be avoided because they may, irritate ,the fresh piercing, and cause additional swelling and trauma during the healing
  36. Is also used in lip balm products such as Carmen. For some people Lanolin can, irritate ,the lips. Production Crude lanolin constitutes approximately 5-25 % of the
  37. Was later held. To annoy Heracles, Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate ,them and scatter them. The hero was within a year able to retrieve them. Hera
  38. Excess unreacted lye in the soap will result in a very high pH and can burn or, irritate ,skin. Not enough lye, and the soap is greasy. Most soap makers formulate their
  39. Material Precautions need to be taken when handling a fiber product as it can, irritate ,the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure could lead to long
  40. Deal of evidence to show that ground level ozone can harm lung function and, irritate ,the respiratory system. Exposure to ozone and the pollutants that produce it is
  41. Ores. Some germanium compounds, such as germanium chloride and germane, can, irritate , the eyes, skin,lungs, and throat. History In his report on The Periodic Law of
  42. And carcinogenic. At concentrations above 0.1 ppm in air formaldehyde can, irritate ,the eyes and mucous membranes, resulting in watery eyes. Formaldehyde inhaled
  43. To be the best at everything at school, projecting a false confidence that can, irritate ,people. " During her Defense against the Dark Arts exam at the end of Harry
  44. Is a modification of diet to help patients avoid those foods which can further, irritate ,the damaged bladder wall. Pain that worsened with a certain food or drink
  45. As waxing or creams, and shaving (unless done properly) can cut or, irritate ,the skin. Hair removal creams dissolve the hair, so it lasts for quite a long
  46. To them by George Jefferson, the Bunkers' former neighbor, who knows it will, irritate ,Archie. In addition to calling him" Meathead ", Archie also frequently cites
  47. Following World War II. Hazards Turpentine is an organic solvent. Its vapor can, irritate ,the skin and eyes, damage the lungs and respiratory system, as well as the
  48. Rich and having a reasonably full private life that has a powerful potential to, irritate ,so that, when things go wrong, it causes a very special kind of joy. " D. G.
  49. To its comparatively late discovery. Germanium, in compounds, can sometimes, irritate ,the eyes, skin,or lungs. Arsenic (As) is an element in period 4
  50. Nose more than once, mast cells release a slew of chemicals or histamines that, irritate ,and inflame the moist membranes lining the nose and produce the symptoms of an

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