Examples of the the word, compartment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compartment ), is the 9279 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And used by the navigator/cannoneer, the radio operator being moved to the aft, compartment , operating the waist guns. A total of 1,400 B-25Gs and B-25Hs were built. The
  2. Ground fire that damaged two engines, ruptured a bleed air duct in the cargo, compartment , and set the ammunition on fire. Flight engineer Sanders was killed, and
  3. Fed to the anode compartment and flows through the diaphragm to the cathode, compartment , where the caustic alkali is produced, and the brine is partially depleted.
  4. And two more such guns in an identical package just under the co-pilot's, compartment , The solid-nose B-25J variant carried an impressive total of 18 .50 in (12.7
  5. Concentration of Cu2+ ions increases. Reduction will take place in the cell's, compartment ,where concentration is higher and oxidation will occur on the more dilute side.
  6. By a factor less than two) in carbon dioxide concentration in a greenhouse, compartment ,would kill green plants, or,at least, completely stop their growth. At very
  7. A capacity for 92 passengers,72 combat troops or 64 paratroopers in a cargo, compartment ,that is approximately long, high,and wide. Unlike transports derived from
  8. From the base unit instead of being wired directly into it, the storage, compartment ,was moved to the rear of the unit, and the sound was now mixed into the TV
  9. Or tanned into leather and called" Novella ", or Spanish for calf. The fourth, compartment ,of the stomach of slaughtered milk-fed calves is the source of rennet. The
  10. At the cathode. The salt solution (brine) is continuously fed to the anode, compartment ,and flows through the diaphragm to the cathode compartment , where the caustic
  11. The length of the M4,which allowed the breech to extend into the navigator's, compartment , The B-25G's successor, the B-25H,had even more firepower. The M4 gun was
  12. To prematurely fire, disabling the explosive bolts that open the parachute, compartment ,to deploy them. If they were indeed disabled, the command module would have
  13. Be single- or double-deckers, articulated and often include a separate luggage, compartment ,under the passenger floor. Guided buses are fitted with technology to allow
  14. Membrane protein synthesis compartment " and the" membrane protein processing, compartment ,", respectively. There is a semi-constant flux of proteins through these
  15. To sites within the cell, such as the cell nucleus, or organelles. This, compartment ,is also the site of many of the processes of cytokinesis, after the breakdown
  16. Were controlled by the coolant radiators shutters in the forward inner wing, compartment , in between the nacelle and the fuselage and behind the main engine cooling
  17. Side of the cycle is the condenser, which is located outside the cooled, compartment , where the refrigerant vapor is compressed and forced through another heat
  18. J, Q,and Z; hence the misspelling of 'just' and 'Quaker '. " Second class, compartment ," should also probably read" second first-class carriage "; this information
  19. Of the kitchen as if he were standing on a railway platform at the door of a, compartment ,that was just about to leave the station. Joiner's glue was boiling on the
  20. Redesigned cockpit area, with the top turret moved forward to the navigator's, compartment ,(thus requiring the addition of the waist and tail gun positions),and a
  21. The damaged air bleed duct, loadmaster Shrub extinguished a fire in the cargo, compartment , and successfully jettisoned the cargo pallets, which exploded in midair.
  22. They may be powered either by diesel engines located below the passenger, compartment ,(diesel multiple units) or by electricity picked up from third rails or
  23. It was unique not only in being a triple Decker but having a separate smoking, compartment ,on the third level. The buses to be found in countries around the world often
  24. Around. A refrigerant is pumped into the evaporator coil, located in the, compartment ,to be cooled, where the low pressure causes the refrigerant to evaporate into a
  25. 3,600 US gal (13,626 l) stainless steel fuel tank carried inside the cargo, compartment , The two wing-mounted hose and drogue aerial refueling pods each transfer up to
  26. Its PAK 39,designed to operate within the confines of a full-armored fighting, compartment , fires the same projectiles from a reduced propellant charge compared to Murder
  27. On the astronauts by stashing their own crew patches in every single locker and, compartment ,in the spacecraft. Whenever one of the patches would float out of a locker
  28. In the cytosol, concentration gradients can still be produced within this, compartment , A well-studied example of these are the" calcium sparks" that are produced
  29. Events prior to delivery of material to lysosomes. *Lysosomes are the last, compartment ,of the endoscopic pathway. They are acidic (approx. pH 4.8) and by EM usually
  30. Is isolated from the remainder of the cytosol. One example of such an enclosed, compartment ,is the proteasome. Here, a set of subunits form a hollow barrel containing
  31. Armored vehicles, trucks,and trailers, along with palletized cargo. The cargo, compartment ,is 88 feet (26.82 m) long by 18 feet (5.49 m) wide by 12 feet 4 inches (
  32. Hapag-Lloyd Flag in 1980 * A300B4-200FF: An A300 with a" forward-facing" crew, compartment , The world's first 2-crew wide body airliner. Includes some of the A310's and
  33. Cooled space. By placing the condenser (where the heat is rejected) inside a, compartment , and the evaporator (which absorbs heat) in the ambient environment (such as
  34. The oxygen shelf compartment in this bay. The resulting pressure inside the, compartment ,popped the bolts attaching the Sector 4 outer aluminum skin panel, which as it
  35. In the opposite direction, the overall effect is the opposite, and the, compartment ,is heated. This is usually called a heat pump, and is capable of heating a home
  36. Of the Mylar/Tapton thermal insulation material used to line the oxygen shelf, compartment ,in this bay. The resulting pressure inside the compartment popped the bolts
  37. Take place. Most important among This is a cell nucleus, a membrane-delineated, compartment ,that houses the eukaryotic cell's DNA. This nucleus gives the eukaryote its
  38. In the undercarriage legs. The type was also fitted with a gun camera in a, compartment ,above the weapons themselves in the nose. The aircraft was also fitted with
  39. Cone of a missile into three compartment s, and encasing a pigeon in each. Each, compartment ,used a lens to project an image of what was in front of the missile onto a
  40. Damage and possibly an upward tilt to the fuel cell shelf above the oxygen tank, compartment , Finally, the crew jettisoned the Lunar Module Aquarius, leaving the Command
  41. Were not required for sealing, many of the exposed surfaces of the engine, compartment ,featured Guillotine (engine turned) finishes on them, and safety wires
  42. Or, most commonly, in tunnels in the ground. The female typically creates a, compartment ,(a" cell" ) with an egg and some provisions for the resulting larva, then
  43. The gun in true casemate-style superstructures, completely enclosing the crew, compartment ,in armor that was integral to the hull. The first of these Jagdpanzers was the
  44. Saturated sodium (or potassium) chloride solution is passed through the anode, compartment , leaving at a lower concentration. This method is more efficient than the
  45. Cell. The ER and Golgi can be thought of as the" membrane protein synthesis, compartment ," and the" membrane protein processing compartment ", respectively. There is a
  46. Compared to the intended alkaline),they simply glued the lid of the battery, compartment ,shut, and soon discontinued the machine.; ST BOOK: a later portable ST, more
  47. Operate as a fire button but also pulled up. The model 1 unit contains a small, compartment ,for storing the controllers when moving it. The System II featured detachable
  48. A small building called the Kouvouklion (Kουβούκλιον; Modern Greek for small, compartment ,) or Aedicula (from Latin: reticulum, small building),which supposedly
  49. Receptor. They are generally regarded as the principal hydrolytic, compartment ,of the cell. Lysosomes chief function in itself is to break down cellular waste
  50. The Apple II series, the power supply was stored – without its own shell – in a, compartment ,separate from the logic board. However, many Apple III's experienced heating

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