Examples of the the word, combatant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( combatant ), is the 8471 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Canadian Figure Skater * 1980 – Mac Dancing, American Mixed martial arts, combatant ,* 1981 – Ryan Garbo, American baseball player * 1981 – Kirk Heinrich, American
  2. Adds ". Totals are compared, with the higher roll damaging the opposing, combatant ,by the difference in totals. Armor absorbs this damage taken, and any amount
  3. States, Bohemia,the Low Countries and Italy, while bankrupting most of the, combatant ,powers. While the regiments within each army were not strictly mercenary in
  4. To Resolute is at least seven Armitage class patrol boats, plus a large surface, combatant ,on standby. In late 2010,as part of cost-saving measures, the RAN has ordered
  5. Remained in front-line service well past the start of World War II. While not a, combatant ,themselves in Spain, they absorbed many of the lessons learned in time to use
  6. Justice, many wars were considered rebellions or unlawful by one or more, combatant ,sides. In such cases, the servants of the" criminal" sovereign were often
  7. Who is counted as a civilian by the Albanian side might be counted as a LA, combatant ,by the Serbs. Also, many members of the LA were not wearing uniforms.
  8. Bin Laden, the woman being killed when she was“ used as a shield by a male, combatant ,”. Confirmed bin Laden's identity. The body was recovered by the US military
  9. War. At the outbreak of World War I, in August 1914,infantry officers in all, combatant ,armies still carried swords as part of their field equipment. The high
  10. Linda (born 1981),aka John Walker, imprisoned American captured as an enemy, combatant ,in 2001,in Afghanistan Inventors and scientists * John E. Walker (born 1941)
  11. War, the advent of the guided missile allowed destroyers to take on the surface, combatant ,roles previously filled by battleships and cruisers. This resulted in larger
  12. As they moved from cover to cover. Most rounds fired were not aimed at an enemy, combatant , but instead fired in the enemy's direction to keep them from moving and
  13. In order to support Jewish conscientious objectors who sought exemption from, combatant ,military service. It is affiliated to the International Fellowship of
  14. Including 4,800 Marines. Of the fleet of 66 surface vessels, eight are major, combatant ,ships, and they are based in Valparaíso. The navy operates its own aircraft for
  15. S navies were large, the Korean War featured few naval battles; mostly the, combatant ,navies served as naval artillery for their in-country armies. A skirmish
  16. The open ocean in a variety of sea states to provide general support to either, combatant ,forces or shore based establishments. They include smaller auxiliaries which
  17. Of the lyrics A gladiator (," swordsman ", from," sword" ) was an armed, combatant ,who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire in violent
  18. S-26 did not sink in a test dive, instead sinking in a collision with a patrol, combatant , PC-460,in January 1942. Deleted scenes The movie was originally (in the USA
  19. Such as killing enemy troops. To qualify under the Third Geneva Convention,a, combatant ,must have conducted military operations according to the laws and customs of
  20. In warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatant s. In a battle, each, combatant , will seek to defeat the others, with defeat determined by the conditions of a
  21. At the beginning of the 21st century, destroyers are the heaviest surface, combatant ,ships in general use, with only three nations (the United States, Russia,and
  22. Active in the political sphere. The Islamic Renaissance Party (IRP),a major, combatant ,in the 1992–1997 Civil War and then-proponent of the creation of an Islamic
  23. Including non-self-propelled) designed to provide general support to either, combatant ,forces or shore-based establishments. The suffix" N" refers to
  24. Or activity of being a fighter or warrior. " It can be thought of as ", combatant ,activity "," the fighter frame of mind "," the militant mode "," the
  25. Born February 9,1981) is a United States citizen who was captured as an enemy, combatant ,during the United States' 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. He is now serving a
  26. Of the battleship left the cruiser as the largest and most powerful surface, combatant , The role of the cruiser varied according to ship and navy, often including air
  27. In“ light contact ”. *Flying-punch usually struck from the rear hand,the, combatant ,hops on the front foot, kicking back with the rear foot and simultaneously
  28. Type An auxiliary ship is designed to operate in any number of roles supporting, combatant ,ships and other naval operations. * ARL: Auxiliary Repair Light—light craft or
  29. Train him. Aside from his superhuman powers, Iceman is also a fair hand-to-hand, combatant , and received combat training at Xavier's School as well as coaching from the
  30. After the war, Operation Glory (July–November 1954) was conducted to allow, combatant ,countries to exchange their dead. The remains of 4,167 US Army and US Marine
  31. Done by doing a large circular motion with both feet in succession, making the, combatant ,airborne. There are many variations of this kick. The kick may look like a
  32. Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939. The number of, combatant ,volunteers has been estimated at between 32,000–35,000,though with no more
  33. Speeches to induce the US to aid Britain, if not necessarily become an allied, combatant , Gerald Caxton died in 1944,and Maugham moved back to England, then in 1946 to
  34. Are constants in all the tales. Conan is a formidable armed and unarmed, combatant , With his back to the wall Conan is capable of engaging and killing opponents
  35. Deployments to the Persian Gulf and also as parts of Department of Defense, combatant ,commands such as the U. S. Northern Command and Central Command. Coast Guard
  36. Or the power cosmic of the Silver Surfer. The Champion is a master hand to hand, combatant ,in a wide range of thousands of different martial arts and fighting-styles
  37. Navy Nuclear Prototype School Training Platform; Reconditioned SSBN's) Patrol, combatant ,type Patrol combatant s are ships whose mission may extend beyond coastal duties
  38. CVT: Training Aircraft Carrier (changed to AT (Auxiliary) ) Surface, combatant ,type Surface combatant s are ships which are designed primarily to engage enemy
  39. Intentional killing–by a government or its agents–of a civilian or" unlawful, combatant ," targeted by the government, who is not in the government's custody. The
  40. Carrier (CVE) on 15 July 1943 reflected upgraded status from auxiliary to, combatant , They were informally known as" Jeep carriers" or" baby flattops ". It was
  41. Plans, the strength during full mobilization is approximately 83,000, combatant , personnel. Norway has conscription for males (6–12 months of training) and
  42. To resurrect it in a Lazarus Pit only to be met with a fierce, mindless, combatant , He then realized the truth about the body. Morrison's storyline continues
  43. Submersible types (usually started with SS) regardless of whether employed as, combatant , auxiliary, or research and development vehicles which have at least a residual
  44. Of mass killing universally targeted at residents of the Vendée regardless of, combatant ,status, political affiliation, age or gender. By July 1796,the estimated
  45. Status, captured service members must be lawful combatant s entitled to, combatant ,'s privilege—which gives them immunity from punishment for crimes constituting
  46. And equip their service components. The army provides trained forces to the, combatant ,commanders for use as directed by the Secretary of Defense. Through 2013,the
  47. WP, PsW) or enemy prisoner of war (EPP) is a person, whether civilian or, combatant , who is held in custody by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed
  48. Reverted to their historic roles, designations and uniforms. In August 1914 all, combatant ,armies still retained substantial numbers of cavalry and the mobile nature of
  49. At an event. Theoretically, it would be possible in a tournament for a Roman, combatant ,to fight a 15th-century knight, then a Viking, then a Japanese warrior, then an
  50. Been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy, combatant ,or is awaiting such determination. ") can become controversial; see

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