Examples of the the word, smallpox , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smallpox ), is the 8490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, in 2007,Christopher Warren demonstrated conclusively that the British, smallpox ,was still viable. Since then most scholars have recognized that the British
  2. Suggests that Washington's decision to have his troops inoculated against the, smallpox ,epidemic was one of his most important decisions. More than 25,000 American
  3. Unique arts, and the Tsimshian people, whose population were decimated by a, smallpox ,epidemic in the 1860s. The Aleutian Islands are still home to the Aleut people
  4. Biological weapons organisms are animal diseases, the only exception being, smallpox , Thus, in any use of biological weapons, it is highly likely that animals will
  5. Transmission from Manassas in Sulawesi. However, the available records for, smallpox ,in Manassas only show an outbreak in 1789,too late and inconvenient to be
  6. April 22 of that year, the HMS Seahorse arrived from the West Indies carrying, smallpox ,on board. Despite attempts to protect the town through quarantine, eight known
  7. State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology (VECTOR),a weaponized, smallpox ,center ** Kirov bioweapons production facility, Kirov,Kirov Oblast **
  8. In other countries. Although people born pre-1970 will have been vaccinated for, smallpox ,under the WHO program, the effectiveness of vaccination is limited since the
  9. Planned to press Boston's doctors to adopt the practice of inoculation should, smallpox ,reach the colony again. By 1721,a whole generation of young Bostonians was
  10. Indicate case fatality rates of 80–90 % in Native American populations during, smallpox ,epidemics. The native Taint people of the island were systematically enslaved
  11. Besieging Delawares two blankets and a handkerchief that had been exposed to, smallpox , hoping to spread the disease to the Natives in order to end the siege. William
  12. Then (Nova 531-2). Smallpox inoculation controversy The practice of, smallpox ,inoculation (as opposed to the later practice of vaccination) was developed
  13. Not immediately stop an opposing force. Some biological agents (especially, smallpox , plague, and tularemia) have the capability of person-to-person transmission
  14. To Native Americans, but also to Anglo-American settlers. New England suffered, smallpox ,epidemics in 1677,1689–90,and 1702. It was highly contagious, and mortality
  15. Aboriginal people in present-day Canada lived in the region. During the 1770s, smallpox , killed at least 30 % of the Pacific Northwest First Nations. This epidemic was
  16. Quebec City until the spring of 1776,suffering from poor camp conditions and, smallpox , and then withdrew when a squadron of British ships under Captain Charles
  17. Of the era, disease claimed more lives than battle. Between 1775 and 1782,a, smallpox ,epidemic raged across much of North America, killing more than 130,000 people.
  18. On goods imported by Japanese, and suffered from epidemic diseases such as, smallpox , Although trade contributed to better understandings between the Japanese and
  19. Williams, who posited that" several arguments proving that inoculating the, smallpox ,is not contained in the law of Physics, either natural or divine, and therefore
  20. Despite attempts to protect the town through quarantine, eight known cases of, smallpox ,appeared in Boston by May 27,and by mid-June, the disease was spreading at an
  21. 3 to 5 years. Revaccination's protection lasts longer. As a biological weapon, smallpox ,is dangerous because of the highly contagious nature of both the infected and
  22. Royal Society in England was discussing the practice of inoculation, and the, smallpox ,epidemic in 1713 spurred further interest. It was not until 1721,however, that
  23. Died after only one year of marriage, on 28 December 1782 having succumbed to, smallpox , They had no children. In Florence on 8 September 1787 (by proxy) and again
  24. Conquered through warfare and alliances, while resulting disease such as, smallpox , and the conquest and ethnic cleansing itself caused a demographic reduction
  25. Labour there, and exposure to diseases to which they had no immunity. The, smallpox ,that ravaged the Taint Indians after Columbus's arrival wiped out half of the
  26. Mortality could reach as high as 30 percent or more. Boston had been plagued by, smallpox ,outbreaks in 1690 and 1702. During this era, public authorities in
  27. To a relatively small degree, as most of these died from diseases such as, smallpox ,and mistreatment by the Spaniards. Spanish colonization The colonial period
  28. From Mycobacterium tuberculosis. After the success of vaccination in preventing, smallpox , scientists thought to find a corollary in tuberculosis by drawing a parallel
  29. To vary according to geography. History The history of BCG is tied to that of, smallpox , Jean Antoine Villein first recognized bovine tuberculosis in 1854 and
  30. Or not the Amherst plan was implemented, particularly in light of the fact that, smallpox ,was already present in the region, and that scientific knowledge of disease at
  31. 1721,with 411 deaths; by February 26, 1722,Boston was, once again, free of, smallpox , The total number of cases since April 1721 came to 5,889,with 844 deaths—more
  32. A cut in the skin with exudate from a patient with a relatively mild case of, smallpox ,(Mariola),in order to bring about a manageable and recoverable infection
  33. As an intense hatred for the British. While imprisoned, the brothers contracted, smallpox , Robert Jackson died on April 27, 1781,a few days after their mother Elizabeth
  34. 2000 Dr John Lambert argued that“ strong circumstantial evidence suggests the, smallpox ,epidemic which ravaged Aborigines in 1789,may have resulted from deliberate
  35. Website (see below) has information on other infectious diseases, including, smallpox , measles, and much more. Non-infectious disease The CDC also combats
  36. Of authority, Wallace became convinced that reductions in the incidence of, smallpox ,that had been attributed to vaccination were, in fact, due to better hygiene
  37. Human diseases originated in domesticated animals. Through diseases such as, smallpox ,and diphtheria, that like most infectious diseases, move to humans from animals
  38. Campaign In the early 1880s,Wallace was drawn into the debate over mandatory, smallpox ,vaccination. Wallace originally saw the issue as a matter of personal liberty;
  39. Some believe that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, cultures of, smallpox ,have become available in other countries. Although people born pre-1970 will
  40. The Balms expedition to vaccinate the Spanish-colonies population against, smallpox , International relations The city of Alicante has established sister-city
  41. Infection ”. These claims were controversial as it was argued that any, smallpox ,virus brought to New South Wales would have been sterilized during the voyage
  42. Doors) have always maintained that the British deliberately spread, smallpox ,in 1789,but this fact has only been apparent to historians from the 1980s when
  43. Other than Phillip, or perhaps convicts or soldiers … deliberately spread, smallpox ,among aborigines” and in 2000 Dr John Lambert argued that“ strong
  44. Had yet to develop an understanding of infection vectors, nor in the case of, smallpox ,a full acknowledgment of the protective effect of a cowpox infection.
  45. This critical moment, the Roman army was crippled by the outbreak of a second, smallpox ,pandemic, the plague of Cyprian (251-70). The effects are described by
  46. By mid-June, the disease was spreading at an alarming rate. As a new wave of, smallpox ,hit the area and continued to spread, many residents fled to outlying rural
  47. Means of quarantine. Incoming ships were quarantined in Boston harbor, and any, smallpox ,patients in town were held under guard or in a" penthouse. " In 1706 a slave
  48. The Cubans either succumbed to diseases brought from Spain such as measles and, smallpox , or simply refused to work, preferring to slip away into the mountains.
  49. Era, although the settlers were at all times treated extremely warily. Soon, smallpox ,and other European-introduced epidemics ravaged the Era population. The
  50. Quantities of data inconsistent with their position. The commission found that, smallpox ,vaccination was effective and should remain compulsory, though they did

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