Examples of the the word, tidal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tidal ), is the 8491 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fluctuates within a margin of 2° over a 40,000-year period, notably due to, tidal ,forces resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The Arctic Circle is currently
  2. Western and southwest flatlands). Glacier ice covers some land and of, tidal ,zone. The Bering Glacier complex near the southeastern border with Yukon covers
  3. More dependent on the regional wind situation than on tidal effects. However, tidal ,currents occur in narrow passages in the western parts of the Baltic Sea. The
  4. Aground or swung into a particular heading, or even to be held steady against a, tidal ,or other stream. Historically, it was of particular relevance to sailing
  5. World War II. Natural features With its myriad islands, Alaska has nearly of, tidal ,shoreline. The Aleutian Islands chain extends west from the southern tip of the
  6. Larger sungrazers can survive many perihelion passages. However, the strong, tidal ,forces they experience often lead to their fragmentation. About 90 % of the
  7. It seems clear, however,that the river itself was also named after the, tidal ,crossing. The city continues to be viewed as straddling County Antrum and
  8. Of Jupiter's innermost moon Métis and the planet's Roche limit, inside which, tidal ,forces are strong enough to disrupt a body held together only by gravity. More
  9. Downtown Manhattan. To the west, north and south, the area is surrounded by the, tidal ,estuary of the Hudson River. The development consists of roughly five major
  10. Per century. Another explanation for the earth recession rate could be solar, tidal ,friction. The moon's recession rate is governed by similar tidal friction with
  11. Level is generally far more dependent on the regional wind situation than on, tidal ,effects. However, tidal currents occur in narrow passages in the western parts
  12. 73P/Schwarzman–Watchman 3 starting in 1995. This breakup may be triggered by, tidal ,gravitational forces from the Sun or a large planet, by an" explosion" of
  13. Months are lunar months is that the phases of the moon, and astronomical and, tidal ,phenomena associated with them, such as spring and neap tides, fall on
  14. That Roman London was established as a trading port by merchants on the, tidal ,Thames around 47 AD. The new settlement and port was centered where the shallow
  15. The world's the largest tides occurs in Turn again Arm, just south of Anchorage –, tidal ,differences can be more than. (Many sources say Turn again has the
  16. Tidal ranges allow waves to reach farther up the shore, and areas with lower, tidal ,ranges produce deposition at a smaller elevation interval. The tidal range is
  17. The same day in each lunar month, and the times of high and low water and the, tidal ,streams experienced in a certain location on a certain day of the lunar month
  18. to be able to provide quick, rule-of-thumb approximations of tides and, tidal ,conditions from memory, based on the day of the Lunar month, without needing to
  19. Town of Eddington a few miles west of London marks the boundary between the, tidal ,and non- tidal parts of the Thames, although it is still considered a freshwater
  20. Cost. Cleopatra VII's royal quarters were inundated by earthquakes and, tidal ,waves, leading to gradual subsidence in the 4th century AD. This underwater
  21. Feirsde/first is the genitive singular of fear said and refers to a sandbar or, tidal ,ford across a river's mouth. The name would thus translate literally as" (
  22. Natral disasters are water based. Examples are hurricanes, tsunamies, and, tidal , waves. Earth, home and origin of humanity, has often been worshiped in its own
  23. Originates from the Mohegan word quonehtacut, meaning " place of long, tidal ,river ". Connecticut's official nickname, adopted in 1959,is" The
  24. Black hole. Before that happens, they will have been torn apart by the growing, tidal ,forces in a process sometimes referred to as spaghettification or the noodle
  25. With lower tidal ranges produce deposition at a smaller elevation interval. The, tidal ,range is influenced by the size and shape of the coastline. Tides do not
  26. System results in the transfer of angular momentum from Earth to Moon (due to, tidal ,torque the Moon exerts on the Earth). This in turn results in the slowing down
  27. Made it possible by measuring the Amazon downstream to the beginning of the, tidal ,estuary of Canal do Sub and then, after a sharp turn back, following tidal
  28. Each breath) has been estimated at about 184 liters for a 30 ton specimen. Its, tidal ,volume (the amount of air moved in or out during a single breath) has been
  29. Of the coastline. Tides do not typically cause erosion by themselves; however, tidal ,bores can erode as the waves surge up river estuaries from the ocean. Waves
  30. Rainfall. Natural calamities, such as floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes,and, tidal ,bores occur almost every year, combined with the effects of deforestation, soil
  31. The tidal estuary of Canal do Sub and then, after a sharp turn back, following, tidal , canals surrounding the isle of Mario and finally including the marine Waters
  32. Celts "," live on the remotest region of Europe on the coast of an enormous, tidal ,sea ". Poisonous described the southern Gauls about 100 BC. Though his
  33. Inshore passages on the China coast, for example, where there are strong, tidal ,streams associated with spring tides, were regarded by mariners to be passable
  34. Resources in Europe, if not the world, in terms of wind resources, ocean wave, tidal ,and hydroelectric resources. Baronies There are nine historic baronies, four in
  35. Coriolis, in connection with the theory of water wheels, and also in the, tidal ,equations of Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1778. And even earlier, Italian scientists
  36. Responsible for about 20 % of the Earth's fresh water entering the ocean. The, tidal ,bore is the reason the Amazon does not have a protruding delta; the ocean
  37. Many years, therefore,mariners in East and South-East Asia have related their, tidal ,observations to the Chinese calendar,to be able to provide quick
  38. Some of the world's the most productive ecosystems, and protect vegetation in, tidal ,zones and on shorelines from strong currents and tides. While corals are almost
  39. Throughout the Valley, in various communities, building dykes to claim the, tidal ,lands along the Annapolis and Cornwallis Rivers. They continued throughout the
  40. And near-shore marine habitats and coastal habitats like lagoons, estuaries and, tidal ,flats. Numerous coal seams represent ancient peat swamps. Like most of the
  41. To the war crimes of the Nazis. International public opinion was revolted and a, tidal ,wave of hapless refugees, their number soon reaching 10 million, sought shelter
  42. The height above or below sea level of any point in Spain, due to the marginal, tidal ,variations of the Mediterranean Sea in Alicante. Climate Alicante enjoys a
  43. Of snow, with no summers in between. Wars will follow, then earthquakes and, tidal ,waves. The sky will split open and out will ride the sons of Nuspell intent on
  44. In Channel Island French to refer to the islands as a whole. The very large, tidal ,variation provides an environmentally rich inter- tidal zone around the islands
  45. Determine the range over which sediment is deposited or eroded. Areas with high, tidal ,ranges allow waves to reach farther up the shore, and areas with lower tidal
  46. Be solar tidal friction. The moon's recession rate is governed by similar, tidal ,friction with the earth. Takashi Mira of Piroshki University in Japan suggests
  47. On this basis, its respiratory system could not have been reptilian, as its, tidal ,volume would not have been able to replace its dead-space volume. Likewise, the
  48. S success in the region, which came to be called Acadia, led to the fertile, tidal ,marshes surrounding the southeastern and northeastern reaches of the Bay of
  49. Of the river that is completely free-flowing, unimpeded by dams and not a, tidal ,estuary. The Snake River and Yakima River join the Columbia in the Tri-Cities
  50. Baltic Sea. It sidelines both the (Baltic Sea) and the North Sea along its, tidal ,shoreline (including bays and inlets),whereas the general coastline is much

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