Examples of the the word, luckily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( luckily ), is the 8472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Take Nikolai and the Ark key elsewhere, and Fisher is left to be executed -, luckily , Lambert organizes for a five-seconds long blackout, allowing Fisher to escape
  2. Tendencies of the market (preferring solutions that do work) there might, luckily ,be one final and widely used implementation guideline of the final UN/CEF ACT
  3. And no longer has many post-war homes. There are many new neighborhoods and, luckily , they have been developed with respect for the multitude of wildlife found here
  4. The helicopter malfunctions and crashes in the city's upper level. Foster, luckily ,survives the crash and flees. He makes his way through a recycling plant with
  5. In October 1940. Claude went to Vichy to intercede for him, to no avail;, luckily ,Waller managed to escape (with Claudel's assistance, the authorities
  6. Regrettably) or it is fortunate that (fortunately) or it is lucky that (, luckily ,), and it would be comforting if there were such a word as hop ably or, as
  7. Summoned Galileo Galilei, who also faced a famous inquisitorial trial, which, luckily , for him, ended with a simple abjuration. " Following the 1870 Capture of Rome
  8. Worst poetry was written by Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Sussex ..., luckily , it was destroyed when the Earth was. " A second example of Logon poetry is
  9. Jon Johnson fell off the Burma rope ridge towards the end of the course, but, luckily , he landed in the net below and was able to finish in second place. For at
  10. By the Off warlord, or Darwin, they were waylaid by Off bandits but, luckily ,were able to bribe their attackers. They spent the winter in Organ, Iran
  11. In raising disturbances in Kabul, he made for the frontier of Kazakhstan, and, luckily , finding some adherents, he managed to get from his grandson the territory
  12. In Stadia as 48 times 5000 = 240,000. Some scholars see these results as, luckily ,semi-accurate due to cancellation of errors. But since the Canopus observations
  13. Unable to let his suffering go, chose to enroll his son in a boarding school;, luckily , that school happened to be the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Promoted
  14. I verily believe that shift and passion would have killed her, had I not, luckily ,discovered her prepossession in favor of Cherry Brandy. With this favorite
  15. To Prague briefly for his father's funeral in July of the same year but, luckily ,was able to return to Paris and later to join a newly formed Czech army in Age
  16. In 1960,Blue Bulleted was assaulted by thugs and nearly killed but was, luckily ,taken in by Aragon, a being from another dimension. When she returned from
  17. Attack near Union Pass in Wyoming forced the group further south where they, luckily ,discovered South Pass, a wide and easy pass over the Continental Divide. The
  18. Redwood. I saw him once a long time ago when I was young. I ran away and, luckily , or no luck at all, he did not follow me. But now I cannot run and anyway this
  19. And CFA firefighters, the blaze incinerated 6700 hectares of parkland but, luckily ,destroyed only two houses and caused no human fatalities. Churchill is a
  20. Removing a piece of his beautiful skin. When Thai reappears, he is naked. But, luckily ,for him his grandmother is nearby. No sooner does a fish bite off a piece of
  21. Colonel E. O. Keller, lying that he had been instructed to go to the front (, luckily ,this escapade did not land him in serious trouble; in a reprise of 1935
  22. Stomping feel with 'Causing a Commotion '. With the movie's fate being sealed, luckily ,for her Madonna can sing. " Ryan Singh from The Miami Herald, while reviewing
  23. Allowed Bazooka to climb the ropes to get to his feet to finish the fight, and, luckily , the bell went as soon as he was upright. Charon won the fight by a split
  24. Method of hiding behind the door of the bedroom where she has been imprisoned (, luckily ,for Lizzie, her new mother has not thought to restrain her in any way! ), then
  25. Events proved to be too traumatic for María Clara who got seriously ill but was, luckily ,cured by the medicine Ibarra sent. After the inauguration, Ibarra hosted a
  26. Street to be closed due to debris. The mess was cleaned up quickly, and, luckily , none of the downtown buildings were affected. The trains started going through
  27. DAR Archival stopped the publication in 2003 because of problems with Disney, luckily ,the comics were re-released by“ NASDAQ Mass” in 2004 and the first issues
  28. Few short weeks. It continued to stick half-closed when retracted, although, luckily , it returned to the down position for landing. Repeated attempts to find the
  29. Woods. A Barbell man called Boswell was sentenced to death for robbery. But, luckily , the local rector, Mr Metal, managed to get the sentence commuted to
  30. Had been the focus of most of his projects at the phone company and IBM. But, luckily ,the job definition of a Distinguished Engineer is" you're supposed to be the
  31. Never displayed previously. She effortlessly defeated She-Hulk and Human Torch;, luckily , Reed was able to save Susan by forcing her to hate him legitimately. Freed of
  32. Either being becalmed or running into a tropical cyclone, both of which he, luckily ,avoided. File: Columbus Fleet 1893 Issue. JPG|left|thumb|350px|~ Flagship of
  33. And both the fin and rudder broke away. The machine became uncontrollable but, luckily ,the pilot escaped by parachute below 1000 ft. It was the end for the Pipit and
  34. Result of the husband smuggling the old girlfriend into the house) which, luckily , didn't harm anyone. Uncle Banks insists that Willie be arrested for the
  35. He had drifted away from art school as a slightly disillusioned student and had, luckily ,met his longtime hero, Australian impressionist painter Hayward Veal, who took
  36. On Bush House, and the Marines' version was reinstated, after a producer had, luckily ,found another record in a second-hand shop. The most recent recording, written
  37. With By the Grace of God it would indicate that the Spanish People had been, luckily ,spared from the Soviet invasion. * Vodka (" Leader" ) monsignor Josef Tito
  38. Low Countries in 1572,and was driven by stress of weather to Braille, which, luckily , for him had just fallen into the hands of the Dutch. He obtained a captain's
  39. And so approached top producers and songwriters. Their debut album and single, luckily ,coincided with the apogee of boy band popularity. Their success has been most
  40. 35 mm blown-down elements instead of the high-quality full-gauge intermediates;, luckily , now more and more DVD releases, such as West Side Story and the Branch Hamlet
  41. Intent. Another crew member (Boris Rodriguez) rides a sky bike to the bomb and, luckily ,manages to deactivate it. As Rama approaches perihelion, the bits act
  42. Jack had a near-miss when an elephant was threatening to charge at him, but, luckily , the elephant walked off. The fourth series of Adrenaline Junkie, which was
  43. Kings of Gloria. Before Marion can tell anyone he is attacked by a wild boar, luckily ,killing it but becoming injured and unconscious in the process. Marion proves
  44. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. I have an everlasting cold, but, luckily , I’m terribly dishonest. I cling to that. "; another Hamlet reference occurs at
  45. Of 1893 where William Boreas states (writing in the 1750s):" I happened, luckily ,to be at this well upon the last day of the year, on which, according to vulgar
  46. Is because of Iron Maiden. We played 'Phantom of the Opera' in a small club;, luckily ,we were spotted by the owner of Metal Blade ... and well, here we are now! "
  47. Cnidarian counterparts are inordinately finicky and need high light levels, and, luckily , Anemonefish will thrive without them. Aquariums often find that Anemone fish
  48. Bridge under which they were passing. The car landed right in front of his, but, luckily , the accident did not injure any occupants in Antuofermo's car. He was so
  49. Started in Kent. Skycaps show passengers their location, but the mistake was, luckily ,not replicated on the pilots' navigation system. BA blamed outside contractors
  50. A groundhog crossed the track at the hairpin in the 2nd practice session but, luckily ,did not disrupt the session. Wall of Champions The final corner of Circuit

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