Examples of the the word, orderly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( orderly ), is the 8483 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Marshall as Secretary of State, and enacted JCS 1779,which decreed that an, orderly ,and prosperous Europe requires the economic contributions of a stable and
- Before making a final decision. In handling routine tasks, he was" systematic, orderly , energetic, solicitous of the opinion of others but decisive, intent upon
- Inhabitants. During the 1920s,1930s and 1940s,the city grew in a planned and, orderly ,pace. However, from the 1950s onward, the city grew much faster than envisioned
- And rule the underworld instead ". Some scholars have argued that the calm, orderly , monotheistic creation story in Genesis 1 can be interpreted as a reaction
- Stanley, and would continue until Gates certified that conditions were met for, orderly ,repeal of the policy. President Obama signed the repeal into law on December 22
- Became a haven for pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard. To restore, orderly ,government, The Bahamas were made a British crown colony in 1718 under the
- One part of the community to another, by degrees dictated a more compact and, orderly ,arrangement of the buildings of a monastic cenobite. Large piles of building
- At all the disorder in the world. By accepting that life is a serious, orderly ,matter, the followers of Grey face end up viewing things as either orderly or
- They could be asked to do similar civilian work, such as being a hospital, orderly , It was, in fact, quite easy for those with some knowledge of the system to
- To produce a world that should be precisely adapted in every detail for the, orderly ,development of life culminating in man. " In 1957,Robert Dice wrote:" The
- To solve the Greek debt crisis typically argue that a delay in organizing an, orderly ,default would wind up hurting EU lenders and neighboring European countries
- Grammars are more general than context-free grammars but still, orderly ,enough to be parsed by a linear bounded automaton. The concept of
- We have the appearance of a seemingly causeless selection event in a highly, orderly ,and predictable formulation of the interference pattern. This has prompted some
- Heroes, well-groomed parks, and pedestrian-only zones, are features of these, orderly ,towns and cities. Muted colors prevail, especially tones of yellow and gold. In
- The function of the genome. Genes and genomes Genomic DNA is tightly and, orderly ,packed in the process called DNA condensation to fit the small available
- Like other 19th century social evolutionists, believed there was a more or less, orderly ,progression from the primitive to the civilized. 20th-century anthropologists
- And Portuguese activity in the lower Congo River region threatened to undermine, orderly ,penetration of tropical Africa, the Berlin Conference of 1884–85 sought to
- And CYCLE statements for" breaking out" of normal DO loop iterations in an, orderly ,way * SELECT... CASE construct for multi-way selection * Portable specification
- Without any notice, citing lack of resources and personal problems. A swift and, orderly ,migration off Winer's server was made possible mainly thanks to help from
- His tolerance and his especially his moderation" in his preference for, orderly ,progress, his distrust of dangerous agitation, and his reluctance toward ill
- In which the home team won all seven games of a World Series. An estimated, orderly ,crowd of over 300,000 celebrated at the Diamondbacks' victory parade, held at
- Willfully disobeys a process or order of the Court * Interfere with the, orderly ,administration of justice or to impair the authority or dignity of the Court *
- Precipitate out of solution, resulting in dis orderly granules rather than an, orderly ,and hence usable crystal. Once a crystal is obtained, data can be collected
- Pay tithes and offerings, and participate in church classes if their conduct is, orderly , For lesser sins, or in cases where the sinner appears truly repentant
- Famous for holiness or singular asceticism, but without any attempt at, orderly ,arrangement. This arrangement probably followed the example set in part by the
- Secular religion. 19th century use Evolution originally was used to refer to an, orderly ,sequence of events with the outcome somehow contained at the start. Darwin did
- The best option for Greece and the rest of the EU should be to engineer an “, orderly ,default” on Greece’s public debt which would allow Athens to withdraw
- Commander arrived in theater in mid-April 1706,just in time to organize an, orderly ,retreat of what was left of Count Reventlow's inferior army following his
- Is responsible for ensuring that bankruptcies are administered in a fair and, orderly ,manner. Trustees in bankruptcy administer bankruptcy estates. Bankruptcy is
- Structures should be well-founded in axioms and be both well-articulated and, orderly , This taste for structural clarity worked its way into the world of music
- Engulfment of the cell. The removal of dying cells by phagocytes occurs in an, orderly ,manner without eliciting an inflammatory response. Apoptosis pathway knock-outs
- Is ready. The end of my parchment compels me to finish my letter. Love is not, orderly ,; it is this which has made it confused. Farewell, dear hearts of mine; pray for
- A conviction, far deeper than a mere working proposition, that the world is, orderly ,and can be explained by a few natural laws. " Wilson's concept is
- The Prussian forces during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 to 1871 as a medical, orderly , In his short time in the military he experienced much, and witnessed the
- Responded by telegram:" I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the, orderly ,harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and
- The Romans left the country unopposed. The Roman withdrawal from Persia was, orderly , The Sassanian king Bahrām II could not field any armies against them, as he was
- Orderly matter, the followers of Grey face end up viewing things as either, orderly ,or dis orderly . In this system, order is preferred to disorder at all costs. An
- In Biology ", asserts that life originated without any skyhooks, and the, orderly ,world we know is the result of a blind and undirected shuffle through chaos.
- Thus, if two disk galaxies collide, they begin with their stars in an, orderly ,rotation in the plane of the disk. During the merger, the ordered motion is
- To measure responses of organisms (most often, rats and pigeons) and their, orderly ,interactions with the environment. This device was an example of his lifelong
- Tiny patch of space from which our observable Universe grew had to be extremely, orderly , to allow the post-inflation universe to have an arrow of time, makes it
- Limited and censored. However, as a result of an offer from a sympathetic, orderly , Speer was able to have his writings, which eventually amounted to 20,000
- A solid material whose constituent atoms, molecules,or ions are arranged in an, orderly ,repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific
- Compared to woven bone, lamellar bone formation takes place more slowly. The, orderly ,deposition of collagen fibers restricts the formation of asteroid to about 1 to
- 14:39),while warning them that" all things must be done properly and in an, orderly ,manner" He further expresses his wishes that those to whom he wrote" all
- Laurence as his successor to the archbishopric, probably to ensure an, orderly ,transfer of office. Although at the time of Augustine's death,26 May 604
- Data only apply to patterns, which in turn result only when waves diffract from, orderly ,arrays. Hence, crystallography applies for the most part only to crystals, or to
- December 1,1803,saying," The assembly conducted through the whole in a very, orderly ,and solemn manner, so much so, as to occasion an observing gentleman acquainted
- Are synthesized. By 1958,Crick's thinking had matured, and he could list in an, orderly ,way all the key features of the protein synthesis process: *genetic
- Refer to the species. Higher taxa were constructed and arranged in a simple and, orderly ,manner. Although the system, now known as binomial nomenclature, was partially
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