Examples of the the word, midwife , in a Sentence Context

The word ( midwife ), is the 8476 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Three year full time program of 45 weeks per year. Women must choose one of a, midwife , a General Practitioner or an Obstetrician to provide their maternity care.
  2. The word" gossip" referred to companions in childbirth, not limited to the, midwife , It also became a term for women-friends generally, with no necessary
  3. A popular medieval saying was," The better the witch; the better the, midwife ,"; to guard against witchcraft, the Church required midwives to be licensed by
  4. Had easier labors than Egyptian women and delivered their babies before the, midwife ,arrived. " And God dealt well with the midwives" ( Exodus, Chap. 1,verse 20)
  5. Of childbirth. Artemis believed that she had been chosen by the Fates to be a, midwife , particularly since she had assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin
  6. Magic charms and potions. (Byre Hills, Fife,Scotland) On 8 November 1576, midwife , Bessie Dunlop, resident in Dairy, Scotland,was accused of sorcery and
  7. Equipment, though richer families may pay instead for the services of a nurse, midwife , or doctor using a local anesthetic. It may also be performed by the mother or
  8. To see the approximate proportion of women whose primary birth attendant was a, midwife ,in British Columbia see," What Mothers Say: The Canadian Maternity Experiences
  9. Intact unless mechanically severed. If called upon, the neighboring amoeba, midwife ,travels up to 200 km towards the dividing amoeba, usually advancing in a
  10. In a straight trajectory with an average velocity of about 0.5 km/s. The, midwife ,then proceeds to rupture the connection, after which all three amoebae move on.
  11. Or an Obstetrician to provide their maternity care. About 78 percent choose a, midwife ,(8 percent GP,8 percent Obstetrician,6 percent unknown. ). Midwives provide
  12. Venice in 1678. He was baptized immediately after his birth at his home by the, midwife , which led to the belief that his life was somehow in danger. Though not known
  13. From this time, valued nobility and a quiet and inconspicuous disposition in a, midwife , A woman who possessed this combination of physique, virtue,skill, and
  14. Simulating cellular structures *Certified Professional Midwife, see midwife ry, midwife ,types *Clique percolation method, a clustering algorithm for networks *Confined
  15. At the outset of the 18th century in England, most babies were caught by a, midwife , but by the onset of the 19th century, the majority of those babies born to
  16. Registrant midwives. There were 2 midwives per 100,000 people in BC in 2006. A, midwife ,must be registered with the College of Midwives of BC in order to practice.
  17. Following completion of nurse training, a nurse may become a registered, midwife ,by completing an eighteen-month post-registration course (leading to a degree
  18. Primarily in out-of-hospital settings. Under the umbrella of" direct-entry, midwife ," are several types of midwives: A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is a
  19. Branch nurse must complete the full three-year course to qualify as a, midwife , Midwifery students do not pay tuition fees and are eligible for financial
  20. Are unable to separate unaided and recruit a neighboring amoeba (dubbed the ", midwife ,") to complete the fission. He writes:: When an amoeba divides, the two
  21. Physicians. However, there were certain characteristics desired in a“ good ”, midwife , as described by the physician Strands of Ephesus in the 2nd century. He states
  22. The age at which the procedure is performed varies. Comfort Mom oh, a specialist, midwife ,in England, writes that in Ethiopia the Falasha's perform it when the child is a
  23. College of Nurse-Midwives (ACM) also provides accreditation to non-nurse, midwife ,programs, as well as colleges that graduate nurse-midwives. This credential
  24. This term does not necessarily mean a low level of education, just that the, midwife ,either chose not to become certified or licensed, or there was no certification
  25. Or other appropriate assistance and the carrying out of emergency measures. The, midwife ,has an important task in health counseling and education, not only for the
  26. With two other Roman deities: Nigeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant, midwife ,; and Virus, the woodland god. Etymology Diana (pronounced with long 'ī' and
  27. And the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics): The, midwife ,is recognized as a responsible and accountable professional who works in
  28. Gain the knowledge to counteract the lack of pain relievers and antiseptics. A, midwife ,may practice in any setting including in the home, the community, hospitals
  29. American Midwifery Certification Board. Direct-entry midwives A direct-entry, midwife ,is educated in the discipline of midwife ry in a program or path that does not
  30. The midwife ry scope of practice covers normal pregnancy and birth. The, midwife ,will either consult or transfer care where there is a departure from normal.
  31. The home, the community, hospitals,clinics or health units. Etymology The term, midwife ,is derived from, literally " with-woman ",i.e." the woman with, the woman
  32. The UK occur in a hospital). There are a variety of routes to qualifying as a, midwife , Most midwives now qualify via a direct entry course, which refers to a three-
  33. Work together to provide care to childbearing women. In others, only the, midwife ,is available to provide care. Midwives are trained to handle certain more
  34. Devoted to Jackie in Lower Manhattan. Robinson's daughter, Sharon,became a, midwife , educator, director of educational programming for MLB, and the author of two
  35. There are approximately 1800 CPMs practicing in the US. A Licensed Midwife is a, midwife ,who is licensed to practice in a particular state. Currently, licensure for
  36. To families with children who have Down's syndrome, and liaising with a senior, midwife ,as well as the Down's Syndrome Association. The BBC say Honey was not refused
  37. Childbirth is available in most hospitals. In this case, a woman's own, midwife ,delivers the baby at the delivery room of a hospital, without intervention of
  38. Clinics, postnatal care in the home, and attending home births. A community, midwife ,would typically have a pager and be responsible for a particular area
  39. Term" Lay Midwife" has been used to designate an uncertified or unlicensed, midwife ,who was educated through informal routes such as self-study or apprenticeship
  40. Hadamard's participation in the birth of Brouwer's ideas resembles that of a, midwife ,more than that of a mere spectator. ". Brouwer's approach yielded its fruits
  41. Assist the mother with breastfeeding. A practitioner of midwife ry is known as a, midwife , a term used in reference to both women and men, although the majority of
  42. Opposed to the West. In the East, some women advanced beyond the profession of, midwife ,(main) to that of gynecologist (intros gynaikeios, translated as women's
  43. And so it was taken off the air. In 2003,an Irn-Bru commercial which showed a, midwife ,trying to entice a baby from its mother's womb during a difficult delivery
  44. Virginity before, during and after the birth of Jesus, as confirmed by the, midwife ,after she gave birth, and tested by" Salome" who is perhaps intended to be
  45. Program distinct from the discipline of nursing. A direct-entry, midwife ,is trained to provide the Midwives Model of Care to healthy women and newborns
  46. And the process of emergence is likened to the act of giving birth. The role of, midwife ,is usually played by a female deity, like the spider woman of Native American
  47. Annual gynecological exams, family planning, and menopausal care. In the term, midwife , the morpheme -wife is pronounced as expected (), but midwife ry is normally
  48. Fingers and short nails at her fingertips. ” Strands also recommends that the, midwife ,be of sympathetic disposition (although she need not have borne a child
  49. During pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period, to conduct births on the, midwife ,'s own responsibility and to provide care for the infant. This care includes
  50. And if a complication arises in a pregnancy, labour, birth or postpartum,a, midwife ,will consult with a specialist such as an obstetrician or pediatrician.

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