Examples of the the word, congratulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( congratulate ), is the 8478 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On 8 January 2007 that U. S. President George W. Bush also had called Ortega to, congratulate ,him on his election victory. Hearty Levites—who was also running for president
  2. A household name as a result of this series. When Johnny Carson later tried to, congratulate ,McQueen for the jump during a broadcast of The Tonight Show, McQueen said," It
  3. For a game of poker. Darlene returned along with Jerry on the show's finale to, congratulate ,Larry on his final show.; Season The season premiered on July 19, 1995 and
  4. Attending church. He also appears in the ninth season episode" Bart Star" to, congratulate ,Nelson after a football game victory and take him to Hooters (with Nelson
  5. S sickness and miraculous recovery is found in, Various ambassadors came to, congratulate ,him on his recovery, among them Merodach-baladan, the king of Babylon (; 2
  6. S words at the court-martial:" In delivering to you your sword, I am to, congratulate ,you on its being restored to you with so much honor ". Principal Painter in
  7. D. Eisenhower, who was elected in 1952,was the first to publicly address and, congratulate ,the new union, which was now the largest in the world. In Eisenhower’s
  8. Hill commented that" If my father was around now, he would be the first to, congratulate ,Aaron. " The 1996 race saw Michael Schumacher take pole position before
  9. Died. Putin's comments came as British Prime Minister Tony Blair phoned him to, congratulate ,him on the ending of the siege. The management of NTV, the last nationwide TV
  10. Period. The Secretary of the NAACP, Walter White, wrote to Surges: I want to, congratulate ,and thank you for the church sequence in Sullivan's Travels. This is one of
  11. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs and the humans of the area, who, congratulate , Napoleon on having the hardest-working animals in the country on the least feed
  12. Chemistry Department, wary of his political views, did not even formally, congratulate ,him. They did throw him a small party, showing they were more appreciative and
  13. For being the WWF World Heavyweight Champion for three years; André came out to, congratulate ,him. On the following week's Piper's Pit, André was presented a slightly
  14. About the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they, congratulate ,him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth’s castle as a guest. When his
  15. He had never been pinned or forced to submit in a WWF ring. Hogan came out to, congratulate ,André and ended up being the focal point of the interview. A visibly" annoyed
  16. Into custody. Though some witnesses reported that Kobayashi was attempting to, congratulate ,the winner, Joey Chestnut, co-host and Major League Eating President Richard
  17. Accompany their father and visit aunts, uncles,grandparents and friends to, congratulate ,them on the EID. They will be offered drinks and special cookies. Women will
  18. Was probably" antidote ". " — John Below, MP,Speaker of the House, UK **"I, congratulate ,my hon. Friend on a good recovery. If I may say so, Mrs Malaprop would have
  19. 1974 Match Game episode, program packager Mark Goodson made a surprise visit to, congratulate ,the host on making the show #1 among daytime television programs and Goodson
  20. It must have already been well advanced as his former pupil Grow wrote to, congratulate ,him, having heard reports of the painting's merits. By the time David died
  21. Dutch state. In June William sent Count Turkestan to England, ostensibly to, congratulate ,James on the birth of the Prince of Wales but in reality to communicate with
  22. Symphony, in the presence of the composer, who came on stage at the end to, congratulate ,Bernstein and the musicians. In October, when Bernstein and the orchestra
  23. Name is Thalia. *The son of TOI, King of Namath who was sent by his father to, congratulate ,David on the occasion of his victory over Hardener (2 Books of Samuel 8:10)
  24. Ground from under moderate Catholics in England. His letter of 9 July 1606 to, congratulate ,James I on his accession to the throne was three years late and seemed to
  25. Infamously run out in a match against New Zealand when he left his crease to, congratulate ,Kumar Sankara, who had just scored a single to reach his century; the New
  26. About £250,000. As she is in fine trim, we shall probably have, in due time, to, congratulate , Captain Gray on having achieved another successful voyage. ' Later history In
  27. Here. ' I say,'Hey,what's going on, Rickey? ' I think he's calling to, congratulate ,me, but he goes, Sixty stolen bases? You ought to be ashamed. Rickey would have
  28. Technically at war, King Philip III sent his envoy, Don Juan de Tassis, to, congratulate , James on his accession. For decades, the English had lived under a monarch who
  29. Both Selim and Hemingway (with the Hemingway family in Ketchup, Idaho ) to, congratulate ,her after Hemingways's Time magazine cover appeared in June 1975. Marion
  30. President didn't even send me a telegram. " While Hitler did not personally, congratulate ,Owens, he did not congratulate any other athlete (including those competing
  31. Reform. Despite his disagreements with Lord Melbourne, the King wrote warmly to, congratulate ,the Prime Minister when he triumphed in the adultery case brought against him
  32. Masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can, congratulate ,themselves on penetrating the plotters' deceptions. According to
  33. And other individuals give their best wishes to the families of the victims and, congratulate ,all the workers and firefighters in New York. This is the first major
  34. A bistro. Artists live and work in co-ops and arrange social events. While many, congratulate ,themselves on" revitalizing" a" deteriorating" area, others consider such
  35. Of law, wrote:" As to children, a father and mother when they produce a boy, congratulate ,one another, but when they produce a girl they put it to death. " Among the
  36. Serving traveled to Rome in the company of the Delegation sent by Florence to, congratulate ,the new Pope on his election. His father and Pope Clement VII were personal
  37. Congressional caucus nominee William H. Crawford, saying that he had hoped to, congratulate ,Crawford but" events had not been what we had wished. " In the next election
  38. And attempted to present similar set designs. Billy Wilder commented," I, congratulate ,the writers on something very ingenious — they left the story alone. A woman
  39. Actress in a Musical, losing to close friend Lauren Bacall. Hepburn wrote to, congratulate ,Bacall after winning, and said" none could be more pleased than I." Late
  40. The fact that the game was against the Cubs meant that Sosa was able to, congratulate ,McGwire personally on his achievement. Members of Roger Maris' family were
  41. Point score set by Leo Daniels of Carolina Beach on February 6,1982. To, congratulate ,Saran on his accomplishment, the Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard
  42. Noted:“ Ah, Rossini. So you’re the composer of The Barber of Seville. I, congratulate ,you. It will be played as long as Italian opera exists. Never try to write
  43. After the first day either, in accordance with IOC guidelines that he should, congratulate ,everyone or no one. Hitler did, however,leave the Olympic Stadium just before
  44. It. After some hesitation, Joker shoots her with his sidearm. The Marines, congratulate ,him on his kill as Joker stares into the distance. The film concludes with the
  45. They try to win Cinderella's favor. Everyone but the Witch and the stepsisters, congratulate ,themselves on being able to live happily" Ever After ", though they fail to
  46. Of other Protestant princes of Germany to King Charles IX of France to, congratulate ,him on the Peace of Saint Germain. On this occasion Banquet advocated the equal
  47. Demeanor. At the 1976 Olympics, she walked around the podium to personally, congratulate ,champion Nadia Connect and shake her hand before accepting her own medal. In
  48. Me a telegram. " While Hitler did not personally congratulate Owens, he did not, congratulate ,any other athlete (including those competing for Germany) after the first day
  49. NEWS customers, immediately recognized Epstein, but before Epstein could, congratulate ,them on their performance, Harrison said," And what brings Mr. Epstein here? "
  50. A last-minute three-pointer, and players from both teams ran onto the court to, congratulate ,Johnson. During the tournament, which the USA won, Johnson played infrequently

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