Examples of the the word, upstairs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( upstairs ), is the 8475 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With clay, used to smoke meat. The smoke rose more or less freely, warming the, upstairs ,rooms and protecting the woodwork from vermin. Colonial America In the Colony
  2. Twin girls were bitten on the arms and face when a fox entered their, upstairs ,room in east London. Fox hunting is a sport that originated in the
  3. Were built with six upper-deck windows (three per side) to accommodate, upstairs ,lounge areas. Later, as airlines began to use the upper-deck for premium
  4. Him to his friend Kurt Cobain, who had noticed loud music coming from, upstairs , Robert told Cobain that it was his older brother, who listened to punk rock.
  5. The bunker report, suggesting that Biden had instead been describing" an, upstairs ,workspace ". Time services The U. S. Naval Observatory operates two Master Clocks
  6. The mill and was purchased for £9,300. It had no bathroom, no running water, upstairs ,and no electricity, but Kipling loved it:" Behold us, lawful owners of a gray
  7. Her daughter and then is terrorized by the ghost of a girl that used to live, upstairs , * 2007: In the film The Brave One, starring Jodie Foster, a memorable scene
  8. An argument that reveals that Nick was too drunk to have sex with Martha, upstairs ,anyway. George asks Nick to bring his wife back out for the final game "
  9. Boost" in capacity to a home with an undersized central a/c e.g. " A hot, upstairs ,bedroom ", cooling a room that never had a/c before but is now being used for
  10. Extinguished by the fire sprinklers. They left the cafeteria and headed back, upstairs , Once back on the upper level, they wandered around the main north and south
  11. Is waiting at the gate. Rocco tells the soldiers to escort Governor Pizarro, upstairs , Flores tan and Lenore sing to their victory as Pizarro declares he will have
  12. By means of phosphorus. They find Mrs. Stapleton bound and gagged in an, upstairs ,room of Merritt House. When she is freed, she tells them of Stapleton’s
  13. With him throughout his youth. After his election as president, residing in the, upstairs ,White House private quarters, Reagan would quip that he was" living above the
  14. With the sweet and fumbled music of the piano lessons drifting down from, upstairs ,to the lonely schoolroom, where only the sometimes tearful wicked sat over
  15. Mistake. Half an hour later there was a phone call to the house and Gwen came, upstairs ,all smiles, explaining there had been a Mr and Mrs Cooper in the hotel at the
  16. Was severed just below the elbow: his lower arm was often seen. He lived in an, upstairs ,closet made up as a house-within-a-house, though he was also shown to reside in
  17. Reacts calmly, simply sitting and reading a book. As Martha and Nick walk, upstairs , George throws his book against the door chimes in anguish; Honey returns
  18. And Barry Murphy, Ardal O'Hanlon founded the International Comedy Cellar, upstairs ,in the International Bar on Dublin's South Wick low Street. Dublin had no
  19. The morning, leaving the conspirators no time to conceal his body. Kutuzov ran, upstairs ,to consult the others and then came back down to shoot Rasputin through the
  20. Where both the street and the front hall of Number 10 were packed. As he headed, upstairs ,to address the crowd from a first-floor window, someone called to him,"
  21. His guns and his van. Milo takes notice of the commotion, and she and Pro rush, upstairs , When Yuri and Lusaka pass DOM and enter the store, Miho throws Piro's hat
  22. The Prince, as he says: 'If I'm running short of cash all I have to do is go, upstairs ,and ask Prince Fat-head for a raise '. As well as Rowan Atkinson and Tony
  23. Cash register. Today, most stores follow the same layout of having the showroom, upstairs ,with the marketplace and warehouse downstairs. Some stores are single level
  24. Adverb slowly shows the manner in which she walked. ) * The kids are playing, upstairs , (Here the adverb upstairs provides information about the place of the
  25. Played by Among Walker),who was both black and gay, and Alf's prim, upstairs ,neighbor, Mrs Hollingberry (played by Carmel Miscarry),who eventually
  26. The Blake House Inn. Graffiti from her childhood visits is preserved in an, upstairs ,bedroom closet. She attended Winthrop College for two years before moving
  27. And the hitchhiker bring an old man," Grandpa" ( John Duran),from, upstairs ,to share the meal. During the night they decide Sally should be killed by "
  28. Just across the Mohawk River from the city of Schenectady. Vonnegut rented an, upstairs ,apartment located along Applause Creek across the street from the Applause
  29. In which she walked. ) * The kids are playing upstairs . (Here the adverb, upstairs ,provides information about the place of the activity. ) Adverbs can also modify
  30. Moves into Holly's apartment after Holly falls out with the novelist, upstairs , In the film, Mag appears as an uninvited party guest with both Rusty Trawler
  31. Difficult might be thought to refer to qualities, and adverbs like outside or, upstairs ,seem to refer to places, which are also among the sorts of things nouns can
  32. The first floor has always been an office and chill out area, while a room, upstairs ,is used for song mixing. The band have recorded a number of demos and b-sides
  33. Of his uncle's home at 10 Tanaina Street, while German troops searched, upstairs , On the night of 17 January 1945,the Germans fled the city, and the students
  34. Deathtrap" and remains upstairs . Tom agrees with Ben and asks for Judy to come, upstairs , Harry returns to the cellar to Helen and Karen, who has fallen ill after being
  35. More storage (due to difficulties transporting cumbersome rowing equipment, upstairs ,). Boats are conveyed to competitions on special trailers accommodating up to
  36. And heaping scorn on its participants and eventually locking himself in the, upstairs ,bedroom. However, by the end of the day, Cobain had agreed to undergo a detox
  37. Everyone to hide in the cellar, but Ben deems it a" deathtrap" and remains, upstairs , Tom agrees with Ben and asks for Judy to come upstairs . Harry returns to the
  38. In the film genetically during the party and shots of Donnie and Gretchen, upstairs , However, the version included was released in 1995,although the film is set
  39. Then tells Spider to bring Chick,who's hiding in an alley, back to her room, upstairs , Then, while she sings" Frankie and Johnny ", she silently signals to Dan
  40. Toward the house and finds the desiccated remains of an elderly couple in an, upstairs ,room. She escapes from Leather face by jumping through a second-floor window and
  41. A fishing pole down the chimney. The widow hears her dog barking and hurries, upstairs , finds the hearth empty and beats the dog. Third Trick: The Tailor The boys
  42. The Doll's House) * Element Girl (Urania Blackwell): Death, coming for an, upstairs ,neighbor who has fallen off a ladder, visits her, sensing her longing to die
  43. With functional shops on the first floor and separate residential spaces, upstairs , were built around the old city center. These shop-houses drew inspiration from
  44. Whoever gets the last letter is" it ". ): Cinderella, dressed in yeller: Went, upstairs ,to kiss her feller: Made a mistake and kissed a snake: Came downstairs with a
  45. To be the" World Center of Erotic Entertainment ". In the early eighties,the, upstairs ,became known as the Boulevard Theatre and was used by a small group of
  46. Mildews visit Ronnie and Mildred on the understanding that Mildred had gone, upstairs ,during a game of Happy Families and not returned; Ronnie then shows her feet
  47. Who trained in the Neo log seminary in Budapest. In this synagogue, there is an, upstairs ,tier reserved for women, who also at their option sit downstairs. Women
  48. Was the keeper. In the early hours of 7 September 1838,Grace, looking from an, upstairs ,window of the Long stone Lighthouse on the Fare Islands, spotted the wreck and
  49. Plans Warehouse on the Dock Road has two venues specializing in live music; an, upstairs ,venue which tends to accommodate comedians and folk and jazz acts, and a much
  50. Takes all Brunelleschi’s components and bends them to his will. The Library is, upstairs , It is a long low building with an ornate wooden ceiling, a matching floor and

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