Examples of the the word, tyler , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tyler ), is the 8480 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On fire and they drop the nail gun that Tyler had found. The killer then shoots, tyler , in the chest with it when he picks it up. Tyler is fine just a flesh wound.
  2. One lime burner, one husbandry man, two blacksmiths, one carpenter and a, tyler , with others making a total of 35 - this is for fighting men (when called)
  3. Who has collaborated with Wiley’S. A. Q and Wretch 32. The Philippine Oriole, tyler , ( Orioles steer ii) is a species of bird in the Oriole family. It is endemic
  4. Have been presented over time. The name may simply come from the occupation of, tyler ,-- a person who lays roof and floor tiles, perhaps because he had failed to
  5. A revision of the word tether, used to tie the door closed. *Possibly that the, tyler , once sat on the roof of the lodge on the 'tiles' to stop people looking in
  6. 1999) to debut on the New York Times bestseller list. Characters protagonist -, tyler , miller Plot summary Tyler goes from a nobody to some-what popular after he gets
  7. Her. They find Kyle's body buried in the ground. They start to freak out and, tyler , runs to the house and tries to find the killer, but a snake set up in a cabinet
  8. Outside to find him but a tree catches on fire, and they drop the nail gun that, tyler , had found. The killer then shoot s tyler in the chest with it when he picks it
  9. At third base, left field, and catcher. Most known for his two run single off, tyler , anderson Friday night vs Oregon. As a freshman he leads all D1 hitters on middle
  10. It is Keith's body. They are all freaked out, so they go back to the cabin while, tyler , goes to the dock to flag someone down. They all split up and Ashley thinks she

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