Examples of the the word, pact , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pact ), is the 8492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the same time, by replacing the Soviet-Finnish mutual assistance, pact ,with treaties on general cooperation and trade, Finns put themselves on an
  2. He also reminded the Germans of the 1939 Soviet–German non-aggression, pact , Hitler asked how the Soviet Union planned to settle the" Finnish question ".
  3. Whose stronghold is in southern Angola, bordering to Namibia. The defense, pact ,allowed Angolan troops to use Namibian territory when attacking Jonas Saving
  4. And banged Hayek down on the table ". In 1977 Hayek was critical of the Lib-Lab, pact , in which the British Liberal Party agreed to keep the British Labor
  5. Lord Gladys and Andrew Phillips, who both claimed that the purpose of the, pact ,was to discourage socialist legislation. Lord Gladys pointed out that the
  6. FTA. A free trade area is a result of a free trade agreement (a form of trade, pact ,) between two or more countries. Free trade areas and agreements (FTA) are
  7. And Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union. Under this mutual assistance, pact , Finland was obliged — with the aid of the Soviet Union, if requested by
  8. Switched to 5.56 mm weapons, carbines like the AKS-74U (which fired a Warsaw, pact ,5.45x39 round) and CAR-15 were being developed. Modern history Contemporary
  9. Government in the nine northern provinces under their control. Their, pact ,was also signed by Abdul Karim Khalil, leader of the Shiite Muslim minority in
  10. Third stage of economic integration. Customs union is established through trade, pact , List of customs unions Every Economic union, Customs and monetary union and
  11. German troops to remain in the country. The Germans proposed a further military, pact ,in summer 1918 as a part of the plan to secure raw materials for their industry
  12. As Bell would not deliver equipment to competitors, he formed a, pact ,with Ericsson, which was to supply the equipment for his new telephone network.
  13. Earlier codes by later Islamic jurists. At least some clauses of the, pact ,mirror the measures first introduced by the Umayyad caliph Umar II or by the
  14. Of economic integration. EMU is established through a currency-related trade, pact , An intermediate step between pure EMU and a complete economic integration is
  15. Was eventually established, leading to the National Agreement of 1903. The, pact ,formalized relations both between the two major leagues and between them and
  16. Alliance. Realizing that Charles VI could not be drawn into the marriage, pact ,she wanted, Elisabeth concluded that the best way to secure her son's
  17. Abraham’s well. Abimelech, however,acted in ignorance. Then Abraham offered a, pact ,by providing sheep and oxen to Abimelech. Further, to attest that Abraham was
  18. Namibia borders Angola to the south. In 1999 Namibia signed a mutual defense, pact ,with its northern neighbor Angola. This affected the Angolan Civil War that had
  19. And Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union in April 1948. Under this, pact , Finland was obliged to resist armed attacks by" Germany or its allies "
  20. For a second time. Soon afterwards Esquivel announced the suspension of a, pact ,reached with Guatemala during Price's tenure, claiming Price had made too many
  21. While constraining then-president Blanks. One of the key accords of the, pact ,was to lower the percentage necessary to win a presidential election in the
  22. Non-aggression treaty, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In a secret addition to the, pact , the Baltic States, Finland,Romania, and Poland are divided between the two
  23. External pressure by both World War II factions. Turkey had a non-aggression, pact ,with Bulgaria. On 7 September 1940,Bulgaria succeeded in negotiating a
  24. When he returned he was, he was advised his contract was changed to a five-year, pact ,at $30,000 per year. During Paris's trial weeks later, Filchock testified to
  25. Political parties except ETA-affiliated Henri Batsman signed the Ajuria-Enea, pact ,with the intent of ending ETA's violence. Weeks later on 28 January, ETA
  26. Linked by an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Commission. The, pact ,involves the Caribbean Forum (CARIBOU) subgroup of the Group of African
  27. As part of Operation Unified Protector. Budget After the collapse of the Warsaw, pact , Bulgaria lost the ability to acquire cheap fuel and spares for its military. A
  28. Whites. * During World War II, the secret protocol in Molotov-Ribbentrop, pact ,enabled Winter War (1939–40),a Soviet attack on Finland. Finland and Nazi
  29. Be somewhere between 100,000 and 300,000. As a pact um et focus militia (", pact ,and friendship treaty" ), adding that the treaty was put down on paper. By the
  30. In 1879,when Chile declared war on Bolivia. Peru refused to null its defensive, pact ,with Bolivia, and Chile declared war on Peru. The War of the Pacific, as the
  31. Control and the invasion of Poland was prepared through the Molotov–Ribbentrop, pact ,and Operation Himmler. On 1 September 1939 the German Wehrmacht launched a
  32. Constitutional interest in early English History as they are the first recorded, pact ,between a King and his subjects and are also widely regarded as showing that
  33. In the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and was made one of the witnesses over the, pact , Imam Staff (founder of the Staff school of thought) gave seemingly
  34. And India, which is expected to increase after the October 2011 strategic, pact ,that was signed by President Karma and Manson Singh. Iran Afghanistan's
  35. Service under Alfonso VI Sancho was assassinated in 1072,as the result of a, pact ,between his brother Alfonso and his sister Errata; In any case, since Sancho
  36. With Wilson's successor as Prime Minister, James Callaghan. According to this, pact , the Liberals would support the government in crucial votes in exchange for
  37. Had made too many concessions in order to gain Guatemalan recognition. The, pact ,may have curtailed the 130-year-old border dispute between the two countries.
  38. In the Bible during the siege of Samaria (2 Kings 6:25–30). Two women made a, pact ,to eat their children; after the first mother cooked her child the second
  39. Later that month, his contract was changed again from a five-year to a 10-year, pact , at the same salary. Seeking to capitalize on the residual rivalry between the
  40. To drive back the Spanish attack. In 1873,Peru signed a secret defensive, pact ,with Bolivia in which it agreed to help that nation in case of foreign attack.
  41. 1898–1918). Maureen Moore,Paddy's sister, said that the two made a mutual, pact ,that if either died during the war, the survivor would take care of both their
  42. These troops were initially sent under the terms of a mutual protection, pact ,between France and the Côte d'Ivoire, but the mission has since evolved into
  43. In Nicaragua. Ortega was instrumental in creating the controversial strategic, pact ,between the FSLN and the Constitutional Liberal Party (Parties Liberal
  44. On Bolivia and occupied Bolivia's coast. Peru had, in 1873,signed a secret, pact ,with Bolivia in which the two countries agreed to fight together against any
  45. Bilateral negotiations. " Some political experts claim that, in view of that, pact , the only solution to the issue is mutual negotiation between the two countries
  46. His private life. The party's new leader, David Steel, negotiated the Lib-Lab, pact ,with Wilson's successor as Prime Minister, James Callaghan. According to this
  47. And India, which is expected to increase after the October 2011 strategic, pact ,that was signed by President Karma and Prime Minister Manson Singh. The
  48. Compaq also signed new sales and equipment alliance with Navigate. Under the, pact , Compaq agreed to promote and sell Navigate Web hosting services. In return
  49. Of foreign troops through his territories. This agreement, the first Afghan, pact ,with a European power, stipulated joint action in case of Franco-Persian
  50. Running for president before his death in July 2006—suggested that Ortega's, pact ,with Alemán had given Ortega de facto control of the bodies responsible for

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