Examples of the the word, segregation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( segregation ), is the 8487 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The first coast-to-coast sports industry and presiding over the end of racial, segregation ,in the NFL, enacting an anti-gambling resolution into the NFL constitution
  2. Were inherited predictably through the independent assortment and, segregation ,of elements (later known as genes). Mendel's laws of inheritance eventually
  3. Dominant gene — recessive gene **genetic interactions — Mendel's law of, segregation ,— genetic mosaic — maternal effect — entrance — complementation — suppression
  4. Constitution claims that its complexity and length were intentional to codify, segregation ,and racism. Alabama is divided into three equal branches: The legislative
  5. Of World War II brought prosperity. And the Voting Rights Act of 1965. DE sure, segregation ,ended in the states as Jim Crow laws were invalidated or repealed. Under the
  6. Participation in the great military conflicts of the United States, racial, segregation , and the Civil Rights Movement. History Slavery era The first African slaves
  7. Groups -- such as the Roma and Jews -- as" degenerate" or" unfit "; the, segregation ,or institutionalization of such individuals and groups, their sterilization
  8. Sizes and allocation only requires following a pointer. However, this size, segregation ,usually cause a large degree of external fragmentation, which can have an
  9. The US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) established the Choctaw Agency. Under, segregation , few schools were open to Choctaw children, who were included with other
  10. Set. The Montgomery Bus Boycott which opposed the city's policy of racial, segregation ,on its public transit system started on 1 December 1955,when Rosa Parks, an
  11. All traffic in the part of London Road south of Fine’s Marsh, with room for, segregation ,beyond the junction with Stream Road. The most difficult leg arises
  12. With their political homeland (Mexico) to the south, a history of labor, segregation , ethnic exclusion and racial discrimination encourage a united Chicano or
  13. There to assuage white 'guilt' they feel over the role of slavery and racial, segregation ,in American history. " Said" descendants of slaves did not get much of a head
  14. Immigrants who are not the sons and daughters of American slavery and racial, segregation , She used the political rise of President Barack Obama, who is the son of a
  15. Instituted a relatively loose system of racial and social stratification and, segregation ,based on a person's heritage. The system remained in place in most areas of
  16. Mississippi Choctaws in the" colored" population, subjecting them to racial, segregation ,and exclusion from public facilities along with freedmen and their descendants.
  17. Coalesce in normal gravity, while they do under artificial gravity. Moreover, segregation ,of different populations of particles have been highlighted when using
  18. Up her bus seat to a white man and is arrested for violating the city's racial, segregation ,laws, an incident which leads to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. *1958 – The
  19. Was based on sincerely held religious beliefs, that " God intended, segregation ,of the races and that the Scriptures forbid interracial marriage. " The
  20. Or Japan's Kanji Manisha and his concepts of harmony in nature and habitat, segregation ,in the 1950s. The scientific recognition or importance of contributions to
  21. Case in which the state court found for the plaintiffs, thereby ruling that, segregation ,was unconstitutional. Unlike many states,Delaware's educational system is
  22. 1870s,white state legislators passed laws establishing Jim Crow laws and legal, segregation ,by race. In addition, they disfranchised Native Americans by constitutional
  23. For black players. While the NFL was still emerging from thirty years of, segregation ,influenced by Washington Redskins' owner George Preston Marshall, the AFL
  24. For African American performers and their music, and disregard for the norms of, segregation ,and racial prejudice then prevalent in the South. Interviewed in 1956,he
  25. The Civil Rights Movement and related trends; examples include ending racial, segregation , and busing for the purpose of de segregation , affirmative action, and banning
  26. Excessive water will lead to increased bleeding (surface water) and/or, segregation ,of aggregates (when the cement and aggregates start to separate),with the
  27. Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Rickey himself had experienced the issue of, segregation , While playing and coaching for his college team at Ohio Wesleyan University
  28. To rebuild the walls. He then purifies the Jewish community by enforcing its, segregation ,from its neighbors and enforces the laws of Moses. Textual history
  29. Dates were chosen because in 1954 the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that racial, segregation ,in schools was unlawful and 1968 is the year of Martin Luther King's
  30. To have a designated neutral area. Due to Fulham's past history of having no, segregation ,in the Putnam End and having very well-behaved fans, the FA gave Fulham special
  31. National elections, the National Party won on a platform of apartheid (racial, segregation ,) under the slogan of" start gear ". This led to the Group Areas Act, which
  32. And increased by each outbreak of violence in the city. This escalation in, segregation , described as a" ratchet effect ", has shown little sign of decreasing during
  33. Other the difference of the structure is produced. It is in the aggregation and, segregation ,of elements thus arising, that Empedocles, like the atomisms, found the real
  34. e. Enters mitosis or meiosis, the chromatin packages more tightly to facilitate, segregation ,of the chromosomes during anaphase. During this stage of the cell cycle this
  35. One another. The movement resulted in the removal of codified, de jure racial, segregation ,and discrimination from American life and law, and heavily influenced other
  36. Subsequently, the Rams signed Kenny Washington on March 21, 1946,and racial, segregation ,in the NFL was completely ended. The signing of Washington caused" 'all hell
  37. Was found on a Mississippi Choctaw reservation. The end of legalized racial, segregation ,permitted the Choctaws to participate in public institutions and facilities
  38. And it became law. After the Eagles inaugural 3–5–1 season, a de facto, segregation ,occurred in the NFL and African Americans would not return to the NFL until the
  39. When violence flares, it tends to be in interface areas. The highest levels of, segregation ,in the city are in west Belfast with many areas greater than 90 % Catholic.
  40. Political movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Early struggles were against school, segregation , but the Mexican American cause, or La Cause as it was called, soon came under
  41. In the late 1890s,Southern states enacted Jim Crow laws to enforce racial, segregation ,and disenfranchisement. Most African Americans followed the Jim Crow laws
  42. Led to the decriminalization of homosexuality and the discrediting of racial, segregation , Cross-time stories H. G. Wells' " cross-time"/"many universes" variant (see
  43. In the state legislature, Democrats passed Jim Crow laws, including racial, segregation ,in public facilities, to restore white supremacy in the society. In 1875,the
  44. This principle was criticized by Karl Marx who argued that it caused labor, segregation ,and contributed to alienation. The Babbage principle is an inherent assumption
  45. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, which led to the ban on racial, segregation ,in U. S. public schools. 1960–2000 In 1967,the ACLU successfully argued
  46. Jail while incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama for protesting against, segregation , *1972 – Apollo program: The launch of Apollo 16 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
  47. United States Supreme Court's 1946 Irene Morgan decision that banned racial, segregation ,in interstate travel. *1948 – Jorge Eliezer Gaitán's assassination provokes a
  48. Reported that Presley," the rock 'n' roll phenomenon "," cracked Memphis's, segregation ,laws" by attending the local amusement park on what was designated as its "
  49. Mass before they could receive a definite name and character. Mind arranged the, segregation ,of like from unlike; Santa schemata en OMO at nous Elton auto diekosmese.
  50. Meaning small fighting unit," boom slang" (" tree snake" ) and apartheid (", segregation ,"; more accurately" awareness" or" the state or condition of being apart" )

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