Examples of the the word, anticipated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anticipated ), is the 8474 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lead in check or, optimally,effect a tag out. If an attempted stolen base is, anticipated , the catcher may call for a pitch out, a ball thrown deliberately off the plate
  2. And within classes and that the initial selection will largely be based on the, anticipated ,side effects for an individual patient, patient preference, quantity and
  3. S first step toward restocking the team for was to pursue one of the most, anticipated ,acquisitions in baseball history. On November 14,MLB announced that Boston had
  4. Is so similar to analytic geometry that his work is sometimes thought to have, anticipated ,the work of Descartes — by some 1800 years. His application of reference lines
  5. A letter to d'Medici that the land masses they explored were much larger than, anticipated ,and different from the Asia described by Ptolemy or Marco Polo and therefore
  6. A response to the controversy of the use of performance-enhancing drugs and the, anticipated ,career home run record to be set by Barry Bonds, Selig asked former senator
  7. Most pleased as sales have been several orders of magnitude beyond what they, anticipated , " On July 13, 2008,Kaczyński revealed that he had no plans to continue The
  8. And decided to make the change permanent in February 2010. Though the, anticipated ,benefits to traffic flow were not as large as hoped, pedestrian injuries
  9. Nor any choral lyrics (making it a type of Middle Comedy),while Kolas, anticipated ,all the elements of New Comedy, including a rape and a recognition scene.
  10. Developed the homo topical ideas begun in Pursuing Stacks. Much of this work, anticipated ,the subsequent development of the motivic homology theory of Fabien Morel and
  11. Being" outplayed" in the auction may result in lower attribute scores than, anticipated , therefore necessitating a change of character concept. Since a player cannot
  12. Is usually designed to be identical, or as close as possible, to the, anticipated ,user's environment, including extremes of such. These test cases must each be
  13. Its value belongs to Gaston Paris, although his edition (1897) was partially, anticipated ,by the editors of the Monument Germania Historical, who published some
  14. From the Arachnids. The siege of Kandahar, however,lasted far longer than, anticipated , and it was only almost three years later that Kandahar and its Citadel (
  15. Season record (96–44,.689 W %, ) no one, including gamblers and bookmakers, anticipated ,the Reds having a chance. When the Reds triumphed 5–3,many pundits cried foul.
  16. An industrial investor was also very interested in the concept. Fuller, anticipated ,the cars could travel on an open highway safely at up to about 160 km/h (100
  17. Of a disease is being strengthened by focused efforts to address current and, anticipated ,future biological weapons threats that may be deliberate, multiple,and
  18. Rule, the material properties of the object need to be greater than the forces, anticipated ,during its use. (i.e. geometry, loads,etc.). The engineering work will
  19. Established reserves, recoverable using current technology under present and, anticipated ,economic conditions. To date, about 2 % of the initial established resource has
  20. Of the proconsul, Abbahu was deputed to intercede for them. He had, however, anticipated , the rabbis' request, and wrote them that he had appeased the informers but not
  21. Was deployed into a suboptimal inclination and the orbit decayed earlier than, anticipated , with impact occurring after 34 days and 425 revolutions. Spacecraft locations.
  22. Mental-health and substance-abuse issues, this led to the cancellation of the, anticipated ,follow up to Pet Sounds, Smile. Subsequently, although they released a number
  23. To join the party, claiming that this action" outflanked" the ERC. The BNP, anticipated ,that its members would accept the change on financial grounds. The BNP agreed
  24. Italy. In the courts of Versailles and Madrid,Vienna's fall was confidently, anticipated , an event which would almost certainly have led to the collapse of the Grand
  25. Of the landscape where wild type pests will not be immediately killed. It is, anticipated ,resistance to BT will evolve in the form of a recessive allele in the pest.
  26. Elected the new king. According to Livy the war was commenced by the Latins who, anticipated ,Angus would follow the pious pursuit of peace adopted by his grandfather, Numa
  27. And by Versailles’ determination to avenge Blenheim, Villeroi and his generals, anticipated ,success. Neither opponent expected the clash at the exact moment or place where
  28. Similar to rocket assisted but using a ramjet instead of a rocket motor; it is, anticipated ,that a ramjet-assisted 120-mm mortar shell could reach a range of. Propelling
  29. Performed by non-expert operators in medical and high school students. It is, anticipated ,that remote guided ultrasound will have application on Earth in emergency and
  30. Or movement is the objective, the most appropriate responses cannot be, anticipated , but are observed and chosen at the moment. Psycho-physical unity Global
  31. Northern Borneo. Further deforestation and destruction of the biodiversity are, anticipated ,in the wake of logging commissions, hydroelectric dams and other mining of
  32. The referee may" call back" play and penalize the original offense if the, anticipated ,advantage does not ensue within a short period of time, typically taken to be
  33. Anthropic principle. In fact, the evolutionary biologist Alfred Russel Wallace, anticipated ,the anthropic principle as long ago as 1904:" Such a vast and complex universe
  34. 1975? Though a world championship match between Karol and Fischer was highly, anticipated , those hopes were never realized. Fischer insisted that the match be the first
  35. By the pageantry and excitement of the army. Others cheered because they, anticipated ,the freedom to plunder and to do as they pleased now that the Federal troops
  36. His latest movie was PAA, which released at the end of 2009. PAA was a highly, anticipated ,project as it saw him playing his own son Abhishek's Progeria-affected
  37. Media, then worth approximately $1.48 billion. Team President Terry McGuire, anticipated ,no change in the current front office structure, personnel,or day-to-day
  38. In which fans blew currents of air across great blocks of ice. He also, anticipated ,modern concerns with fuel shortages and industrial pollution. Methane gas, he
  39. Ref: FM 55-30 ARMY, also PFN-T8M20024),but this is very likely to have been, anticipated ,by the ones who set the ambush, and often plays into their hands. The value of
  40. And with the colonies of New Spain (Mexico) and the Philippines; and it was, anticipated ,that the mere presence of the Princess could serve to underscore the range of
  41. And they were clearly regarded as superstars. They opened their much, anticipated ,tour in Oslo, Norway,on 28 January, and mounted a lavishly produced spectacle
  42. At the Mac world Conference & Expo in January 2007,Steve Jobs revealed the long, anticipated ,iPhone, a convergence of an Internet-enabled smartphone and iPod. The original
  43. Reconstruction began during the war, as Lincoln and his associates, anticipated ,questions of how to reintegrate the conquered southern states, and how to
  44. Specialization itself might be said to be outmoded. " A work that Server said, anticipated ,some ideas about design in nature and directed evolution that would arise from
  45. The Síyáh-Chál in Tehran, he received the first intimations that he was the one, anticipated ,by the Bad. Towards the end of his life, the strict and harsh confinement was
  46. 2000 in India. According to The Heritage Foundation, development in China was, anticipated ,by Milton Friedman, who predicted that even small progress towards economic
  47. Who went over the top on the first day on the Somme, July 1,1916,would have, anticipated ,that they would be fighting the same battle in five months' time. Conversely
  48. And language as these phenomena are experienced within consciousness and time, anticipated ,and inspired the insights of modern phenomenology and hermeneutics. Edmund
  49. False information. The film, banned for 12 years, was one of the highly, anticipated ,movies of 2009's Warsaw Film Festival and was dubbed by the promoters as a "
  50. The drawings are long gone; no recording was made. What a shame! Nobody, anticipated ,there'd be this dueling back and forth between the two of them .... "

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