Examples of the the word, magistrate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( magistrate ), is the 8493 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Breach of HK Laws. Chap 227 Magistrates Ordinance Section 99 which states the, magistrate ,can 'summarily sentence the offender to a fine at level 3 and to imprisonment
  2. And it is accepted as irrefutable by many of the townspeople, including the, magistrate , Othón. But it does not satisfy Room. Camus carefully manipulates the plot to
  3. Courage, the Londoners watching the execution begin to yell for mercy, and the, magistrate ,offers him one final chance. However, the defiant Wallace instead uses the last
  4. Or validate" illegal" acts as acts of administering justice. As a Praetor,a, magistrate ,was escorted by six lictors, and owned imperium. After a term as Praetor, the
  5. Revealed that he did not have all family court paperwork in court and the, magistrate ,refused to grant an adjournment. Cosmetic circumcision for newborn males is
  6. African citizens in Antarctica, and they are subject to the jurisdiction of the, magistrate ,'s court in Cape Town. In regard to violations of the Antarctic Treaty and
  7. Him some trouble with more conservative musicians, like Benedetto Marcello,a, magistrate ,and amateur musician who wrote a pamphlet denouncing him and his operas. The
  8. In Australia, the right to make a plea in mitigation is absolute. If a judge or, magistrate ,were to refuse to hear such a plea, or obviously fail to properly consider it
  9. Candide's remaining sheep are stolen, and Candide is fined heavily by a Dutch, magistrate ,for petulance over the theft. Before leaving Suriname, Candide feels in need of
  10. In civil law systems, inquisitorial system proceedings, where an examining, magistrate ,serves two roles by developing the evidence and arguments for one and the other
  11. That state is called a dictatorship. The word originated as the title of a, magistrate ,in ancient Rome appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of
  12. The ability to speak first at session on the topic presented by the presiding, magistrate , but eventually gained the power to open and close the senate sessions, decide
  13. Jesuit missionary (b. 1606) *1672 – Richard Bellingham, English colonial, magistrate ,(b. 1592) * 1683 – Algernon Sydney, English politician (b. 1623) *1723 –
  14. And the 5 elected councilmen as political and administrative directors. The 6, magistrate , departments of the city are the" Mayor's Magistrate "," Social and
  15. The death penalty, although after the laws of the twelve tables, no Roman, magistrate ,could summarily execute a Roman citizen. It was used as a symbol of the Roman
  16. Of insulting or threatening language in the magistrate s' courts or against a, magistrate ,is in breach of HK Laws. Chap 227 Magistrates Ordinance Section 99 which states
  17. And the boy dies after a long and painful struggle. ’M. Othón: M. Othón is a, magistrate ,in Oran. He is tall and thin and, as Narrow observes in his journal," his
  18. In several points as described by van Bulk: * the detective is the local, magistrate ,who is usually involved in several unrelated cases simultaneously; * the
  19. Of a patrician magistrate , and the right to veto any act or proposal of any, magistrate , including another tribune of the people and the consuls. The tribune also had
  20. Physical harm),the power to rescue any plebeian from the hands of a patrician, magistrate , and the right to veto any act or proposal of any magistrate , including another
  21. Sufficient means neglects or refuses to maintain his illegitimate child,a, magistrate ,of the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such
  22. And bandleader (d. 1991) *1921 – Robert Cliché, Quebec politician and, magistrate ,(d. 1978) *1923 – Ann Miller, American actor and dancer (d. 2004) *1924 –
  23. Or provinces. Because each governor held equal imperium to the equivalent, magistrate , they were escorted by the same number of lictors (12) and could only be
  24. And rigorous accounting of public monies under the guidance of a senior, magistrate ,or provincial commander. Cicero served as quarter in western Sicily in 75 BC
  25. Is divided into 6 minor administrative bodies which together constitute the, magistrate ,led by the mayor and the 5 elected councilmen as political and administrative
  26. Sign of the Four, as well as in M. M. Kaye's" Death in the Andaman's. " The, magistrate ,in Lady Gregory's play Spreading the News had formerly served in the islands.
  27. Archbishop of Santa Fe (b. 1814) *1889 – João Mauricio Wandered, Brazilian, magistrate , and politician (b. 1815) *1905 – Konstantin Satisfy, Russian painter (b.
  28. His childhood friend Murrow. After Murrow is summarily executed by an English, magistrate , Wallace leads an uprising demanding justice that leads to the Wars of Scottish
  29. A transitory reduction of status, which does not even appear to have deprived a, magistrate ,of his office, and certainly did not disqualify persons laboring under it for
  30. Outlined how the government should support the dignity of the monarch or chief, magistrate , such that they are equal or above the public in fashion. He even states that
  31. Emperor, It even came to be adopted by purely secular officials. Thus, the chief, magistrate ,of the republic at Genoa was called. Lay abbots (M. Lat., or,or sometimes
  32. In the capacity of a public officer or against magistrate s, If a, magistrate ,acted in a manner not befitting his dignity as an officer, if he was accessible
  33. Consuls and its head of state was the President del Magistrate, i. e., chief, magistrate , a presiding office held for four months by one of the consuls. As noted above
  34. If he was accessible to bribes, or forged auspices. Improper conduct towards a, magistrate , or the attempt to limit his power or to abrogate a law which the censors
  35. Ignore any law in the performance of his duties. The Dictator was the sole, magistrate ,under the Republic that was truly independent in discharging his duties. All of
  36. Called 'lictors' each carried faces as a sort of staff of office before a, magistrate , in a number corresponding to his rank, in public ceremonies and inspections.
  37. Has never transmitted even the smallest piece of usable evidence to a foreign, magistrate , " This provides a lucrative environment for money laundering and assets to be
  38. For one and the other side during the investigation phase. The examining, magistrate ,then presents the dossier detailing his or her findings to the president of the
  39. Antonio CESI, Italian composer (d. 1669) *1641 – John Hathorne, American, magistrate , ( d. 1717) *1662 – James Anderson, Scottish historian (d. 1728) *1694 –
  40. Street, Welsh professional wrestler *1943 – Eva July, Norwegian-born French, magistrate ,* 1944 – Lukas Sid eras, Greek drummer (Aphrodite's Child) *1945 – Serge
  41. In cases of murder. His office was something like the office of an honorary, magistrate , Acceptance of Islam On his return from a business trip from Yemen, he was
  42. Was escorted by six lictors, and owned imperium. After a term as Praetor,the, magistrate ,would serve as a provincial governor in the office of Propraetor, owning
  43. Robbers like them do not come before God himself. Idiom is told by the, magistrate ,that he may go back to Earth for one day to attempt to redeem the wrongs he has
  44. America "; as clerk of the court, he was jailed for disobeying the local, magistrate ,in defense of middle-class shopkeepers and artisans in conflict with wealthy
  45. Branch Dominica's legal system is based on English common law. There are three, magistrate ,'s courts, with appeals made to the Eastern Caribbean court of appeal and
  46. Of snippets taken from some of his best speeches. His father was a provincial, magistrate ,(drummer) Apuleius studied with a master at Carthage (where he later settled
  47. Action during his time in office for any reason. The dictator was the highest, magistrate ,in degree of imperium and was attended by twenty-four lictors (like the Kings
  48. The Republic, they had the power to veto any action or proposal by any other, magistrate , save that of the Tribune of the Plebs. After a consulship, a consul was
  49. Toward commerce, but more recent studies, which use source material such as, magistrate ,diaries and genealogical records, suggest that merchants in fact had a powerful
  50. His native place Augustodunum, shows that the district was neglected. The chief, magistrate ,of the Abdul in Caesar's time was called Vergobretus (according to Mommies,"

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