Examples of the the word, preferable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preferable ), is the 8481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Intensity of the deuterium lamp becomes very weak. The use of deuterium HCL is, preferable ,compared to an arc lamp due to the better fit of the image of the former lamp
  2. In 2010.: Conscripts in the Royal Life Guards serve 8 months, because it's, preferable ,to have conscripts guarding the Queen.: Conscripts in the horse squadron of the
  3. Turing machine would have made. For some applications this definition is, preferable ,since it does not mention probabilistic Turing machines. Problems Besides the
  4. The marriage takes place before ordination. In general, it is considered, preferable ,for parish priests to be married as they often act as counsel to married
  5. And repetitive, or high frequency, a short-persistence phosphor is generally, preferable , Microchannel plate When displaying fast one-shot events the electron beam must
  6. Majority of telescopes, also tend to provide a wider field of view, which is, preferable ,for looking at some objects in the night sky. Amateur astronomers also use star
  7. Rail system, suggesting that investment in bus-based rapid transit would be, preferable , The study found that bus-based rapid transit produces positive economic
  8. Procedures Committee (set up by the act) ruled that testing on mice was, preferable , even though a greater number of individual animals were involved. In 2005
  9. Capable of being interpreted as referring to two persons rather than one. It is, preferable , however, to suppose with most commentators, ancient as well as modern, that
  10. Involvement of some sort. Distributions look favorably on credit unions as a, preferable ,alternative to banks. Antitrust legislation Distribution appears to have one
  11. Are used interchangeably. In some situations, specific terms are considered, preferable , Disease The term disease broadly refers to any condition that impairs normal
  12. Part-way through construction, although this was only considered marginally, preferable ,to scrapping the hulls outright (the remaining four: Constellation, Ranger
  13. That the JavaScript would have added. An alternative approach that many find, preferable ,is first to author content using basic technologies that work in all browsers
  14. Table or the casino for any reason. Commonly observed etiquette It is generally, preferable ,to place chips on the board rather than tossing them. Tossed chips may roll on
  15. Copyists continually brought into increased accordance, those testimonies are, preferable , in which precise accordance of such parallel passages is not found; unless
  16. Insulation made from recycled paper is becoming popular as an environmentally, preferable ,material for building insulation. It can be treated with boric acid as a fire
  17. Mathbf^ Third, a variant of this conjugation trick, which is sometimes, preferable ,because it requires no modification of the data values, involves swapping real
  18. Baba stated that" For the spiritual aspirant a life of strict celibacy is, preferable ,to married life, if restraint comes to him easily without undue sense of
  19. Any payment at all on principle. He shouted out from his throne: -" Death is, preferable ,to a life of subordination to foreigners ". In 1665 the king summoned an
  20. Acceleration equation. To deal directly with this issue, local coordinates are, preferable , as discussed next. Local coordinates By local coordinates is meant a set of
  21. Still pose a challenge to parents and families. Although living with family is, preferable ,to institutionalization, people with Down syndrome often encounter patronizing
  22. And air. To the cries of the suffocating victims, the aliens reply that this is, preferable ,to the loss of their jobs. Calvin is concerned that his story is too
  23. No diurnal variation. From a practical point of view, measurement of RHEAS is, preferable ,to DHEA, as levels are more stable. Production DHEA is produced from
  24. In May 1775) on reconciliation with America. Burke appealed for peace as, preferable ,to civil war and reminded the House of America's growing population, its
  25. Then analog noise, and does not deteriorate further with each use, which may be, preferable , 352x240 (or IF) resolution was chosen because it is half the vertical, and
  26. Can not be called is it advisable to call a toll-free ANA number. It is also, preferable ,to call an open ANA rather than the password-protected one given below.
  27. Procreation was considered undesirable. Informal relationships were considered, preferable ,to marriage among Cathay credence. Perfect were supposed to have observed
  28. May be sufficiently smaller than that of any unbiased estimator, and it may be, preferable ,to use, despite the bias; see estimator bias. Among unbiased estimators, there
  29. Period of anxiety and agitation. This may make the non-benzodiazepines, preferable ,as the first-line long-term treatment of insomnia. Seizures Prolonged
  30. Not connect to the grid, called off-grid power systems, which in some cases are, preferable ,to on-grid systems. The future includes Satellite controlled power systems
  31. But also gives economic explanations of why he thinks anarcho-capitalism is, preferable ,on pragmatic grounds. Friedman says he is not an absolutist rights theorist but
  32. The makers of AT technologies will often still argue that universal design is, preferable ,to the need for AT and that universal design projects and concepts should be
  33. From a machine gun, or a smaller number of explosive rounds from a cannon was, preferable , Improvements during the war in regard to rate of fire allowed the cannon to
  34. There are device-independent events such as on focus and on change that are, preferable ,in most cases. JavaScript should not be used in a way that is confusing or
  35. Includes loop line or ring back. ) Toll-free AWACS Please note that it is always, preferable ,to call the local ANA; only if the local ANA number can not be called is it
  36. And reacting more mildly and thus more selectively. Organic bromides are often, preferable ,relative to the less reactive chlorides and more expensive iodide-containing
  37. Situations; it is possible to use each in the situation where they are, preferable , thus increasing overall efficiency. Typical operations Some operations that
  38. Cruel in their punishments. However it should be noted mercy is considered, preferable , and that in Sharia law the victim's family can choose to spare the life of
  39. Have some positive evidence, suggesting that some form of treatment is, preferable ,to no treatment, the methodological quality of systematic reviews of these
  40. Processors. The ease of designing and characterizing FIR filters makes them, preferable ,to the filter designer (programmer) when ample computing power is available.
  41. Attention and toss as few chips as necessary to cover the bet (a $25 chip is, preferable ,to a stack of five $5 chips). When offered the dice to shoot, a player may
  42. To play. Both players then play from the same lie, again choosing which lie is, preferable , The World Amateur Doubles Format include best shot, alternate shot, best score
  43. Therefore, to the extent that (1) is accepted, belief in God is, preferable ,to these alternatives Variations What follows are some of the more common
  44. For working with arbitrary vector spaces instead of Rn is that it is often, preferable ,to work in a coordinate-free manner (that is, without choosing a preferred
  45. Fornication. " Some Fathers of the Church advocated celibacy and virginity as, preferable ,alternatives to marriage. Jerome wrote:" It is not disparaging wedlock to
  46. Comparisons between treatments are much more reproducible and are usually, preferable , Often one compares against a standard, scientific control, or traditional
  47. As well as by declarer) include unblocking, overtaking and ducking. It may be, preferable ,for a beginner to learn play as a declarer before play as a defender;
  48. Directed down onto the saddle, such that a wider and more cushioned saddle is, preferable , For racing bikes where the rider is bent over, weight is more evenly
  49. Of Mass. If the sick person wishes to receive the sacrament of penance, it is, preferable ,that the priest make himself available for this during a previous visit; but if
  50. Is preferred to disorder at all costs. An alternative is to view disorder as, preferable ,at all costs. To quote:" To choose order over disorder, or disorder over order

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