Examples of the the word, macro , in a Sentence Context

The word ( macro ), is the 7359 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Word processing, text processing, than generating object code. The concept of, macro ,processing appeared, and appears, in the C programming language, which supports
  2. Use of a parameter that itself was an expression and not a simple name when the, macro ,writer expected a name. In the macro : foo: macro a load a intention was
  3. It uses S-expressions to denote both code and data structure. Function and, macro ,calls are written as lists, with the name of the function first, as in these
  4. Program. ) * The computational step where an assembler is run, including all, macro ,processing, is termed assembly time. * The use of the word assembly dates from
  5. Ambiguity, users of macro processors can parenthesize formal parameters inside, macro ,definitions, or callers can parenthesize the input parameters. PL/I and C/C++
  6. Expression and not a simple name when the macro writer expected a name. In the, macro ,: foo: macro a load a intention was that the caller would provide the name
  7. The following: # A special operator (easily checked against a fixed list) # A, macro ,operator (must have been defined previously) # The name of a function (
  8. Not easily be reconciled with the way objects are observed to behave on the, macro ,scale of everyday life. The predictions they offered often appeared
  9. Some languages, e. g., C,require a preprocessing phase which supports, macro ,substitution and conditional compilation. Typically, the preprocessing phase
  10. For assemblers. This was because many programmers were rather confused by, macro ,parameter substitution and did not disambiguate macro processing from assembly
  11. Independent trophy ", which allowed trophy to be used with any device *The m4, macro , processing language, with Dennis Ritchie Writings *The C Programming Language (
  12. By Marvin Kessler at IBM's Federal Systems Division, which extended the S/360, macro , assembler with IF/ELSE/ENIF and similar control flow blocks. This was a way to
  13. Assembly and execution. Macro parameter substitution is strictly by name: at, macro ,processing time, the value of a parameter is textually substituted for its name
  14. A secondary notion, defined in terms of pointer arithmetic * A preprocessor for, macro ,definition, source code file inclusion, and conditional compilation * Complex
  15. Systems, most notably Amiga, even have IDEs with highly advanced debugging and, macro ,facilities, such as the freeware http://www.theflamearrows.info/homepage.html
  16. Macro expansion of load a-c*b occurs. To avoid any possible ambiguity, users of, macro ,processors can parenthesize formal parameters inside macro definitions, or
  17. Every entered function on the fly). Defining generic functions and methods The, macro ,def generic defines generic functions. The macro def method defines methods.
  18. Address updates after program modifications. Most assemblers also include, macro ,facilities for performing textual substitution—e. g., to generate common short
  19. Between K&R C and the ANSI C standard, the __SDC__ (" standard c" ), macro ,can be used to split code into ANSI and K&R sections. #if
  20. Compliance. " #if" will treat any identifiers that couldn't be replaced by a, macro ,as zero (0). Thus, even if the macro " __SDC__" is not defined to signify
  21. Loop or" go to ", the latter allowing programs to loop. Despite the power of, macro ,processing, it fell into disuse in many high level languages (a major
  22. Worms are little more than a prank, such as one that sends the popular image, macro ,of an owl with the phrase" O FLY? " To a print queue in the infected computer.
  23. Types, including structures/records, unions,classes, and sets * Sophisticated, macro ,processing (although available on ordinary assemblers since late 1950s for IBM
  24. Modern assemblers include a macro facility (described below),and are called, macro ,assemblers. Key concepts Why use an assembly language? A simple assembler
  25. That may be used by a program, and declarations of special data types and, macro ,symbols used with these functions. In order for a program to use a library, it
  26. CRS) and credit card systems today. It was also possible to use solely the, macro ,processing abilities of an assembler to generate code written in completely
  27. Rather than syntactic forms. However, some languages such as Scheme support, macro ,substitutions based on syntactic forms. # Syntax analysis involves parsing the
  28. Embedded. This sequence of text lines may include opcodes or directives. Once a, macro ,has been defined its name may be used in place of a mnemonic. When the
  29. Code. This was because, as was realized in the 1960s,the concept of ", macro ,processing" is independent of the concept of" assembly ", the former being in
  30. That lacks a type specifier no longer has int implicitly assumed. A standard, macro ,__SDC_VERSION__ is defined with value 199901L to indicate that C99 support is
  31. Development environment. The simplest form of source code generator is a, macro ,processor, such as the C preprocessor, which replaces patterns in source code
  32. Process, and aid debugging. In particular, most modern assemblers include a, macro ,facility (described below),and are called macro assemblers. Key concepts Why
  33. The Bank's new mandate on financial stability. The FPC is responsible for, macro ,prudential regulation of all UK banks and insurance companies. In order to help
  34. For example, to generate a version of a program in COBOL using a pure, macro ,assembler program containing lines of COBOL code inside assembly time operators
  35. And arithmetic operations, all usable during the execution of a given, macro , and allowing macro s to save context or exchange information. Thus, a macro
  36. And not a simple name when the macro writer expected a name. In the macro : foo:, macro ,a load a intention was that the caller would provide the name of a variable
  37. A statement, it replaces the statement with the text lines associated with that, macro , then processes them as if they existed in the source code file (including, in
  38. Macro, and allowing macro s to save context or exchange information. Thus, a, macro ,might generate many assembly language instructions or data
  39. And invoked with those values supplied as parameters. Defining functions The, macro ,defund defines functions where a function definition gives the name of the
  40. And make conditional tests on their values. Note that unlike certain previous, macro ,processors inside assemblers, the C preprocessor was not Turing-complete
  41. Execution flow. The earliest example of this approach was in the Concept-14, macro , set,originally proposed by Dr. H. D. Mills (March 1970),and implemented by
  42. B would be used to multiply" a ". If foo is called with the parameter a-c,the, macro ,expansion of load a-c*b occurs. To avoid any possible ambiguity, users of macro
  43. And subsidies in rural economy in the decade of 1990s. What a road does at a, macro ,level to increase transport, the bicycle supports at the micro level. The
  44. Returning pointers. Null pointers are sometimes represented by a standard, macro ,named NULL. Null pointers logically evaluate to false, while all other pointers
  45. That couldn't be replaced by a macro as zero (0). Thus, even if the, macro ," __SDC__" is not defined to signify non-ANSI compliance," #if" will work
  46. Allow macro s to take parameters. Some assemblers include quite sophisticated, macro ,languages, incorporating such high-level language elements as optional
  47. The Bank's Financial Policy Committee held its first meeting in June 2011 as a, macro ,prudential regulator to oversee regulation of the UK's financial sector. The
  48. Using assembly language that has been heavily extended using such a, macro ,suite can be considered to be working in a higher-level language, since such
  49. Number of assembly language instructions or data definitions, based on the, macro ,arguments. This could be used to generate record-style data structures or "
  50. Were rather confused by macro parameter substitution and did not disambiguate, macro ,processing from assembly and execution. Macro parameter substitution is

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