Examples of the the word, abusive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( abusive ), is the 7360 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Came to be used almost exclusively as a non-titular term for oppressive, even, abusive , rule,yet had rare modern titular uses. In modern usage, the term" dictator "
- And taking refuge among a series of people, many of whom are brutally cruel and, abusive , either to him or to others. Soon after the book was published in the US
- 2005),featured a group that was reminiscent of the Children of God, with an, abusive ,female cult leader (" Mrs. Shelby," based on Children of God leader Karen
- Approval because of the elements of sexual sadism implicit in the husband's, abusive ,behavior. Bride of Frankenstein was Whale's next project. Whale had long
- Of their country and its laws, and is not forced to obey local law, so that an, abusive ,diplomat employer can act with virtual impunity. Diplomats have ignored local
- Sibling incest is abuse of a younger sibling by an older sibling. Sibling, abusive ,incest is most prevalent in families where one or both parents are often absent
- By John Galsworthy. The film tells the story of a woman desperate to escape her, abusive ,marriage to a member of the British aristocracy. This was the first of Whale's
- Decided that the group, including some of its top leadership, had engaged in, abusive ,sexual practices involving minors and that they had also engaged in severe
- Racial Disharmony) makes it unlawful to publish or distribute" threatening, abusive , or insulting ... matter or words likely to excite hostility against or bring
- Families, and the control he has over Dorothy might represent the hold an, abusive ,husband has over his wife. Michael Atkinson reads Jeffrey as an innocent youth
- The north of Cambridge; however in recent times this term is considered to be, abusive ,and its use is now less widespread. Original historical documents relating to
- Dearest (1981),which details the life of Joan Crawford and her alleged, abusive ,relationship with her adopted daughter. The over-acting by Faye Dunaway as
- Watchers, Shadow Fires, and others). * Many of Koontz's heroes come from, abusive ,(or at least dysfunctional) backgrounds, but are nonetheless portrayed as
- NBA finals aren't worth reading, everyone knows he is a" LeBron" hater. " An, abusive ,ad hominem can apply to a judgment of cultural works or academic efforts based
- Her, but his plans frequently conflict with her demands. She is often verbally, abusive ,(memorably describing him as" an aging, brilliantined stick insect" ) but
- Of events, suggesting a scholarship to Oxford University rescued him from his, abusive ,home, after which he" never looked back ", suggesting he began his academic
- The thriller Sleeping with the Enemy, playing a battered wife who escapes her, abusive ,husband, played by Patrick Begin, and begins a new life in Iowa. She played
- Their first concept album Hospice. It tells the story of an emotionally, abusive ,relationship, explained through the analogy of a hospice worker and
- Where one or both parents are often absent or emotionally unavailable, with the, abusive ,siblings using incest as a way to assert their power over a weaker sibling.
- Field after five or ten minutes. A full game penalty can be received upon using, abusive ,language or directly attacking an opponent and means that the player can
- And may consist solely of, the subject's name. Clerics are not satirical or, abusive , but they target famous individuals and reposition them in an absurd
- Said to be the abode of the savior-god Natasha, who rescued Granada from his, abusive ,father Hiranyakashipu. One of the most exquisitely sculpted shrines of Andhra
- Face, were repeated by Whale to introduce Griffin in The Invisible Man and the, abusive ,husband in One More River. Modified to a single cut rather than two, Whale uses
- Then of food and invaded their privacy. In the case of corrupt countries and, abusive ,diplomats, it has been virtually impossible to enforce payment of wages or any
- Strip. In October 1947,Li'l Abner met Rockwell P. Squeeze blood, head of the, abusive ,and corrupt Squeeze blood Comic Strip Syndicate. The resulting sequence," Jack
- A director of the parish choir, devout Orthodox Christian, and physically, abusive ,father, Pavel Chekhov has been seen by some historians as the model for his son
- The church's secular power, are both portrayed as deeply corrupt, greedy,and, abusive , A pardoner in Chaucer's day was a person from whom one bought Church "
- Hate speech. The statutes forbid communication which is hateful, threatening, abusive , or insulting and which targets a person on account of skin color, race
- GIFs. Nevertheless, Unisys was subjected to thousands of online attacks and, abusive ,emails from users believing that they were going to be charged $5000 or sued
- Action lawsuits. The preamble to the Class Action Fairness Act stated that some, abusive ,class actions harmed class members with legitimate claims and defendants that
- S computer, for example, being able to rename and delete files, a number of, abusive ,scripts have been made. Perhaps one of the more prominent examples of abuse was
- Qualification for the finals. After Argentina's qualification, Maradona used, abusive ,language at the live post-game press conference, telling members of the media
- In" When the Children are Asleep" ) can be considered to be even more, abusive , The twelve-minute" bench scene ", in which Billy and Julie get to know each
- Generally related to their sin. For example, the ghost of a man who had been, abusive ,to his servants was condemned to tear off and swallow bits of his own tongue;
- Film and its sequels, Reeves received positive reviews for his portrayal of an, abusive ,husband in The Gift. Aside from The Gift, Reeves appeared in several films that
- Equality, or as a result of coercion. The most commonly reported form of, abusive ,sibling incest is abuse of a younger sibling by an older sibling. Sibling
- Convert from atheism to Christianity. She was separated from her alcoholic and, abusive ,husband, the novelist William L. Gresham, and came to England with her two sons
- And all long-distance ones. The agreements also strengthen protection against, abusive ,water withdrawal practices within the Great Lakes basin. On December 13, 2005
- Is changed by the sudden appearance of Huck's shiftless father" Pap ",an, abusive ,parent and drunkard. Although Huck is successful in preventing his Pap from
- 2) to what extent his gender-based guidance was intended for an, abusive ,1st century culture in which women were considered disposable entities, chattel
- Her claims in the male-dominated literary realm. Christine continued to counter, abusive ,literary treatments of women. Works By 1405,Christine de Pizan had completed
- A pork chop—he can't hit that! " Referring to laws of Kashrut. Particularly, abusive ,were the St. Louis Cardinals during the 1934 World Series. Greenberg sometimes
- Criticized collective expulsions of Haitians as having taken place" in an, abusive ,and inhuman way ". After a UN delegation issued a preliminary report stating
- By their father or by their husbands. Even in the 1970s a woman fleeing from an, abusive ,husband could be arrested and imprisoned for" abandoning the home" ( abandon
- Resigned. In Upping, Terry Far resigned after suspension for writing, abusive ,letters to Trevor Phillips. In San dwell, James Lloyd was disqualified for not
- Detested her father and stepmother, accusing her father of being physically, abusive ,and refusing to call Eleanor either" mother" or" stepmother," instead
- Belcher, was born from this marriage. Jordan, who was reportedly physically, abusive ,to Day, committed suicide in 1967 by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. * To
- To Hatred Act 1989,proscribes words or behaviors which are" threatening, abusive ,or insulting and are intended or, having regard to all the circumstances, are
- By Sue Monk Kidd, the narrator and protagonist Lily describes a punishment her, abusive ,father routinely inflicted on her: kneeling on grits. On November 11, 1990,Kid
- As a tyrannical psychopath. He is also shown to be emotionally and physically, abusive ,to his son. Determined to ruthlessly put down the Scottish uprising, he intends
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