Examples of the the word, wagon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wagon ), is the 7361 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vehicles. Sales were boosted by exporting the Kings wood sedan, station, wagon , and utility body styles to Indonesia, Trinidad and Tobago, Pakistan,the
  2. In groups of higher numbers, as with, for example, the words' wain (native), wagon , ( Dutch) and vehicle (Latin) in English. False cognates are
  3. Snowman. Wagon and sled Calvin and Hobbes frequently ride downhill in a, wagon , sled, or toboggan, depending on the season, as a device to add some physical
  4. Fire tests took place at the French Mines Research Establishment with a mock, wagon ,used to investigate how cars burned. The wagon door systems are designed to
  5. Numerous people were arrested for playing cards, baseball,and even fixing, wagon ,wheels on Sunday. Many European countries still place strong restrictions on
  6. HGV shuttles also have two halves, with each half containing one loading, wagon , one unloading wagon and 14 carrier wagon s. There is a club car behind the
  7. In parades and other public settings, a team of draft horses that pull a beer, wagon ,similar to that used before the invention of the modern motorized truck. Horses
  8. As a condition for joining the Confederation of Canada (initially requesting a, wagon ,road). The government however, proposed to build a railway linking the Pacific
  9. Other factors) resulted in Mormon settlers in southern Utah massacring a, wagon ,train from Arkansas, known as Mountain Meadows massacre. The result of the Utah
  10. Can be enhanced by the BREAK=ON CONFIG. SAYS statement. A bogie () is a wheeled, wagon ,or trolley. In mechanics terms, a bogie is a chassis or framework carrying
  11. Native American leaders that they had his permission to steal cattle from these, wagon ,trains. Over 120 men, women and children were killed by the Mormons and their
  12. Cavalry under Brig. Gen. John D. Embolden was entrusted to escort the miles-long, wagon ,train of supplies and wounded men that Lee wanted to take back to Virginia with
  13. ZERO concept—short for" Zero Emissions Operation"—is an all-electric sport, wagon ,combining a 64-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack with a 200-kilowatt (268
  14. Left with one all-wheel drive model: the Adventure, a Commodore-based station, wagon , The fourth model to be replaced with a South Korean alternative was the Extra
  15. The strophe also states that" then he (Indoo) went back over the waves, his, wagon , behind him" which could connect Indoo to earlier conceptions of the wagon
  16. Its fifth generation (E90); models include the sport sedan (E90),station, wagon ,(E91),coupe (E92),and convertible (E93). The 5 Series is a mid-size
  17. And Bergman were arrested during a raid of their offices which yielded" a, wagon ,load of anarchist records and propaganda" for the authorities. The New York
  18. And bars, although in recent years, following the end of the full-size station, wagon ,era, the preference has shifted towards minivans with slide-over landau bar
  19. His wagon behind him" which could connect Indoo to earlier conceptions of the, wagon ,processions of Nervous, and the later Scandinavian conceptions of Freyr's
  20. Wagon air conditioning units help to purge dangerous fumes from inside the, wagon ,before travel. Each wagon has a fire detection and extinguishing system, with
  21. Leads a raid to burn the pirate-held frigate. *1852 – Studebaker Brothers, wagon ,company, precursor of the automobile manufacturer, is established. *1862 –
  22. American English spellings, replacing " color" with" color ", substituting ", wagon ," for" wagon ", and printing" center" instead of" center ". He also added
  23. Vehicle (HGV) wagon s are not covered, fire sensors are located on the loading, wagon ,and in the tunnel itself. A water main in the service tunnel provides water to
  24. The Continental Congress," that a wagon load of money will scarcely purchase a, wagon ,load of provisions. " Mr. Jay and the Congress responded in May by requesting
  25. Globe, and MINI. Quotes * Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station, wagon ,full of tapes hurtling down the highway. Keynote talks Tenenbaum has been
  26. Come down to us but Sorry relates that Fear rode to Baldr's funeral in a, wagon ,pulled by Gullinbursti. Static poetry Fear is referred to several times in
  27. ONDAR attar dates contains a tradition of how Fear was transported in a, wagon ,and administered by a priestess, in Sweden. Freyr's role as a fertility god
  28. Buried with her wand, she had received great riches which included horses,a, wagon ,and an Arabian bronze pitcher. There was also a silver pendant which represents
  29. The charred remains of the murdered Mississippi civil rights workers' station, wagon ,was found on a Mississippi Choctaw reservation. The end of legalized racial
  30. Were the perpetrators. Only children survived, the murdered members of the, wagon ,train (known as the Rancher Party) were left unburied, and the surviving
  31. Convertible *3 Series (E90) (2005–present) Sedan, coupe,convertible and, wagon ,*5 Series Gran Tourism (2009–present) Progressive Activity Sedan *6 Series (
  32. Cars burned. The wagon door systems are designed to withstand fire inside the, wagon ,for 30 minutes, longer than the transit time of 27 minutes. Wagon air
  33. Processions of Nervous, and the later Scandinavian conceptions of Freyr's, wagon ,journeys. Indoo is mentioned also in some later Anglo-Saxon literature under
  34. Are reasonably safe. Septic tanks have to be pumped periodically by a honey, wagon ,to eliminate non-reducing solids. Failure to pump a septic tank can cause
  35. A shine to, in on the first floor, bite off more than one can chew, off/on the, wagon , stay put, inside track, stiff upper lip, bad hair day, throw a monkey wrench
  36. Car. Holden's next model, the FE, launched in 1956; offered in a new station, wagon ,body style dubbed" Station Sedan" in the company's sales literature. In the
  37. Name that was introduced by pioneers of the Old West because their steel-rimmed, wagon ,wheels could not gain traction on the rock. Coastal dunes form where
  38. And rail abrasion. Usually two bogies are fitted to each carriage, wagon ,or locomotive, one at each end. An alternate configuration is often used in
  39. 5 Series is a mid-size executive car, available in sedan (F10) and station, wagon ,(F11) forms. The 5 Series Gran Tourism (F07),beginning in 2010,will
  40. On 18 November 1996,a fire broke out on a heavy goods vehicle shuttle, wagon ,in the tunnel, but nobody was seriously hurt. The exact cause is unknown
  41. Have two halves, with each half containing one loading wagon , one unloading, wagon ,and 14 carrier wagon s. There is a club car behind the leading locomotive.
  42. Became acquainted with this young priestess. He helped her drive Freyr's, wagon ,with the god effigy in it, but the god did not appreciate Gunnar and so
  43. However metal wheels on a metal track have much less friction than wooden, wagon ,wheels on the road making for a lesser burden, but still the fact that a
  44. Inventions *The English word" coach" came from the Hungarian CSI (", wagon ,from OCS" referring to the village in Hungary where coaches were first made)
  45. Possible, replacing months-long sea voyages and lengthy, hazardous travel by, wagon ,trains. In 1885 the Central Pacific Railroad was leased by the Southern Pacific
  46. Of, who was serving as the president of the Continental Congress," that a, wagon ,load of money will scarcely purchase a wagon load of provisions. " Mr. Jay and
  47. Establishment with a mock wagon used to investigate how cars burned. The, wagon ,door systems are designed to withstand fire inside the wagon for 30 minutes
  48. Units help to purge dangerous fumes from inside the wagon before travel. Each, wagon ,has a fire detection and extinguishing system, with sensing of ions or
  49. Bund of tribes. It is possible that the Roman term eastern, denoting a type of, wagon ,or litter, is derived from the name of this tribe, which was known, like many
  50. Ben and their faithful servants rescue him, and the Cameron's flee. When their, wagon ,breaks down, they make their way to a small hut, home to two former Union

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