Examples of the the word, gig , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gig ), is the 6613 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On construction sites, and selling newspapers. Spotting him at a Bestie, gig ,in 1969,Hello Been invited 18-year-old Segovia to play bass guitar in his
  2. Was later re-recorded for their debut album Speak & Spell. While playing a live, gig ,at the Bridge House in Canning Town, the band were approached by Daniel Miller
  3. Would be a 14 track album. On 17 July 2010,the band performed their first UK, gig ,in almost four years to a crowd of around 30,000 at Latitude Festival in Hen ham
  4. Hendrix won first prize in the Apollo Theater amateur contest. Hoping to land a, gig , Hendrix made the club circuit and sat in with various bands. Eventually
  5. Scene. Even slapping experts such as Mike Bub say," ... don't slap on every, gig ," or in songs where it is" not appropriate. " As well, bluegrass bassists who
  6. Followed the release of the album. On 7 March 1988 they played an unofficial, gig ,(as it was not officially announced that Depeche Mode were the band performing
  7. Recollects that the first time the band played as Depeche Mode was a school, gig ,in May 1980. The band made their recording debut in 1980 on Some Bizarre
  8. Lit. Again; also used to describe additional songs played at the end of a, gig , Francophones would say« One outre! » (Another one!) to request« un rappel
  9. Venue for classical music, as well as the occasional prestige popular music, gig , Other halls staging music and theater include The Hub, the Assembly Rooms and
  10. Metal band The Melvin's, Sieg Howdy!. Bianca told an audience at a speaking, gig ,in Trenton, New Jersey, that the remaining Dead Kennedy shave licensed their
  11. Easily be played by an electric guitarist, could be easily transported to a, gig , and could be amplified to just about any volume without feeding back" Monk
  12. His first performance in Poland, appearing with The Imposters for the closing, gig ,of the Malta theater festival in Poznań. In July 2008,Costello (as Declan
  13. BO implied that the design sprang from an embarrassing moment. During an early, gig , while jumping around on stage with a Gibson L5 guitar, he landed awkwardly
  14. Be so dreadful that he said" I don't care if I ever play England again. That, gig ,made up my mind I wouldn't come back. I don't get along with it. We lost
  15. Carry their bow in a hard bow case. Players also may use a small cart or, gig ,bag and end pin-attached wheels to move the bass. Hard flight cases have
  16. 84 % of Britons preferred the pronunciation of gig abyte starting with (as in, gig ,),9 % with (as in jig),6 % with (guy),and 1 % with (as in giant).
  17. Signed to Mercury Records/Universal On 24 June 2010,the band played a warm-up, gig ,at Debut London to a small crowd. The set list featured songs from all the
  18. In Paris on the Johnny Halliday tour, an on-stage jam with Cream, a showcase, gig ,at the newly opened, pop-celebrity oriented nightclub Bag O'Nails and the all
  19. A number of shows to promote Anatomic in 2006 and summer 2007,ending with a, gig ,in Korea, before taking an extended break to work on side projects. The most
  20. Were playing rock, punk,metal, futurist,ska or dance. Featured were local, gig ,reviews and articles that were below the radar of the mainstream music press.
  21. Locations such as Bud and New quay offer some of the best surf in the UK. Pilot, gig ,rowing has been popular for many years and the World championships takes place
  22. On the final leg of their 2007/2008 Reunion Tour. Costello played a homecoming, gig ,at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall on 25 June 2006. And, that month, gave his
  23. Then an American Music Award show appearance on 31 January 1977,plus a one off, gig ,in San Diego in August 1977 A New World Record was followed by a multi-platinum
  24. In the UK on the Verve label the following year in May. A 2005 tour included a, gig ,at Glastonbury that Costello considered to be so dreadful that he said" I do
  25. Named starter. He started two games, but Blaine Albert took over the starting, gig ,after McGown threw 4 picks in a 32 to 3 loss to the Jets. Team colors and logos
  26. A female vocalist, Sonia Maunder, was also a band member for the first Frankie, gig ,at the Leeds nightclub" The Warehouse," supporting Bambi & The Dance. Paul
  27. Dig weed began DJing around age 4. His breakthrough came in 1993 when he got a, gig ,at the Renaissance Club in Mansfield after fellow DJ Alexander COE (aka Sasha
  28. But was kicked out of this group as well. Love stayed in Minneapolis and got a, gig ,as a promoter for rock shows, promoting concerts by bands such as The But thole
  29. Voted female artist of the year in England. Christine Movie played her first, gig ,as an official member on 6 August 1970 in New Orleans. Columbia Records, which
  30. Love had with her mother about her upbringing. Hole played their first, gig ,in November 1989 at Raji's after three months of rehearsal, and made singles
  31. The band accused of provoking the crowd. This culminated in their notorious, gig ,at the Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool,England on May 30, 1987 that erupted
  32. Together on August 9,2009, at Metro in Chicago. The band played their first UK, gig ,on August 26, 2009,with a surprise appearance at Brixton Academy in London
  33. Unpadded gig bags used by students cost under 100 USD, while thickly padded, gig ,bags for professional players typically cost as much as 500 USD. Some more
  34. No gun but instead wears a guitar slung behind his back. Hendrix's first, gig ,was with an unnamed band in the basement of a synagogue,Seattle's Temple De
  35. Now the defect manager of The Beach Boys, Murry got the group's first paying, gig ,on New Year's Eve,1961,at the Ritchie Valets Memorial Dance in Long Beach
  36. Gland and a lymph node. The group also had to cancel their co-headlining, gig ,at the Oshawa Festival in Montreal as well as a headlining spot at 2009's
  37. In reference to the song" Warsaw" by David Bowie. Warsaw played their first, gig ,on 29 May 1977,supporting the Buzz cocks, Penetration,and John Cooper Clarke
  38. From dishonest people like himself. The next season he went back to the car lot, gig ,but changed the number. (He Haw tapes were later sold using the" 800 "
  39. Airline set a new Guinness World Records title for" Highest stand-up comedy, gig ,in the world" in support of Comic Relief, with comedians Data Ó Brain, Jack
  40. To as gig bags, to protect the instrument during transport. Basic, unpadded, gig ,bags used by students cost under 100 USD, while thickly padded gig bags for
  41. On 23 December 1977 in Barn staple, Brock and Calvert had performed a one-off, gig ,with Devon band Ark as the Sonic Assassins, and looking for a new project in
  42. Out gig s on the 28th and 29 August to mark the date of the first ever Hawk wind, gig , On the 21st of June 2010 Hawk wind released their latest studio album entitled
  43. To handle and transport. Most bassists use soft cases, referred to as, gig ,bags, to protect the instrument during transport. Basic, unpadded gig bags used
  44. Point of view. Sound, lights,and visual setups were brought along to every, gig ,of the tour. Also in 2002,Dig weed created the soundtrack to the film Stark
  45. They stated their plans to collaborate on new projects. The band performed a, gig ,in Santa Rosa, California in June 2009,with Religion returning to the drum kit.
  46. On drums, John Berry on guitar, and Michael Diamond on vocals. Their first, gig ,was at Berry's loft at 100th Street and Broadway on Yauch's 17th birthday
  47. Performance, but the band instead chose the name Warsaw shortly before the, gig , in reference to the song" Warsaw" by David Bowie. Warsaw played their
  48. Be leaving Big Brother. On September 14, 1968,culminating a three-night final, gig ,together at Fillmore West, fans thronged to honor and exult in the last
  49. Provided by the metric prefixes, and the nonce numerals meg (million) and, gig ,(Millard) are occasionally derived from them: meg homo (a million people
  50. Debut EP, An Ideal for Living at Penning Sound Studio and played their final, gig ,as Warsaw on New Year's Eve at The Swinging Apple in Liverpool. Billed as

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