Examples of the the word, cabin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cabin ), is the 5701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To placate the offended subject. Drysdale went so far as to re-create the log, cabin ,the Competes had lived in and place it right next to the" cement pond" and
  2. 1996 – Suspected" Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski is arrested at his, cabin ,in Montana, United States. * 1996 – A United States Air Force airplane carrying
  3. And then touched the spacecraft's aluminum panels. Flammable materials in the, cabin ,The review board cited" many types and classes of combustible material" close
  4. The fire most probably started near the floor in the lower left section of the, cabin , close to the Environmental Control Unit. In 1968,a team of MIT physicists
  5. Module depended. Despite great hardship caused by limited power, loss of, cabin ,heat, shortage of potable water and the critical need to jury-rig the carbon
  6. Of the University of California, Berkeley English Department). They rented a, cabin , writing Gothic and other horror stories and selling them to Weird Tales
  7. Had NASA been aware of the incident. Hatch design The higher than atmospheric, cabin ,pressure made it impossible for the senior pilot to remove the inner hatch
  8. Camping experience. The park also features a wheelchair accessible camping, cabin ,.; Trails The park's extensive trail system features over of trails, including
  9. Landing system. Command/Service Module The Command Module (CM) was the crew, cabin , surrounded by a conical re-entry heat shield, designed to carry three
  10. Of the explosive bolts used on Project Mercury. * Flammable materials in the, cabin ,were replaced with self-extinguishing versions. * Plumbing and wiring were
  11. It impossible for the senior pilot to remove the inner hatch, until the excess, cabin ,pressure (16.7 psi absolute,2 psi above ambient) had been vented. Emergency
  12. Crew of any fire, the transmission ended abruptly at 6:31:21 with a cry as the, cabin ,ruptured after rapidly expanding gases from the fire over pressurized the CM to
  13. Abort option for the early part of the ascent. Once in orbit, the spacious, cabin ,may have induced some crew motion sickness, which had not been an issue in the
  14. And relocate, betterment,addition, subdivision ), types of property (log, cabin , adobe) in the 18th century; frame house, apartment,tenement house, shack
  15. Gave his staff orders to tell North American to remove the flammables from the, cabin , but did not supervise the issue personally. Accident Plugs-out test The
  16. Had been vented. Emergency procedure called for the command pilot to open the, cabin ,vent, but this was located near the origin of the fire, and while the system
  17. Of lunar orbit, made eight nearly perfect firings. Even though Apollo's larger, cabin ,was more comfortable than Gemini's,11 days in orbit took its toll on the
  18. In a significant influx of American Airlines pilots into this base. For, cabin ,crews, all former TWA flight attendants (approximately 4,200) were furloughed
  19. Concentration fell asymptotically to zero over the next day. Although the new, cabin ,launch atmosphere was significantly safer than 100 % oxygen, it still contained
  20. In 1975. Apollo was successful despite two major setbacks: the 1967 Apollo 1, cabin , fire that killed the entire crew during a pre-launch test; and an in-flight
  21. And Denver is also being upgraded to the CRJ-700,which includes a first class, cabin , Furthermore, American is increasing frequencies between LAX and Chicago
  22. The problem was found to be nitrogen-rich (oxygen-poor) air leaking from the, cabin ,into his spacesuit feed. North American Aviation had suggested using an
  23. Monitors, reaching for the inner hatch release handle as flames in the, cabin ,spread from left to right and licked the window. Only 17 seconds after the
  24. Overruns in both components. They were strained even more a year later when a, cabin ,fire killed the crew of Apollo 1 during a ground test. The cause was determined
  25. Main body section containing the crew cockpit or flight deck, and any passenger, cabin ,or cargo hold. In single- and twin-engine aircraft, it will often also contain
  26. Manned lunar landing program, with a target launch date of February 21, 1967. A, cabin ,fire during a launch pad test on January 27 at Launch Pad 34 at Cape Canaveral
  27. And the passenger is booked in that class as a paying customer or on a premium, cabin ,frequent flyer award ticket (not as an upgrade). The only exception to this
  28. As well, again,as long as the flight has a true International First Class, cabin ,and the passenger is booked in that class as a paying customer or on a premium
  29. II spacecraft, to which many Command Module design changes were made: * The, cabin ,atmosphere at launch was changed to 60 % oxygen and 40 % nitrogen at sea-level
  30. The American Apollo space program, and the first manned US space flight after a, cabin ,fire killed the crew of what was to have been the first manned mission,AS-204
  31. Gases from the fire over pressurized the CM to 29 psi (200 PA) and burst the, cabin ,interior. Flames and gases then rushed outside the command module through open
  32. Of the terrorists. The other two terrorists died as a result of gunshots in the, cabin ,after approximately 20 minutes. ) Three hostages including a Vietnamese
  33. A nominal cabin pressure of 5 psi as the spacecraft continued into vacuum. The, cabin ,was then very slowly purged (vented to space and simultaneously replaced with
  34. The vent then closed, and the environmental control system maintained a nominal, cabin ,pressure of 5 psi as the spacecraft continued into vacuum. The cabin was then
  35. To open all three hatch layers, and they could not drop the inner hatch to the, cabin ,floor as intended, so they pushed it out of the way to one side. Immediately
  36. The amount of flammable material (mainly nylon netting and Velcro) in the, cabin , which the technicians found convenient for holding tools and equipment in
  37. To repair cracks to pressure bulkheads; the rupture of a bulkhead could lead to, cabin ,depressurization. It is also alleged that the airline retired one airplane in
  38. With Apollo 11,though its exact mission was unknown. While moving within the, cabin , Aldrin accidentally broke the circuit breaker that would arm the main engine
  39. Freely in the comparatively smaller cabin s of those spacecraft. The increased, cabin ,space in the Apollo Command Module afforded astronauts greater freedom of
  40. At sea-level pressure (14.7 psi or 1013 millibars). During ascent the, cabin ,rapidly vented down to 5 psi (345 millibars),releasing approximately 2/3 of
  41. Child of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln (née Hanks),in a one-room log, cabin ,on the Sinking Spring Farm in southeast Hardin County, Kentucky,(now Large
  42. That the passengers, and possibly the crew, had been moved to the back of the, cabin ,and that the hijackers were unaware of her call. A minute into the conversation
  43. Was made to return the carrier to profitability in 1997. This was the last time, cabin ,crew at BA went on strike until 2009. Following these strikes, and the
  44. British Airways, under Bob Ayling's management, faced strike action by, cabin ,crew over the £1 billion cost-cutting drive that was made to return the carrier
  45. Departure and by time of day. Carriers often accomplish this by dividing each, cabin ,of the aircraft (first, business and economy) into a number of travel classes
  46. Pilot G. B. North passed out and was seriously injured when testing a Mercury, cabin ,/ spacesuit atmosphere system in a vacuum chamber. The problem was found to be
  47. Mountain and Erlangen. Beneath the tower, an adventure playground and a, cabin ,is located. A flag on the tower signals whether the cabin ’s restaurant is open.
  48. The plugs-out test had been run to simulate the launch procedure, with the, cabin ,pressurized with pure oxygen at the nominal pre-launch level of,2 psi above
  49. February 21 mission, which they named Apollo 1,when a fire broke out in the, cabin , killing all three men and putting an 18-month hold on the manned program while
  50. The astronauts' pressure suits was not changed. Because of the rapid drop in, cabin ,(and suit) pressures during ascent, decompression sickness was likely unless

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