Examples of the the word, unclear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unclear ), is the 5721 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the middle of the desert, like a captain going down with his ship. It is, unclear ,whether the strikers or anyone else will return to save him. *Ellis
  2. Of the Soviet Union in December 1991 the status of the treaty became, unclear , debated by members of Congress and professors of law. In 1997,a memorandum of
  3. Controversial, as the long-term impact on the advertising industry is still, unclear , Global advertising has gone through five major stages of
  4. Of an early problem in combinatorics.: The origin of the puzzle's name is, unclear , and it has been suggested that it is taken from the Ancient Greek word for
  5. Suggests a person of Asian features. Etymology The origin of Attila's name is, unclear , Prison considers it to mean" universal ruler" in a Turkic language related
  6. Was known in Ancient Egypt, but the extent and prevalence of its practice are, unclear , The ancient Egyptians viewed men and women, including people from all social
  7. The disposition of Essex, held by West Saxon kings since the days of Ebert, is, unclear , from the treaty, though,given Alfred’s political and military superiority, it
  8. No obvious physical location: in the case of many financial products, it may be, unclear ," where" the transaction occurs. Regulatory arbitrage can include
  9. Appears as a well-liked school teacher in the sequel, The Road Back, but it is, unclear ,whether he is the same person as in the prequel. Minor characters Keynote
  10. Process, known as prebiotic chemistry, has made some progress, but it is still, unclear ,whether life could have formed in such a manner on Earth. The
  11. Only two genera, Borya and Albania),and other Asparagus has remained, unclear ,for a long time. The Boracay are mycorrhizal, but not in the same way as
  12. Letter forms. The Syriac script was a cursive variation of Aramaic. It is, unclear ,whether the Arabic ahead was derived from Batman or Syriac. Impure beads "
  13. It is not clear whether they developed the process independently. It is also, unclear ,whether they made their own raw glass or merely imported pre-made ingots, which
  14. Of the electron transfer chain to other processes that generate peroxide is, unclear , In plants, algae,and cyanobacteria, reactive oxygen species are also produced
  15. Relationships as well as those of some of his friends. But again, it is, unclear ,whether this had any effect on the writing, and Paul Allen's view is that it
  16. 11 Titan has" 5" ( Blaze 2006). 12" ( the prefixed i- is somewhat, unclear ,: it is also used as a separate word meaning ‘ fifty ’, but the historical root
  17. Daily since the advent of the Chinese space program. The origin of the term is, unclear ,; as early as May 1998,Chief Lee Yin () from Malaysia, used it in newsgroups.
  18. For political and/or ethnic reasons. If considered multiple languages, it is, unclear ,how many languages there would be, as the spoken varieties form a dialect chain
  19. Pain independently of the psychological impact of the treatment ritual is, unclear , " A report for CSICOP on pseudoscience in China written by Wallace Sampson and
  20. Practice and increased availability of effective early intervention make it, unclear ,whether these findings can be generalized to recently diagnosed children.
  21. However, have a significantly higher rate of alcoholism than average; it is, unclear ,why this is the case. Other risk factors such as cultural environmental effects
  22. Closely related to Araliaceae and the boundaries between these families remain, unclear , Some recent systems include Araliaceae in an expanded Apache but this has
  23. And neurodegeneration in motor neuron diseases. In many of these cases, it is, unclear ,if oxidants trigger the disease, or if they are produced as a secondary
  24. Athena is given the curious epithet Tritonia. The meaning of this term is, unclear , It seems to mean" Triton-born ", perhaps indicating that the sea-deity was
  25. Role The role of alkaloids for living organisms that produce them is still, unclear , It was initially assumed that the alkaloids are the final products of nitrogen
  26. As" Arab" or" Arabian. " The scope of the term at that early stage is, unclear , but it seems to have referred to various desert-dwelling Semitic tribes in the
  27. To authenticate the validity of these speculations is lacking. So far, it is, unclear ,whether these structures are natural or man-made and if they predate the 15th
  28. Kill himself with scissors, cutting his two wrists at the same time. It was, unclear ,how the Sultan got hold of scissors in the tower prison cell he was
  29. The exact mechanism of carbamazepine, gabapentin and pregabalin is similarly, unclear , but these anticonvulsant are used to treat neuropathic pain with differing
  30. Present in ASD, the relationship between immune disturbances and autism remains, unclear ,and controversial. The relationship of neurochemicals to autism is not well
  31. Such as the those in Nag Hammed library, the identity of Abraham remains, unclear , The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, for instance, refers to Abraham
  32. The coordinated attacks. History Little is known about Omari's life, and it is, unclear ,whether some information refers to Omar or another person by that name. He has
  33. Only. How the diocese of Worcester was administered when Alfred was abroad is, unclear , although it appears that Sultan, the prior of the cathedral chapter
  34. Suddenly died during the ceremony itself. Circumstances of his death are still, unclear , As for Albert, he went to Hungary and baptized Gaza of Hungary and his son
  35. Of accessible seating and gave the DOJ the opportunity to clarify previously, unclear ,rules. The agreement now is a blueprint for all stadiums and other public
  36. Whether Hippolytus actually declared himself to be the Bishop of Rome, remains, unclear , especially since no such claim has been cited in the writings attributed to
  37. Season traces its origins to old Germanic languages. The exact derivation is, unclear , the Old English fill or fallen and the Old Norse fall all being possible
  38. On the east bank of the Rhine. The exact number and extent of these page is, unclear ,and probably changed over time. Page, usually pairs of page combined, formed
  39. System. Thus, LTCM failed as a fixed income arbitrage fund, although it is, unclear ,what sort of profit was realized by the banks that bailed LTCM out. Etymology "
  40. Report conflicting results, and the relationship between GI problems and ASD is, unclear , Parents of children with ASD have higher levels of stress. Siblings of
  41. His migration to Vienna. The reasons for Vivaldi's departure from Venice are, unclear , but it seems likely that, after the success of his meeting with Emperor
  42. The roles and importance of the various forms of vitamin E are presently, unclear , and it has even been suggested that the most important function of
  43. Before his son Andrew was born in the Wax haws area. His exact birth site is, unclear ,because he was born about the time his mother was making a difficult trip home
  44. Church makes the exact link between the apocryphal texts and the Taoist church, unclear , United States The law of the United States, including certain criminal
  45. Believe that Gregory initiated the mission, although the exact reasons remain, unclear , Bede, an 8th-century monk who wrote a history of the English church, recorded
  46. Many of them sitting on the sites of 19th-century villages) have become, unclear ,with time and successive waves of newcomers. In 2006,Many Fernandez of The
  47. In determining the cause of liver damage in patients whom the diagnosis is, unclear , The Combs test is also used for antibody screening in blood transfusion
  48. As fuel alcohols, and are reputed to cause severe hangovers, although it is, unclear ,if the fuel alcohols are actually responsible. Many longer chain alcohols are
  49. Insomnia, confusion,anxiety, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and, unclear , thinking. Immediate medical care is required upon the first signs of these
  50. Of the overlap between Asperger syndrome, HFA, and non-syndromal autism is, unclear , Some studies have reported diagnoses of autism in children due to a loss of

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