Examples of the the word, fundamentally , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of all against all '. " Sterner argued against the existence of the state in a, fundamentally ,anti-collectivist way, to be replaced by a" Union of Egoists" but was not
  2. Magnetic field direction, which at that time was believed to be invariant. He, fundamentally ,defined his arbitrary orientation for the cell as being that in which the
  3. André Malraux in works such as The Voices of Silence, is that art is, fundamentally ,a response to a metaphysical question ('Art ', he writes,'is an 'anti-destiny
  4. Zone, Nemoral zone (temperate zone) Anthropogenic biomes Humans have, fundamentally ,altered global patterns of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. As a result
  5. They be sons or remote male issue and in these circumstances and in view of the, fundamentally ,altered conditions in the world in very recent years due to the great changes
  6. Shadow, and perspective to more accurately represent life. Because of how, fundamentally ,these ideas were felt to alter so much of life, some have referred to it as the
  7. On March 4; Louisa May died only two days after her father. Beliefs Alcott was, fundamentally ,and philosophically opposed to corporal punishment as a means of disciplining
  8. Nucleus (the alpha particle). Alpha decay, like other cluster decays, is, fundamentally , a quantum tunneling process. Unlike beta decay, alpha decay is governed by the
  9. All classes within the organization. Players were patiently refined until, fundamentally ,sound instead of being hastily advanced to the next level. For the remainder of
  10. Invincible, which corrected some flaws in the earlier ships but were built to, fundamentally ,the same specification. The British were hampered on this occasion by the
  11. Other about it and then the rest of the world about it. So it is actually a, fundamentally ,healthy thing from a consumer point of view. Conversely, if you do have a better
  12. The Argentina military junta led by General Jorge Video declared the award, fundamentally ,null and intensified their claim over the islands. On 22. December 1978
  13. Born from the evolutionary stages of global marketing are the three primary and, fundamentally ,different approaches to the development of global advertising executions:
  14. The animal part in man is" the same" as the animal part in chimpanzee. Most, fundamentally ,all substances are matter, a theme taken up by science, which postulated one or
  15. Languages (and indeed home sign is largely gestural),a sign language is, fundamentally ,different from gesture in what it conveys and how it conveys it. Tonicity A
  16. The evidence. Could a machine ever be conscious? The idea that consciousness is, fundamentally ,mechanical can be traced back at least to Julien Affray de La Mettrie's book
  17. The quantum-mechanical properties of the electrons lead to collective behavior, fundamentally ,different from that of a classical fluid, is closely related to the super fluid
  18. Is more or less equal, while vertical collectivism assumes that individuals are, fundamentally ,different from each other. Social anarchist Alexander Bergman, who was a
  19. Thereof used to connect the anchor to the vessel. Neither rope nor chain is, fundamentally ,superior to a cable. Anchoring techniques The basic anchoring consists of
  20. The Aster used 64 KB of RAM memory and had the unique feature of supporting two, fundamentally ,different internal architectures: when turned on without a boot floppy or with
  21. Work, The World as Will and Representation, claimed that the world is, fundamentally ,what humans recognize in themselves as their will. His analysis of will led him
  22. Or pseudoproblem) of initial conditions is not solved:“ There is something, fundamentally ,misconceived about trying to explain the uniformity of the early universe as
  23. Goes beyond mere honesty to insist that these metaphysical issues are, fundamentally ,unknowable. Robert G. Ingersoll Robert G. Ingersoll, an Illinois lawyer and
  24. How a computer operates at the hardware level. Since a computer's behavior is, fundamentally ,defined by its instruction set, the logical way to learn such concepts is to
  25. The quantum numbers are adiabatic invariants. The Bohr-Sommerfeld model was, fundamentally ,inconsistent and led to many paradoxes. The magnetic quantum number measured
  26. As stare decisis). If, however,the court finds that the current dispute is, fundamentally ,distinct from all previous cases (called a" matter of first impression" )
  27. Suggesting that a smaller number of strands may be unstable, however it is also, fundamentally ,more difficult for parallel sheets to form because strands with N and C
  28. Modern world The methods used for the printing and binding of books continued, fundamentally ,unchanged from the 15th century into the early years of the 20th century. While
  29. It has nothing to do with blood. He's certainly not a racist; the question is, fundamentally ,religious and cultural. He bears some resemblance to Dostoevsky, who was a
  30. Who did not dare emulate the equivalent manpower source for fear of, fundamentally ,undermining the legitimacy of slavery. Emancipated slaves mostly handled
  31. Of Active Directory objects, deactivating or changing these objects can, fundamentally ,change and/or disrupt a deployment. Schema changes automatically propagate
  32. Paradigm lost its grip on anthropology; the" three-tribes-theme" was also, fundamentally ,questioned and slowly faded away. Modern variants of the Batavian founding myth
  33. All of which are mutually exclusive. Anarchist schools of thought can differ, fundamentally , supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.
  34. Spirits. See also Folk Hinduism *Many traditional Native American religions are, fundamentally ,animistic. See, for example, the Lakota Sioux prayer Mistake Basin. The
  35. Greenhouse gases than they consume, and other measures. Disadvantages First and, fundamentally , independence is a matter of degree. Complete independence is very hard or
  36. Be called the" Benedictine centuries ". Even today Benedictine monasticism is, fundamentally ,different from other Western religious orders insofar as its individual
  37. Carrier and a light tank were combined in one vehicle. Naval armor has, fundamentally ,changed from the Second World War doctrine of thicker plating to defend against
  38. Greeks and Romans built on techniques pioneered by the Sumerians, but made few, fundamentally ,new advances. Southern Greeks struggled with very poor soils, yet managed to
  39. Rights for African Americans, but changed American society in far-reaching and, fundamentally ,important ways. Prior to the 1950s,Black Americans in the South were subject
  40. Irregular form. Classification Amber can be classified into several forms. Most, fundamentally , there are two types of plant resin with the potential for fossilization.
  41. Experience. Since everything is basically Will, then humans and animals are, fundamentally ,the same and can recognize themselves in each other. For this reason, he
  42. Responsible for the Basel Accords (Basel I and Basel II),this organization, fundamentally ,changed Risk Management within its industry. Basel has Switzerland's second
  43. Muslim land, at the same time, and with maximum carnage. This was, however,a, fundamentally ,defensive strategy. Al-Qaeda sought to open the" offensive phase" of the
  44. Follows Heidegger in defining the human essence as ambiguous, or relating, fundamentally ,to such ambiguity. Simone de Beauvoir tries to base an ethics on Heidegger's
  45. Made the AmigaOS more vulnerable to crashes from badly behaving programs, and, fundamentally , incapable of enforcing any form of security model since any program had full
  46. Intelligence. On his work there Atkinson said," what Momenta is doing is more, fundamentally ,important to society than the personal computer and the rise of the Internet. "
  47. The rules and directions of the checkers' movement change, rendering the game, fundamentally ,different. Acey-deucey is a variant of backgammon in which players start with
  48. To Christianity. His theological works argued that religious experience is a, fundamentally ,human impulse, not just a Jewish one, and that no religious community could
  49. In a combat zone, minimising casualties and maximizing mobility. APC's are, fundamentally ,different from the previously used armored half-tracks in that they offer a
  50. Of concern in the philosophy of consciousness include whether the concept is, fundamentally ,valid; whether consciousness can ever be explained mechanistically; whether

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