Examples of the the word, discard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discard ), is the 5714 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Functionality in Middle and Modern English has led most modern grammarians to, discard ,the" accusative" and" dative" labels in English as obsolete, in favor of
  2. By the players. Burn cards are almost always placed face down next to the, discard ,pile without being revealed to the players. Burning is most often performed in
  3. Times in a row in a player's turn. Melding (or stealing) another player's, discard ,When a player discard s a tile, any other player may" call" or" bid" for it
  4. Recognizes the liar paradox, an intrinsic contradiction, as being true, it must, discard ,the long-recognized principle of ex also quodlibet, which asserts that any
  5. Different from the actual names of the types of melds. ) The player must then, discard ,a tile, and play continues to the right. Because of this, turns may be skipped
  6. Flow control allows the network card to pause communications without having to, discard ,data if the buffer is full. Modern hardware also implements interrupt rate
  7. About the validity of Christian religious dogma, and by 18 had decided to, discard ,the last of it. University and first marriage Russell won a scholarship to read
  8. Of his philosophy this does not mean that philosophy can claim to be able to, discard ,all structural aspects. It is for this reason that Derrida distances his use of
  9. Is the purity of the heart and soul, it doesn't mean that a person can, discard ,his physical purity, as Salah (prayer) is useless if a person is untruthful
  10. A component to the standard hand. The eyes cannot be declared or formed with a, discard ,except if completing the pair completes the hand. For example: Interruption of
  11. Is no contemporary source or dispatch on the topic, Hills does not personally, discard ,(a) considering it the most likely possibility). * During the Peninsular War
  12. Off it. As a 1943 New York Times editorial states," ... The time has come to, discard ,the Mercator for something that represents the continents and directions less
  13. A devout Marxist who was once Leon Trotsky's secretary, have attempted to, discard ,the triadic approach altogether. According to their argument, although Hegel
  14. With a hand of cards, and the object of the game is to be the first player to, discard ,all cards from one's hand. Some matching-type games are also shedding-type
  15. In order if no one else needs the tile to make pongs or songs. When stealing a, discard , winning precedes merely making melds. * Eyes, also known as a pair, are two
  16. Note: in a player-dealt casino game there is often a rule that the dealer must, discard ,before picking up the deck, but this is a home game so we won't worry about
  17. Or depend upon, finally unverifiable assumptions about composition, and that, discard ,the oral/literate dichotomy focused on composition in favor of a more fluid
  18. In a game for money. When a meld (Pong, Kong or Chow) is declared through a, discard , the player must state the type of meld to be declared and place the meld face
  19. Uniform numbers on the players sleeves until the 1980 season. The team did not, discard ,their Cleveland-like uniforms until 1981. During that year, a then-unique
  20. Are usually still usable. It is claimed that it is economically prohibitive to, discard ,a panel with just a few defective pixels because LCD panels are much larger
  21. Proletarians who had nothing to sell but their labor power, and nothing to, discard ,but their dignity; if they disdained waged-work, it was because of its
  22. State that" St. Luke raises greater difficulty ... Most critics therefore, discard ,Luke ". The Gospel of Luke also states that Jesus was" about thirty years old
  23. Honors, flowers and seasons cannot be used to make chows. A player can steal a, discard ,to form a chow from the player prior to them in order if no one else needs the
  24. After the defenders' cards in that suit are exhausted, to force defenders to, discard ,useful cards. *the finesse, in which a low card is led toward a high card in
  25. Also, when the solid particles are very fine, it is often cheaper and easier to, discard ,the contaminated granules than to clean the solid sieve. Filter media can be
  26. The trick with the ace, and then cashes the Q. For fear of conceding a ruff and, discard , West plays the 2 instead of another spade. Declarer plays low from the table
  27. The first is called winning from the wall, the second is called winning by a, discard , The winning hand is made of four melds (a specific pattern of three pieces)
  28. Each player begins by receiving thirteen tiles. In turn players draw and, discard ,tiles until they complete a legal hand using the fourteenth drawn tile to form
  29. Is formed, the player must draw an extra tile from the end of the wall and then, discard ,a tile. Kong's count extra for scoring purposes. * Chow is a meld of three
  30. Discard (PPD) and Early Packet Discard (END) have been created that will, discard ,a whole series of cells until the next frame starts. This reduces the number of
  31. Manipulated register data could also perform tests, shifts and even elect to, discard ,the result. Hardware options included an integer multiply and divide unit, a
  32. Where one is only concerned about rotation around one axis, it is sufficient to, discard ,the pseudovector nature of angular momentum, and treat it like a scalar where
  33. It resembles a blacksmith's bellows. Mammals take oxygen into their lungs, and, discard , carbon dioxide. Nervous system All mammalian brains possess a neocortex, a
  34. Began her liaison with Edward IV, after his return from France. Edward did not, discard ,her as he did many of his mistresses, and was completely devoted to Jane. This
  35. Contemporary philosophy of language. In Rethinking Intuition various thinkers, discard ,intuition as a valid source of knowledge and thereby call into question 'a
  36. But more often, because of health laws or company policy, they are required to, discard ,food items by the expiration date, because of overstock, being overly ripened
  37. Is forced to choose which card to discard before declarer has to make his own, discard ,choice. Scoring The goal for each pair is to make as high a score as possible.
  38. Clockwise. To do this, just take the definition of the cross product and, discard ,the unit vector, so that angular momentum becomes:: L = | \math bf||\math bf|\sin
  39. Descended from Latin, such as the English alphabet. These Latin alphabets may, discard ,letters, like the Rotors alphabet, or add new letters, like the Danish and
  40. Include the" squeeze" in which a defender is forced to choose which card to, discard ,before declarer has to make his own discard choice. Scoring The goal for each
  41. Determine which objects are reachable (or potentially reachable),and then, discard ,all remaining objects. Reachability of an object Informally, an object is
  42. Embrace of immanence, i. e., his monism. However, May believes that Delete can, discard ,the primacy-of-difference thesis, and accept a Wittgenstein holism without
  43. Up as to what had happened in each room, and a decision made whether to keep or, discard ,each new piece. Recreating the city too would be a challenge. Although Gaga
  44. Going mahjong If at any point in the game a player can use another player's, discard ,to complete a legal hand (and with the agreed minimum points) they yell out
  45. The tableau and/or the draw pile or stock by moving all cards to one or more ", discard ," or" foundation" piles. Drinking card games Drinking card games are, true to
  46. For fired cases) *Case inspection (Look for cracks or other defects, and, discard , visibly imperfect cases. Bent case mouths may be repaired during resizing. )
  47. File used by some Usenet reading programs (originally Larry Wall's RN) to, discard ,summarily (without presenting for reading) articles matching some unwanted
  48. To death. In addition, patriarchs in Roman society were given the right to ", discard ," infants at their discretion. This was often done by drowning undesired
  49. The deck. Examples include most War type games, and games involving slapping a, discard ,pile. Egyptian War has both of these features. Fishing games In fishing games
  50. Replacement tile so that the player has the fourteen pieces needed before their, discard , This may happen twice or more times in a row in a player's turn. Melding (or

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