Examples of the the word, proven , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proven ), is the 5702 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A new missile defense system in Central Europe – a criticism that was soon, proven ,to be largely groundless, as the US had repeatedly informed Russia about its
  2. In BRE, the past participle proved is strongly preferred to proven ; in AME, proven ,is now about as common as proved. (Both dialects use proven as an adjective
  3. To carry the Traverse Gravimeter Experiment (TGE). As gravimeters have, proven ,to be useful in the geologic investigation of the Earth, the objective of this
  4. David Cameron, feeling that he did not, like the other candidates, have a, proven ,track record, and she was later a leading figure in parliamentary opposition to
  5. Of the Caribbean's native population, although no researcher has conclusively, proven ,any of these causes as the real reason for these deaths. Smallpox was probably
  6. In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not, proven ,or demonstrated but considered either to be self-evident or to define and
  7. Previously shown little mercy to military combatants and acted in ways that had, proven ,unpopular with the Roman people, yet he was given credit for pardoning many of
  8. Oil for internal and external use. The Athabasca Oil Sands contain the largest, proven ,reserves of oil in the world outside Saudi Arabia. Natural gas has been found
  9. Is definable. The axiom of choice produces these intangibles (objects that are, proven ,to exist by a nonconstructive proof, but cannot be explicitly constructed)
  10. Where they offered buyers a free rubber 'bumper' case, which had been, proven ,to eliminate the signal reduction issue. Later that year Apple again refreshed
  11. This increases to 1.5 arc seconds or even more. The dwarf planet Pluto has, proven ,difficult to resolve because its angular diameter is about 0.1 arc second. This
  12. Term, so one can conclude that f (n) = O (n²). Formally this can be, proven ,as follows: Prove that \left \franc (n^2 + n) \right T_6 + \left \franc (n^2 +
  13. An opioid used to control chronic pain. Treatment There is no one treatment, proven ,to be effective for all types of aphasia. The reason that there is no
  14. May have been employed to prevent escape. Therefore – and this has been, proven ,by the experience of war – the only likely method of survival is withdrawal
  15. However, according to the historian Season Rennin, textological analyses have, proven ,Solzhenitsyn's authorship. In 1984 Solzhenitsyn was interviewed by Nikolai
  16. Performed by solo women. Albanian language and literature Albanian was, proven ,to be an Indo-European language in 1854 by the German philologist Franz Bop.
  17. Now feel that the claims made by advocates of apostolic succession have been, proven ,false by multiple churches' claims to have apostolic succession, and the
  18. The entire matter, as many French and British scientists and researchers have, proven , is nothing more than a huge Israeli plot aimed at extorting the German
  19. 3 was observed for californium, einsteinium and fermium. The divalent state is, proven ,for mendelevium and nobelium, and in nobelium it is more stable than the
  20. Concerns that reliance on Anthroposophical medicine in place of scientifically, proven ,treatment could endanger the lives of patients; The National Cancer Institute (
  21. Proved. (Both dialects use proven as an adjective, and in formulas such as not, proven ,). * AME further allows other irregular verbs, such as dive (dove) or sneak (
  22. L-ascorbic acid by Hayworth and Szent-Györgyi when its structure was finally, proven ,by synthesis. The American physician Fred R. Kenner M. D. promoted vitamin C
  23. Supported by some striking facts and analogies, but which remains to be, proven ,by more facts and the additional light which more research may throw upon the
  24. a mind-altering medication to treat something which cannot be objectively, proven ,to be a biological disorder resulting from a chemical imbalance, yet is often
  25. Which was surmounted by a sphere inscribed within a cylinder. Archimedes had, proven ,that the sphere has two thirds of the volume and surface area of the cylinder (
  26. Historical document and primary source written by a man whose existence can be, proven ,historically, the Vita Asgard (" The Life of Ansgar" ) aims above all to
  27. Be able to construct, in an explicit and canonical manner, anything that is, proven ,to exist. This foundation rejects the full axiom of choice because it asserts
  28. For the role of habit in a theory of knowledge, are retained. This book has, proven ,highly influential, both in the years that would immediately follow and today.
  29. Hip-hop has been signed on YouTube. Linguistics ASL is a natural language, as, proven , to the satisfaction of the linguistic community by William Stoke, and contains
  30. Example, a subset of the real numbers that is not Lebesgue measurable can be, proven ,to exist using the axiom of choice, but it is consistent that no such set is
  31. A brief physical check during the trip back to the Hornet., before the Moon was, proven ,to be barren of life and the quarantine process dropped. President Richard
  32. The Jews: With regard to the fraud of the Holocaust … Many French studies have, proven ,that this is no more than a fabrication, a lie, and a fraud!! That is, it is a
  33. By Gödel's incompleteness theorem, contains true statements which cannot be, proven , In these cases, an automated theorem proper may fail to terminate while
  34. Has defined alternative medicine as" all treatments that have not been, proven ,effective using scientific methods. " A similar definition has been adopted by
  35. Other and in the strength of this group. Men no women were members yet who had, proven ,over and over again, by extremely painful experience, that they could not get
  36. Implication being that" hypothesis" is something that's not been decisively, proven ,) remained in active use by scientists through the late 1950s. At present
  37. All other assertions (theorems, if we are talking about mathematics) must be, proven ,with the aid of these basic assumptions. However, the interpretation of
  38. In its three different locations. And was knighted in 1997. (but not, proven ,) that Alan Cockburn is the most performed living English playwright, and the
  39. Society. She is very highly regarded in the Scottish musical community, and has, proven ,that her profound deafness does not inhibit her musical talent or day-to-day
  40. Schools of thought, certain topics of interest and internal disputes have, proven ,perennial within anarchist theory. Free love An important current within
  41. Enumerable: given unbounded resources, any valid formula can eventually be, proven , However, invalid formulas (those that are not entailed by a given theory)
  42. To proven ; in AME, proven is now about as common as proved. (Both dialects use, proven ,as an adjective, and in formulas such as not proven ). * AME further allows
  43. S for which the statement: K (s) \GEQ L \quad (as formalized in S) can be, proven ,within the axiomatic system S. Note that by the abundance of nearly
  44. And on large scale farms. However, genetic engineering of plants has, proven ,to be controversial. Many issues surrounding food security and environmental
  45. A set but a proper class. Regularity and cumulative hierarchy In ZF it can be, proven ,that the class \big cup_ V_\alpha \! (see cumulative hierarchy) is equal to
  46. Burgdorferi, Leptospira, and beta-hemolytic Streptococci. The only vaccine, proven ,to induce ADAM is the Simple form of the rabies vaccine, but hepatitis B
  47. And definiteness. An example of ancient aesthetics in Greece through poetry is, proven ,by the quote" For the authors of those great poems which we admire, do not
  48. Choices randomly (or pseudo-randomly); for some problems, it can in fact be, proven ,that the fastest solutions must involve some randomness. There are two large
  49. And defining alternative medicine as all treatments that have not been, proven ,effective using scientific methods, as well as mentioning the concerns of
  50. Of forget. * In BRE, the past participle proved is strongly preferred to, proven ,; in AME, proven is now about as common as proved. (Both dialects use proven as

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