Examples of the the word, ridiculous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ridiculous ), is the 5719 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or an air pocket or imaginary blemish in the floor),or riding any number of, ridiculous ,vehicles or" clown bikes ". Individual prop stunts are generally considered to
  2. Imagery was unnatural and that phrases like" the wrath of the Lamb" were ", ridiculous ,". He saw Revelation as comprising two discordant halves. In the first, there
  3. Hate, and dull conceit. It is this attitude which today gives birth to these, ridiculous ,books, these insulting plays. It constantly feeds on and derives strength from
  4. And is usually 100 % confident in everything he says and does no matter how, ridiculous ,or frivolous it is—unless it has to do with females, in which case he either
  5. Pursue a mission, or just accessories in general. In French, means a funny or, ridiculous ,clothing; often a weird disguise or a getup, though it can be said also for
  6. Not be substantiated by appeal to the textual canon, it would be considered as, ridiculous ,as a claim that the sky was green and, conversely,a claim which could not be
  7. To speak rabidly or incessantly on an uninteresting topic or with a patently, ridiculous ,attitude ". The meaning of the word has diverged from this definition since
  8. Tragic effect, and his realism, which often threatens to make his heroes look, ridiculous , marks a world of debased heroism:" The loss of intellectual and moral
  9. A unique" topsy-turvy" style in which humor was derived by setting up a, ridiculous ,premise and working out its logical consequences, however absurd. Director and
  10. Not the Spirit have these religious triflers in view, rather than the less, ridiculous ,Jews? ” A. C. 1831 VI p. 626:“ There is not one … subscription … of any
  11. Hi, Mom! For instance, there is a sequence where you are obviously watching a, ridiculous ,documentary, and you are told that, and you are aware of it, but it still sucks
  12. it's Oscar’s turn to give the clue on the team’s next shot, the password is, ridiculous ,and Oscar's clue is Aristophanes, to which Felix instantly responds,"
  13. Of the superficiality and degeneracy of the art. Blondel decried the ", ridiculous ,jumble of shells, dragons,reeds, palm-trees and plants" in contemporary
  14. He doesn't even have a job. " *" Candidate Jane's proposal about zoning is, ridiculous , She was caught cheating on her taxes in 2003. " *" John's argument on LeBron
  15. A. Martin of Brookhaven National Laboratory considered the choice of A–F ", ridiculous ," and in a 1968 letter to the editor of the CALM proposed an entirely new set
  16. Desperate ". Row Laws from the Sunday Mercury called the plot" shocking and, ridiculous ," and asked" are we really supposed to believe that Kat won’t recognize that
  17. Moon, and in Apron and Tacitus. Agatharchides of Hindus wrote about the ", ridiculous ,practices" of the Jews and of the" absurdity of their Law" and how Ptolemy
  18. The classic BBC comedy, did for the Nazis by showing them as" scary but also, ridiculous ,". Music Morris often co-writes and performs incidental music for his
  19. An essay he had written in the Vermont Journal accusing the administration of ", ridiculous ,pomp, foolish adulation, and selfish avarice ". While awaiting trial, Lyon
  20. Plays and bloody special effects. (Googol can be used in French to describe a, ridiculous ,person, in the same way that clown might be used in English. ); Grenadier: a
  21. As a forerunner of the 'absurd' in modern fiction. Candide's world is full of, ridiculous ,and meaningless elements, but human beings are not totally deprived of the
  22. Presides as the Grand Anarchy; and the late Grand Monarch makes a figure as, ridiculous ,as pitiable ". On 4 November Charles-Jean-François Depot wrote to Burke
  23. Previously, there were a number of false etymologies, of which the most, ridiculous ,was the claim that the term derived from a New York brothel whose madam was
  24. On Aristotle's Poetics. He rejected the idea of" music of the spheres" as, ridiculous ,: movement of astronomical bodies, he supposed, is incapable of generating sound
  25. We took too long on it, that album cost us a million dollars, which is bloody, ridiculous ,". The resulting album, Dehumanizer was released on 22 June 1992. In the US
  26. The above ground support ... To make him the mastermind of anything is, ridiculous ,", a " logistics chief ", and a" travel agent. " The allegations included:
  27. Claudius Maximus, proconsul of Africa. The accusation itself seems to have been, ridiculous , and the spirited and triumphant defense spoken by Apuleius is still extant.
  28. The Africans broad feet? –: :A. Because they inhabit a marshy country …: But, ridiculous ,and trifling as these are, they are little in comparison to those solemnly
  29. In a derogatory sense to mean anyone who holds views so antiquated as to be, ridiculous , An early mention in literature was Ludwig Holberg's comedy Erasmus Mont anus (
  30. Guests that he is quite happy to be thought amusing, but he is wary of appearing, ridiculous , This fear of being ridiculed is consistent with his declaration in The Knights
  31. Sense the term is used to automatically dismiss claims that are deemed, ridiculous , misconceived, paranoid,unfounded, outlandish or irrational. A proven
  32. The mere notion of empire continuing to decline and fall for five centuries is, ridiculous ,... this is one of the cases which prove that History is made not so much by
  33. Identify such suspicious activity. It is an assertion that Senator Kevin found, ridiculous , " First Mr. Hebert, you do not need a computer system to realize
  34. Brain dead (1992) (known as Dead Alive in the USA) took the splatter film to, ridiculous ,excesses for comic effect. Wes Craven's Scream (written by Kevin Williamson)
  35. Absurdities that exist only in South Florida. In Big Trouble, for example,the, ridiculous ,nuances of South Florida are expressed through the experiences of the two hit
  36. Fabric" of his program. Presley would refer back to the Allen show as the most, ridiculous ,performance of his career. Later that night, he appeared on HY Gardner Calling
  37. Of his play The Birds. After failing to guess it, Oscar says that the clue is, ridiculous , and then when it's Oscar’s turn to give the clue on the team’s next shot, the
  38. A modern national army composed of all ranks of society, describing it as a ", ridiculous ,fantasy ": The persistent old belief that peasants and small farmers gathered
  39. And our history. That it is being used to educate our children is even more, ridiculous , " The Department of Education and Science, which paid €450,000 to give
  40. Person dresses according to the fashion of young people, he or she may look, ridiculous ,in the eyes of both young and older people. The terms fashionista and fashion
  41. Name to the" European Government ", calling the present name of commission ", ridiculous ,". Legislative initiative The Commission differs from the other institutions in
  42. Much of the humor emerges as the audience sees the characters making obviously, ridiculous ,decisions that are natural reactions to mismanagement. Themes explored include:
  43. Silly Novels by Lady Novelists" ( 1856). The essay criticized the trivial and, ridiculous ,plots of contemporary fiction by women. In other essays she praised the realism
  44. Ones). From then on, Jarry would always speak in this style. He adopted Ubu's, ridiculous ,and pedantic figures of speech; for example, he referred to himself using the
  45. Reitlinger's 1968 book The Final Solution described the Soviet figures as ", ridiculous ,", and estimated the number killed at" 800,000 to 900,000 ".
  46. Position. " The self-professed fly-charmer who waves his arms and recites, ridiculous ,chants (" Abraham, galla, galla, tsay, tsay" and" Poseidon, carabou, carabou
  47. As the voice of sanity during chaotic moments, but is frequently embroiled in, ridiculous ,masquerades as she loyally attempts to aid Basil in trying to cover a mistake
  48. We have no right to blame them for their forms and superstitions which may seem, ridiculous ,to us. We 'highly educated people' are much worse, relatively speaking...
  49. Moment, along with the rest of the unfolding plot, includes a mixture of both, ridiculous ,and sublime supernatural elements. The plot finally reveals how Manfred's
  50. Able to take a step farther, they began to whirl themselves about in the most, ridiculous ,fashion, until,not able any longer to sustain the weight, they set down the

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