Examples of the the word, swallow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swallow ), is the 5703 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then letters. Examples are" Fall leaves after leaves fall "," You can cage a, swallow , can't you, but you can't swallow a cage, can you? "," First Ladies rule the
  2. After leaves fall "," You can cage a swallow ,can't you, but you can't, swallow ,a cage, can you? "," First Ladies rule the State and state the rule: ladies
  3. Another oral method is to wrap up some cocaine in rolling paper and, swallow ,(parachute) it. This is sometimes called a" snow bomb. " Coca leaf Coca
  4. They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew it as cud, and then, swallow ,it again for final digestion. Different species of kangaroos have different
  5. Mandarin. Hence, we get DEI" right" where standard Mandarin has DUI, ten ", swallow ," where the standard has tun. * Southwestern Mandarin have gas Kai HAI in a few
  6. Not to sin? Such a claim is indeed a hard one and a bitter pill for sinners to, swallow ,; it pains the ears of all who desire to live unrighteous. Who will find it easy
  7. Mummy which the Christians and Apothecaries doe against our wills make us to, swallow ,". The OED gives as its sense 3" the body of a human being or animal embalmed
  8. Will ride to fight Fenrisúlfr. During the battle, Fenrisúlfr will eventually, swallow ,Odin, killing him, and Odin's son Vicar will move forward and kick one foot
  9. Rabelais speaks of coprophagia as a Christian gesture, saying that monks, swallow ,the shit of the world, that is the sins, and for this they are ostracized by
  10. Loosely articulated jaws, flexible skull, and expandable stomach allow it to, swallow ,its prey whole. The vegetable contents of the stomach and intestines are
  11. On their" brother. " Spawn battles the Hell spawn, calling upon the Earth to, swallow ,them, returning them to Hell. Hearing of this, Satan sends all of his remaining
  12. And wider than a normal short board, often with a split tail (known as a, swallow ,tail). The Fish often has two or four fins and is specifically designed for
  13. They use for catching fish, squid or other marine life. They do not chew but, swallow ,prey whole. When they catch large prey, such as when the orca (Trains orca)
  14. Of propaganda and disparagement of the enemy. Audiences however did not care to, swallow ,the patriotic medicine without the accompanying sugar of the
  15. Of the Babylonian constellations Zibatti-meš (maybe Šinunutu4" the great, swallow ," in current eastern Pisces) and KU6 (" the fish, Ea ", Piscis Austrians).
  16. He argued that it would be useful to discover why anti-Semites could ", swallow ,such absurdities on one particular subject while remaining sane on others ". He
  17. Prey, such as when the orca (Trains orca) catches a seal, they bite off and, swallow ,one chunk at a time. Mystic instead have baleen plates made of keratin (the
  18. Skull (see snake skull),allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to, swallow ,their prey whole, even if it is larger in diameter than the snake itself. For
  19. And correctly. George then asks," What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen, swallow , " To which the bartender replies," African or European? " George is forced to
  20. Enough to cause painful injury or death to humans. Nonvenomous snakes either, swallow ,prey alive or kill by constriction. Etymology The English word snake comes from
  21. Other hand, while having demonstrated the ability and occasional behavior to, swallow ,more than a grown man whole, As for the whale shark, Dr. E. W. Budget, an
  22. Doctors were advising women in the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy not to, swallow ,semen lest it induce premature labor, even though it is now known to be safe.
  23. Of his children would overthrow him, so when he married Rhea, he made sure to, swallow ,each of the children she birthed: ESTIA, Demeter,Hera, Hades,Poseidon, Zeus
  24. Orgasm may have an" up suck" action (similar to the esophagus' ability to, swallow ,when upside down),resulting in the retaining of favorable sperm and making
  25. In 1774,Mesmer produced an" artificial tide" in a patient by having her, swallow ,a preparation containing iron, and then attaching magnets to various parts of
  26. Snakes. Because snakes cannot bite or tear their food to pieces, they must, swallow ,prey whole. The body size of a snake has a major influence on its eating habits
  27. Have skulls with many more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to, swallow ,prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate
  28. Sea area, late 20th century? ): Known from a single specimen, this enigmatic, swallow ,probably still exists, but the lack of recent records is puzzling. It is
  29. Of a man who had been abusive to his servants was condemned to tear off and, swallow ,bits of his own tongue; the ghost of another man, who had neglected to leave
  30. That each son's name honors Joseph: *Bela (meaning, swallow ,), in reference to Joseph disappearing (being swallow ed up) *Becker (meaning
  31. Source of fallen angels in the Manichean myth),the evil beings continue to, swallow ,up as much of it as they can to keep the light inside them. This results
  32. The shells of pharmaceutical capsules in order to make them easier to, swallow , Hypromellose is a vegan-acceptable alternative to gelatin, but is more
  33. In the throat, ultimately leading" Sue" to starve because she could no longer, swallow ,food. This hypothesis is substantiated by smooth-edged holes in her skull which
  34. Then quotes stanza 45 of Völuspá. Next, High describes that the wolf will first, swallow ,the sun, and then his brother the moon, and mankind will consider the
  35. Shape or size that is practical for flying, including square, triangular,or, swallow ,tailed. A more unusual flag shape is that of the flag of Nepal, which is in the
  36. And a duck. The mechanical duck could flap its wings, crane its neck, and, swallow , food from the exhibitor's hand, and it gave the illusion of digesting its food
  37. Zeus by sending Rhea to Crete to bear Zeus and giving Cronus a huge stone to, swallow ,thinking that it was another of Rhea's children. Gaia then takes Zeus and
  38. Noted in his diary with the words," E. delivered of a son. Received green, swallow ,from Jamaica"—an amusing conjunction which Edmund later described as
  39. Or during inflation) may die from choking, and predators that do manage to, swallow ,the puffer may find their stomachs full of tetrodotoxin, making puffers an
  40. And" it is commonly said that this species would be choked if it attempted to, swallow ,a herring. " Sperm whales, on the other hand, while having demonstrated the
  41. Do not have teeth or functional jaw, so food must be small enough for them to, swallow ,whole. Pennies are often confused with Gobies, but there is an easy way to
  42. Man ... as distinct from a chimpanzee as an ape from a platypus ... I cannot, swallow ,that! " Neither could Huxley, who was able to demonstrate that Owen's idea was
  43. Of italic acid, but the attempt failed as he could not bring himself to, swallow ,the poison. The experience gave him a new determination to live adventurously.
  44. Entire country. This fraud by the Porfirio was too blatant for the public to, swallow , and riots broke out. On November 20, 1910,Madero prepared a document known as
  45. Against darkness so soft and velvety it's like a hovering nimbus, ready to, swallow ,them if they awake from the film's dream. And when they are swallow ed, when
  46. Kludge has absorbed the colloquial meaning of fudge, which itself is used to, swallow ,the cruder interjection" fuck ", and hence fudge passes on an" all fucked up
  47. As herbivorous mammals but, lacking the complex teeth of mammals, many species, swallow ,rocks and pebbles (so-called gastroliths) to aid in digestion: The rocks are
  48. The subcutaneous route, often via a syringe driver, if patients cannot easily, swallow ,oral morphine solution. The advantage of diacetylmorphine over morphine is that
  49. From the coming deluge. After the seven-day Deluge, the flood hero frees a, swallow , a raven and a dove in an effort to find if the floodwaters have receded. Upon
  50. General categories: # A big fish or whale (of unspecified species) did indeed, swallow ,Jonah. # A special creation (not any fish we know of) of God accomplished the

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