Examples of the the word, ministers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ministers ), is the 5704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A Council of Ministers, headed by the prime minister and five deputy prime, ministers , The members of this council need not be members of the legislature and are
  2. Of his brother Abdulhamid I were continued under the leadership of his chief, ministers , Keçecizade Mehmet Flat Pasha and Mehmed Min Mali Pasha. New administrative
  3. To promise its payment. But three months later, Stilicho and the chief, ministers ,of his party were treacherously slain on Honors' orders. In the unrest that
  4. Of Ministers. The Council of Ministers, composed of all ministers and vice, ministers , met regularly to discuss policy issues. Governors of the 18 provinces were
  5. all the following: * The members of the government (state ministers , ministers , state secretaries and vice- ministers ); * The Governor and Vice-Governors of
  6. Who formed a coalition cabinet made up of five Liberal and three Conservative, ministers , A referendum on electoral reform prior to this election had instigated an
  7. Of subordination to foreigners ". In 1665 the king summoned an assembly of his, ministers ,and nobles and ordered them to adopt measures for expelling the Mughal from
  8. To the Governor-General, in practice exercise executive authority. Cabinet, ministers ,are members of the majority political party in parliament and usually hold
  9. Albert II) is the head of state, though with limited prerogatives. He appoints, ministers , including a Prime Minister, that have the confidence of the Chamber of
  10. Defeat heightened dissension and escalated political antagonism to the King's, ministers , Inside parliament, the primary concern changed from fears of an over-mighty
  11. Positions include acolytes (male or female, often children),lay Eucharistic, ministers ,(also known as chalice bearers) and lay Eucharistic visitors (who deliver
  12. Can be seen in the heated discussions between friends and fellow Methodist, ministers ,John Wesley and George Whitefield. Wesley was a champion of Arminian teachings
  13. The Chairman of the Council (prime minister) is appointed by the president;, ministers ,are nominated by the president on the basis of the prime minister's
  14. Articulated in the Remonstrance (1610),a theological statement signed by 45, ministers , and submitted to the Dutch states general. The Synod of Port (1618–19) was
  15. That distinguished men of letters could make an even more comfortable living as, ministers ,of the Church of England. His lecture topics included rhetoric and
  16. At the OSCE security conference during spring 2007 in Munich. Other European, ministers ,commented that any change of strategic weapons should be negotiated on NATO
  17. Divyavandana refers to Ashoka putting down a revolt due to activities of wicked, ministers , This may have been an incident in Bindusara's times. Taranatha's account
  18. To form the federal government. The numbers of Dutch- and French-speaking, ministers ,are equal as prescribed by the constitution (the Prime Minister not being
  19. S arrest for drunk driving in Maui and the resignation of various cabinet, ministers ,because of conflict-of-interest allegations. A Christmas Eve raid on the
  20. In disbelief of the propaganda (which turned out to be true),yet so did able, ministers ,desert Antony for Octavian in the autumn of 32 BC. These defectors, Munatius
  21. Embassy in Sarajevo. Relations were described as" excellent" by the foreign, ministers ,in 2006,ahead of the opening of the Bosnian embassy in Bucharest. Russia
  22. 2007 and Mbeki's resignation as president in 2008,the Meek faction of former, ministers ,led by Motion Lakota split away from the ANC to form the Congress of the
  23. i.e. the members of parliament of the linguistic group) and a board (the, ministers ,and secretaries of state of the linguistic group). These commissions implement
  24. And dismiss) all the following: * The members of the government (state, ministers , ministers , state secretaries and vice- ministers ); * The Governor and
  25. Of Jesus. Priesthood Bishops are assisted by priests and deacons. Most ordained, ministers ,in the Anglican Communion are priests, who usually work in parishes within a
  26. Mounting public debt heightened public discontent. Abdulaziz was deposed by his, ministers ,on 30 May 1876; his death at Ferry Palace in Constantinople a few days later
  27. Minister and Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers, composed of all, ministers ,and vice ministers , met regularly to discuss policy issues. Governors of the 18
  28. French-speaking minister-president, two French-speaking and two Dutch-speaking, ministers , one Dutch-speaking Secretary of State and two French-speaking secretaries of
  29. Presidential elections, select and dismiss the Prime Minister and other, ministers , declare war, deploy troops abroad, and ratify international treaties and
  30. Eugenie of Battenberg In 1881 Alfonso refused to sanction a law by which the, ministers ,were to remain in office for a fixed term of 18 months. Upon the consequent
  31. Magister minimum Flavius Silicon while Radius was dominated by one of his, ministers , Ruins. Silicon is alleged by some to have wanted control of both Emperors
  32. After Lt Gen Marshall became Chief of General Staff, subsequent defense, ministers ,from 1992 have included: * Maj. -Gen. Aladdin Mehdi (December 1991 -
  33. The Cornily Affair at the end of August and the resignation of the other, ministers , he appointed himself Supreme Commander-in-Chief as well. Kerensky's next move
  34. From care home staff. In an official review commissioned by UK government, ministers ,it was reported that the needless use of anti-psychotic medication in dementia
  35. Whole matter was solemnly submitted to a grand council of prelates, senators, ministers , and other dignitaries on 13 June 1718. The clergy, for their part, declared the
  36. Preached Revolutionary themes in their sermons, while most Church of England, ministers ,preached loyalty to the King. Religious motivation for fighting tyranny reached
  37. From the Church of Alexandria. Since the Bishop of London refused to ordain, ministers ,in the British American colonies, Rev. John Wesley, along with a priest from
  38. Generals. The figure for four-star generals did not include four who were, ministers ,in the Superior Military Court (Superior Tribunal Militarism). Thus, in the
  39. The Supreme Court adopted Twitter to display items on the day planner of the, ministers , to inform the daily actions of the Court and the most important decisions made
  40. Same time, others were criticized for engaging in public worship services with, ministers ,of Reformed churches. Resistance to the growing acceptance and restoration of
  41. Prohibited in the absence of risk assessments. In 1998,European Union health, ministers ,voted to ban four antibiotics widely used to promote animal growth (despite
  42. Worship services and revivals. However, the Bishop of London refused to ordain, ministers ,in the British American colonies. And ordained several Methodist lay preachers
  43. And the Duke of Argyle. Most favored union, and about half were government, ministers ,and other officials. At the head of the list was Queens berry, and the Lord
  44. Spoken more with the composer during their one meeting than he spoke to his, ministers ,in over two years. He gave Vivaldi the title of knight, a gold medal and an
  45. Grounds. Disengagement from Gaza On 1 December 2004,Sharon dismissed five, ministers ,from the Shinji party for voting against the government's 2005 budget. In
  46. Presidential elections, selection and dismissal of the prime minister and other, ministers , declaration of war, deployment of troops outside of Bulgaria, and ratification
  47. Becoming the Earl of Derby later that year) as Prime Minister. Other possible, ministers ,included Sir Robert English, Henry Goulburn, John Charles Berries, and Lord
  48. When they met at a salon. Damietta spoke of Rodin in turn to several government, ministers , likely including Edmund Torque, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Fine
  49. Majority with 2nd round if necessary). List of office holders Presidents Prime, ministers ,Legislative branch The Again Chekhov (or National Assembly) is the
  50. Emperor Honors. A weak ruler, his reign was dominated by a series of powerful, ministers ,and by his wife, Aelia Eudora. History Radius was born in Hispanic, the

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