Examples of the the word, slaughter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slaughter ), is the 5717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He pursued an official policy of nonviolence (AHIMA). Even the unnecessary, slaughter ,or mutilation of animals was immediately abolished. Everyone became protected
  2. Of war, in contrast to her brother Ares, the patron of violence, bloodlust and, slaughter ,—" the raw force of war ". Athena's wisdom includes the cunning intelligence
  3. Of the island himself, they consult Achilles’ oracle. They ask permission to, slaughter ,the victims chosen from among the animals that graze freely on the island, and
  4. Was a heavy defeat for the Pict's; the Annals of Ulster say that" a great, slaughter ,of the Pict's resulted ". Although there is agreement that Causation was killed
  5. The English think they were still in danger. In any event, Henry ordered the, slaughter ,of what was perhaps several thousand French prisoners, with only the most
  6. Attackers and Haman's ten sons are killed in Shush an, followed by a Jewish, slaughter ,of seventy-five thousand Persians, although they took no plunder. Esther sends
  7. Opportunity the KMT swiftly exploited to defeat the communist revolution. This, slaughter ,forced the tiny surviving Party to switch from a worker' union- to a peasant
  8. Herd was about 2.5 million in the mid-1990s,though the government-ordered, slaughter ,of the entire herd in Botswana's north-west Thailand District in 1995 has
  9. Cuts, Churchill,and Orkney. The French had repulsed every attack with heavy, slaughter , but many had seen what had happened on the plain and what its consequences of
  10. Have forgotten her task of bringing peace to Ithaca and wiping the thought of, slaughter ,from the suitors' families, because she suddenly told them to stop fighting.
  11. The Saxons killed or drove out almost all the native population, despite the, slaughter ,of the Britons reported in the Chronicle entry for 491; however, it does imply
  12. French soldiers were treated honorably, but for the Irish the surrender meant, slaughter , Many died on the scaffold in towns like Castle bar and Clamorous, where the
  13. The hidden ambush force attacked the legionnaires in the rear. The result was, slaughter ,and defeat for the Romans. Nevertheless, the battle also displays the effects of
  14. Industry, either for mass culling following disease outbreaks, or as a means of, slaughter ,more humane than the electric bath. Argon's relatively high density causes it
  15. 5.27–55) contain lengthy discussions about the legitimacy of ritual, slaughter , In the Mahabharata both sides present various arguments to substantiate their
  16. Into the mob, an act that became known as the" whiff of grapeshot ". The, slaughter ,effectively ended the threat to the new government, while,at the same time
  17. Thailand District in 1995 has reduced the number by at least 200,000. The, slaughter ,was ordered to prevent the spread of" cattle lung disease" to other parts of
  18. Were responsible for plowing the fields and trampling seed into the soil. The, slaughter ,of a fattened ox was also a central part of an offering ritual. Natural
  19. For farming and Chinese governments have frequently strictly prohibited the, slaughter ,of oxen for food. However, due to the geographic proximity of the northern part
  20. Drafting and introducing his Spot Resolutions. The war had begun with a Mexican, slaughter ,of American soldiers in territory disputed by Mexico and the US; Polk insisted
  21. British army then withdrew. Soon afterwards, an uprising in Kabul led to the, slaughter ,of Britain's Resident in Kabul, Sir Pierre Calamari and his guards and staff
  22. Of plants. Under these circumstances the defenders of hunting and ritual, slaughter ,had to deny the violent nature of these activities. They asserted that lawful
  23. Men) led by the savage Earl Glandyth-a-Krae raid the family castle and, slaughter ,everyone except Forum, who escapes. Arming himself, Corum
  24. With each other (including the City in the Pyramid). Desperate to stop the, slaughter , Forum, Rhalina and Chary Forum travel to the last five planes, ruled by
  25. To Alexander in the strongholds of Massage, Ora and Pornos. A similar, slaughter ,then followed at Ora, another stronghold of the Assani. In the aftermath of
  26. For example, a mock trial of Henry V for the crimes associated with the, slaughter ,of the prisoners was held in Washington’D. C. in March 2010,drawing from both
  27. Of Alexander, who,aided by auxiliaries from Athens, pursued them with great, slaughter ,; and the destruction of the whole Theban army is said to have been averted only
  28. Is a shame for Denmark and the Fare Islands... This is not a hunt but a mass, slaughter ,.... an outmoded tradition that has no acceptable justification in today's
  29. Last defense line on the Kiran Peninsula, which ultimately led to the greatest, slaughter ,on Okinawa in the latter stages of the battle, including the deaths of
  30. Hinder Roman movement along the route of the killing zone. The result was mass, slaughter ,of the Romans, and the destruction of 3 legions. The Germanic victory caused a
  31. Muslim scholars," alleged that Jews kidnap Christians and others in order to, slaughter ,them and use their blood for making matzos. Sultan, who is currently a lecturer
  32. III stepped in to prevent Lathers from sacking Jerusalem. News of this, slaughter ,certainly spread rapidly throughout Judea, exemplified by the Pusher on Isaiah
  33. Who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter ; those who, slaughter ,; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it
  34. The Polish forces attacked the panicked Cossacks and the battle turned into a, slaughter , There were 30,000 dead in the camp, including some women and children. Results
  35. An assault on the King himself. " In retribution, Wallace and several villagers, slaughter ,the English garrison, executing Reselling in the same manner that he executed
  36. Animals in their ships, destined to be sacrificed. Some of these animals they, slaughter , others they set free on the island, in Achilles’ honor. But there are others
  37. Pluto's Square),Bar dot criticizes the procedure used in the ritual, slaughter ,of sheep during the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. Additionally, in a section
  38. Muslim who converted mass number of Hindus and Buddhists to Muslim by way of, slaughter , {Background and early career Before his death in Heart, on June 9,1863,Dost
  39. And meat eaters was shaky and hotly disputed. Even the loopholes – ritual, slaughter ,and hunting – were challenged by advocates of AHIMA. The Mahabharata and the
  40. Manumit: Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for, slaughter ,; those who slaughter ; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who
  41. Says the Britons had no interest in taking or selling prisoners, only in, slaughter ,by gibbet, fire,or cross. Dio's account gives more detail: that the noblest
  42. Fleeing enemy into the swamp, where they were ambushed and routed. The immense, slaughter ,marked one of the most catastrophic defeats in the history of the Roman Empire
  43. Traditional Hindu lawbook (Dharmaśāstra). These texts strongly condemn the, slaughter ,of animals and meat eating. The Mahabharata permits hunting by warriors (
  44. Our dragoons," wrote John Dean," pushing into the village … made terrible, slaughter ,of the enemy. " Far to the south, the remnants of DE la Colonies’s brigade
  45. Survived Constantine I’s death, with the sons of Constantine arranging the, slaughter ,of most of the family of Constantine I at the hands of the army. As a result
  46. Food or drink. How can this be right? ” He thereupon made them eat. “ If you, slaughter ,sheep, you will be considered guilty of a crime. ” He issued a regulation to
  47. Beliefs in theistic satanism during Deicide's early years, claimed to, slaughter ,rodents for fun, and that he held beliefs in demonic possession and that he was
  48. In a village in northern Serbia on 26 May 2011,being accused of overseeing the, slaughter ,of 8,000 Muslim men and boys and for war other genocide charges. The judges
  49. S higher impulses struggling against evil. " Modern times In modern Hinduism, slaughter ,according to the rituals permitted in the Vedic scriptures has virtually
  50. It, where the country will be overrun, but the book never depicts the, slaughter ,of the innocent thus entailed, remaining solely in the timeline where the

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