Examples of the the word, dinosaur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dinosaur ), is the 5716 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Quintessential large, carnivorous dinosaur in popular culture. It is a common, dinosaur ,in museums, due in particular to the excavations at the Cleveland Lloyd
  2. By hunting in groups. Such a depiction is common in semitechnical and popular, dinosaur ,literature. Although Allosaurus may have hunted in packs, it has been argued
  3. On four feet, like other lizards. Foulke's discoveries sparked a wave of, dinosaur ,mania in the United States. Dinosaur mania was exemplified by the fierce
  4. Exhibits natural history near Berlin Hauptbahnhof. It has the largest mounted, dinosaur ,in the world (a brachiosaurus),and a preserved specimen of the early bird
  5. Into that stratum by weathering action, it would provide evidence that some, dinosaur ,populations may have survived at least a half million years into the Cenozoic
  6. Carnegie, wife of Andrew Carnegie who funded field research to find complete, dinosaur ,skeletons in the American West. Apatosaurus Louise is known from one partial
  7. The first published scientific treatment of what would now be recognized as a, dinosaur ,when he described and named a sauropod tooth," Rostellum implicated ",
  8. Evidence—which remains controversial—that collagen has been preserved in, dinosaur ,specimens dated as long ago as. Also, worth noting are the actinofibrils
  9. And other biological and geological exhibits. In 1858,the first known American, dinosaur ,was discovered, in marl pits in the small town of Haddonfield, New Jersey (
  10. Their true nature was not recognized. The Chinese, whose modern word for, dinosaur ,is ongoing (恐龍, or " terrible dragon" ), considered them to be dragon bones
  11. Continually derided it in public, arguing it was an outlandishly expensive, dinosaur , During the 1976 federal election campaign, Jimmy Carter made it one of the
  12. Allosaurus has come to represent the quintessential large, carnivorous, dinosaur , in popular culture. It is a common dinosaur in museums, due in particular to
  13. Meaning" Alberta lizard" ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod, dinosaur ,that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, more
  14. When the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event led to the extinction of most, dinosaur ,species at the close of the Mesozoic era. The fossil record indicates that
  15. Museum in South Kensington, London,to display the national collection of, dinosaur ,fossils and other biological and geological exhibits. In 1858,the first known
  16. During the last 10 million years of the Cretaceous layers there, the number of, dinosaur ,species seems to have decreased from about 45 to about 12. Other scientists
  17. Heavy tail. It is classified as an allosaur, a type of carnosaurian theropod, dinosaur , The genus has a complicated taxonomy, and includes an uncertain number of
  18. Autobiography Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie (1920). Legacy and honors *The, dinosaur ,Diplodocus Carnegie (Hatcher) was named for Andrew Carnegie after he
  19. R. Knight. Although notable as the first freestanding mount of a theropod, dinosaur , and often illustrated and photographed, it has never been scientifically
  20. The Greek term σαυρος/Sauron (" lizard" ), the most common suffix in, dinosaur ,names. The type species is A. sarcophagus, which means" flesh-eater" and has
  21. Food was plentiful immediately prior to the extinction. In addition to rich, dinosaur ,fossils, there are also plant fossils that illustrate the reduction in plant
  22. By the Great Flood. Scholarly descriptions of what would now be recognized as, dinosaur ,bones first appeared in the late 17th century in England. Part of a bone, now
  23. But scientifically redundant synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of sauropod, dinosaur ,that lived from about 154 to 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period
  24. Years, ending in 1897 when Cope died after spending his entire fortune on the, dinosaur ,hunt. Marsh 'won't the contest primarily because he was better funded through a
  25. In a scientific journal. Name WAS97/> name buckland1824/> The second, dinosaur ,genus to be identified, Iguanodon, was discovered in 1822 by Mary Ann Mantell –
  26. Motion picture to feature dinosaur s. Allosaurus was used as the starring, dinosaur ,of the 1956 film The Beast of Hollow Mountain, and the 1969 film The Valley of
  27. Blue whale is the largest animal ever known to have lived. The largest known, dinosaur ,of the Mesozoic Era was the Argentinosaurus, which is estimated to have weighed
  28. Name Vogel (" original bird" or" first bird" ), is a genus of theropod, dinosaur , The name derives from the Ancient Greek {{ Poly tonic |, to which
  29. Argued for Paleocene dinosaur s. These arguments are based on the discovery of, dinosaur ,remains in the Hell Creek Formation up to above and 40,000 years later than the
  30. Alberta has one of the greatest diversities and abundances of Late Cretaceous, dinosaur ,fossils in the world. Friendship partners Alberta has relationships with
  31. Similar to Orator. Bipedal movement also re-evolved in a number of other, dinosaur ,lineages such as the Guangdong. Some extinct members of the crocodile line
  32. More fossilized bones of Mesosaurus and became the first person to describe a, dinosaur ,in a scientific journal. Name WAS97/> name buckland1824/> The second
  33. Or K–Pg) extinction event by many researchers. Non-avian, dinosaur ,fossils are found only below the K–T boundary, indicating that non-avian
  34. An extremely important find: Hadrosaurs was one of the first nearly complete, dinosaur ,skeletons found (the first was in 1834,in Maidstone, Kent,England),and it
  35. A fixture on American roads (and briefly in other countries) with its green, dinosaur ,logo and mascot, an Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus). While Sinclair's early
  36. 95 % of all life on Earth. Radiometric dating of fossils from the early, dinosaur ,genus Orator establishes its presence in the fossil record at this time.
  37. Fossils are known from localities as far north as Alaska and Greenland, while, dinosaur , fossils have been found within 15 degrees of the Cretaceous South Pole. A very
  38. Dinosaurs became extinct during the boundary event. A very small number of, dinosaur ,fossils have been found above the K–T boundary, but they have been explained as
  39. Class Ave's in Linnaeus taxonomy. Phylogenetic taxonomy places Ave's in the, dinosaur ,clade Theropoda. Ave's and a sister group, the clade Crocodile, contain the
  40. And aquatic crocodylomorphans, several species of pterosaur, numerous, dinosaur , species,and early mammals such as documents, multituberculates, symmetrodonts
  41. Many statues and landmarks, such as the Hyde Park Bar & Grill fork, the Mania, dinosaur , the Local Maria lady at Taco Press on South Lamar, the 'migrating' pink
  42. And in 1842 the English paleontologist Richard Owen coined the term ", dinosaur ,". He recognized that the remains that had been found so far, Iguanodon
  43. Extinction. Possible Paleocene survivors Non-avian, dinosaur ,remains are occasionally found above the K–T boundary. In 2001,paleontologists
  44. All birds are bipeds when on the ground, a feature inherited from their, dinosaur ,ancestors. Bipedalism evolved more than once in allosaurs, the group that
  45. Whether birds evolved from dinosaur s or more primitive allosaurs. Within the, dinosaur ,camp, there were disagreements whether Ornithischia or theropod
  46. Are found still living in Africa. Allosaurus () is a genus of large theropod, dinosaur ,that lived 155 to 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period (
  47. The Cenozoic Era. Name Bassett/> Other evidence includes the finding of, dinosaur ,remains in the Hell Creek Formation up to 1.3 meters (51 in) above (years
  48. Then in any other genus of sauropod known at the time. The finds—the largest, dinosaur ,ever discovered at the time and nearly complete, lacking only a head, feet,and
  49. A practice that continues today. Name BBCdinobonemed/> In Europe, dinosaur ,fossils were generally believed to be the remains of giants and other creatures
  50. Greenish blues. The roof is arched and was likened to the back of a dragon or, dinosaur , A common theory about the building is that the rounded feature to the left of

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