Examples of the the word, salmon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( salmon ), is the 5710 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Like herring and sardines, or,as is the case with fatty predatory fish, like, salmon , by eating prey fish that have accumulated omega-3 fatty acids from microalgae.
  2. Herring, halibut,sturgeon, smelt,drum on the East Coast, and Aachen and, salmon ,on the West Coast. Whale was hunted by American Indians off the Northwest coast
  3. Handling and injection. The aquaculture or farming of piscivorous fish, like, salmon , does not help the problem because they need to eat products from other fish
  4. Fish are found in the waters (including salmon ids such as several species of, salmon , trout, char,and so on. ). Besides salmon and trout, sport-fishers in B. C.
  5. Often cheaper within the state than outside it. Many Alaskans take advantage of, salmon ,seasons to harvest portions of their household diet while fishing for
  6. Stocks are now restricted. The less depleted (but still greatly diminished), salmon , population continues to drive a strong fisheries' industry. Canada claims of
  7. Peninsula and parts of coastal Alaska, brown bears feed mostly on spawning, salmon , whose nutrition and abundance explain the enormous size of the bears in these
  8. Sustainable yield. The industrial scale extraction of wild forage fish for, salmon ,farming then impacts the survivability of the wild predator fish who rely on
  9. In Yukon, while a brown bear, living on a steady, nutritious diet of spawning, salmon , from coastal Alaska and Russia can weigh 1,500 lb (682 kg). The exact number
  10. Grounds, and as places for fish farming or ranching. For example, Atlantic, salmon , farms are often located in estuaries, although this has caused controversy
  11. Atlantic location seafood is a specialty on Chill with common foods including, salmon , lobster, mussels and trout. With a large sheep population, Achill lamb is a
  12. Killer ", and its reservoir form the deadliest stretch of the river for young, salmon , In 1902,the United States Bureau of Reclamation was established to aid in the
  13. From other fish, such as fish meal and fish oil. Studies have shown that, salmon ,farming has major negative impacts on wild salmon , as well as the forage fish
  14. S main export product (excluding oil and natural gas) is seafood, primarily, salmon , cod, Pollock and crab. Agriculture represents only a fraction of the Alaskan
  15. Water tributaries of the river. Coho and Chinook (also known as" king" ), salmon , and steel head,all the genus Oncorhynchus, are ocean fish that migrate up
  16. Food was readily available, particularly in the basins of rivers through which, salmon ,went upstream. A village consisted basically of a paternal clan. The average
  17. Salmon, products from several pounds of wild fish are fed to them. As the, salmon ,farming industry expands, it requires more wild forage fish for feed, at a time
  18. Population, and in 1908 U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt observed that the, salmon ,runs were but a fraction of what they had been 25 years prior. Still, in the
  19. Is often supplied to them in the form of forage fish. Consequently, farmed, salmon , consume more wild fish than they generate as a final product. To produce one
  20. By white settlers beginning in 1867 had a strong negative impact on the, salmon ,population, and in 1908 U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt observed that the
  21. Were also major fishing and trading sites. In prehistoric times the Columbia's, salmon ,and steel head runs numbered an estimated annual average of 10 to 16 million
  22. The reasons for this were, among others, that in late autumn, plant gathering, salmon ,fishing and other activities of securing food came to an end, and hunters
  23. Therapeutic proteins in cows and goats. There is a genetically altered, salmon ,with an increased growth rate being considered for FDA approval. Criticism
  24. These units would shift with the season as people moved about, following the, salmon ,catch up and down the river's tributaries. Sparked by the 1848 Whitman
  25. Wolf, Sitka black-tailed deer, humpback whales, orcas,five species of, salmon , bald eagles, harlequin ducks, scoters, and marbled currents. Cities and towns
  26. Thermals are produced by the sun. In the Pacific Northwest, spawning trout and, salmon ,provide most of the Bald Eagles' diet. Locally, eagles may rely largely on
  27. World fish oil production is fed to farmed salmon . In addition, as carnivores, salmon ,require large nutritional intakes of protein, protein which is often supplied
  28. The fur trade, which was in sharp decline, to exporting other goods such as, salmon ,and lumber. Colonization schemes were attempted, but failed to match the scale
  29. Freshwater habitats and the saline Pacific Ocean. These fish—especially the, salmon ,species—provided the core subsistence for natives; in past centuries, traders
  30. Oil. Studies have shown that salmon farming has major negative impacts on wild, salmon , as well as the forage fish that need to be caught to feed them. Fish that are
  31. More than 50 percent of the world fish oil production is fed to farmed, salmon , In addition, as carnivores, salmon require large nutritional intakes of
  32. Leggings of deerskin and in Sakhalin, boots were made from the skin of dogs or, salmon , Both sexes are fond of earrings, which are said to have been made of grapevine
  33. Dishes. Also, typical of this southern region are smoked products, including, salmon , stag, wild boar, and pheasant, among others. Patagonia has also been exposed
  34. Have declined, herds of wild caribou have increased. There are ten species of, salmon ,inhabiting the Andy river basin. Every year, on the last Sunday in April
  35. Of the fastest growing areas of food production in the U. S. In recent years, salmon ,aquaculture has become a major export in southern Chile, especially in Puerto
  36. Primarily gather along the Squarish and Thalamus Rivers, attracted by the, salmon ,spawning in the area. It has occurred as a vagrant twice in Ireland; a juvenile
  37. A sharp decline in fishing along the Columbia in the last century, and, salmon , populations have been dramatically reduced. Fish ladders have been installed at
  38. Wild fish than they generate as a final product. To produce one pound of farmed, salmon , products from several pounds of wild fish are fed to them. As the salmon
  39. Grouse. Fish are abundant in the rivers and lakes of the islands, in particular, salmon , trout, perch and pike. Dogfish, cod,sole, pollock and bass are among the sea
  40. Species Act and other agreements to manage operations to minimize impacts on, salmon ,and other fish, and some conservation and fishing groups support removing four
  41. Then 15,000 years, with a transition to a sedentary lifestyle based mainly on, salmon ,starting about 3,500 years ago. In 1962,archaeologists found evidence of human
  42. Questions of the health benefits of consuming this fish. Adequate diets for, salmon ,and other carnivorous fish can be formulated from protein sources such as soy
  43. Ego deer were a particularly important food resource for the Ainu as were, salmon , They also hunted sea eagles such as white-tailed sea eagles, raven and other
  44. Salmonids such as several species of salmon , trout,char, and so on. ). Besides, salmon ,and trout, sport-fishers in B. C. also catch halibut, steelhead, bass,and
  45. The cod fishery all but collapsed in the 1990s,and the Pacific, salmon ,industry also suffered greatly. The logging industry, after many years of
  46. 11:1,compared to much less than 1:1 (indicating more EPA than AA) in both, salmon ,and trout. " The US produced 1.5 million tons of tilapia in 2005,with 2.5
  47. In pristine coastal ecosystems which they then pollute. A farm with 200,000, salmon , discharges more fecal waste than a city of 60,000 people. This waste is
  48. Points during the migration of anadromous and catadromous fish species, such as, salmon ,and eels, giving them time to form social groups and to adjust to the changes
  49. The face of opposition. One study, in a laboratory setting, found that modified, salmon ,mixed with their wild relatives were aggressive in competing, but ultimately
  50. Referred to as a fish hatchery. Fish species raised by fish farms include, salmon , big eye tuna, carp,tilapia, catfish and cod. In the Mediterranean, young

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