Examples of the the word, cleaning , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cleaning ), is the 5706 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Natural environmental services, such as protecting towns from flooding, cleaning ,ecosystems and supporting fish stocks. In the book Out of Water: From abundance
  2. 200 g/L respectively). Potassium dichromate is a chemical reagent, used in, cleaning ,laboratory glassware and as a titrating agent. It is also used as a mordant (
  3. Also means that techniques such as RAIL, which allows for automatic, cleaning ,up of resources (e.g. closing file handles, deleting temporary files, etc.)
  4. And the cultural material. These intervention treatments could involve, cleaning , stabilizing, repair,or even replacement of parts of the original object. It
  5. The City Council as part of a nonpartisan group of candidates who focused on ", cleaning ,up" widespread prostitution and gambling. As a Republican he won a seat in the
  6. Intervene with the material fabric of the object. Such actions include surface, cleaning ,such as varnish removal, or consolidation such as securing flaking paint. Such
  7. Finger gestures may be used to convey commands. The screen will need frequent, cleaning ,due to image degradation from fingerprints. Tablet screens A combination of a
  8. Used in the shipping industry. The largest non-cooling use for dry ice is blast, cleaning , Liquid carbon dioxide forms only at pressures above 5.1 atm; the triple point
  9. Nose but the nose in the standard horizontal position. This setup was used for, cleaning ,the windshield and for short subsonic flights. The two prototype Concorde's had
  10. Tissue. The beetle larvae to clean skulls because they do a thorough job of, cleaning , and the beetle larvae do not leave the tool marks that taxidermists tools do.
  11. Backwards. This marks their territory and exercises their legs, in addition to, cleaning ,and sharpening their claws. Indoor cats benefit from being provided with a
  12. Cats include mothballs and other naphthalene products. ) are often used for, cleaning ,and disinfecting near cats' feeding areas or litter boxes but these can
  13. Activities such as climbing, caving,sailing, construction,and window, cleaning , Carabiners used in sports tend to be of a lighter weight than those used in
  14. Consumer products. For example, it is used in making plastics, solvents for dry, cleaning ,and metal degreasing, textiles,agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, insecticides
  15. In the associated arms factories, except on Sundays, which were reserved for, cleaning ,and showering. The harsh work requirements, combined with poor nutrition and
  16. And potassium carbonate (" potash" ) have been used since antiquity for, cleaning ,and preservation, as well as for the manufacture of glass. Carbonates are
  17. And bleaching agents Borax is used in various household laundry and, cleaning ,products, including the well-known" 20 Mule Team Borax" laundry booster and "
  18. In winter, city wardens, maintaining parks, refuse collection, sewage,street, cleaning ,and street lighting. Infrastructure in private hands includes electricity, gas
  19. On the cloth will affect ball behavior and necessitate more-frequent cloth, cleaning , Some players find it useful to moisten the chalk with saliva thereby creating
  20. Buses and bodies; steel; iron castings; hand, power,and machine tools; coal, cleaning ,and handling plants; sintered metals; and hard chrome process. At its peak, BSA
  21. Even when the top is doing non-dominant activities such as household chores:, cleaning , taking out the trash, and so on., or the bottom being in a more dominant
  22. Framboesia (using arseno-benzol injections),tropical eating sores (, cleaning ,and potassium permanganate),heart disease (treated with digitalis)
  23. Exception. For example, the Coast Guard cited a lack of proper training for the, cleaning ,of volatile benzene residue as a reason for the loss of the tanker SS V. A.
  24. To 500 CE, they contained recipes for dyeing and making artificial gemstones, cleaning ,and fabricating pearls, and the manufacture of imitation gold and silver. These
  25. Rouge. *Chromic acid is a powerful oxidizing agent and is a useful compound for, cleaning ,laboratory glassware of any trace of organic compounds. It is prepared in situ
  26. Then it receives in taxes or other benefits. Taxpayers also pay the costs of, cleaning ,up environmental disasters caused by the coal industry. Cleanup of the recent
  27. On the underside of the bolt carrier and then pulls it forward and free. When, cleaning , the operator will pay special attention to the barrel, bolt face, and gas
  28. The better. This also includes correct disposal of some resources, such as, cleaning ,up temporary files and lack of memory leaks. Readability of source code In
  29. Significantly less erosion than inertial cavitation, and is often used for the, cleaning ,of delicate materials, such as silicon wafers. Cavitation damage Cavitation is
  30. To clean glass, porcelain and stainless steel. It is also frequently used for, cleaning ,ovens and soaking items to loosen baked-on grime. Household ammonia ranges in
  31. Baptizein to mean" perform ablutions ", not " baptize ". References to the, cleaning ,of vessels which use βαπτίζω also refer to immersion. The lexicographical works
  32. A way that they rarely need to be emptied or maintained other than periodically, cleaning ,the air filter. Most portable air conditioners are refrigeration based rather
  33. The precise amount of pressure may vary from relatively light brushing" just, cleaning ," (to ensure debris will not alter the stone’s path) to maximum-pressure
  34. The amount of manure composted on a livestock farm is often determined by, cleaning ,schedules, land availability, and weather conditions. Each type of manure has
  35. Poor working conditions (e.g. poor facilities, poor maintenance and, cleaning , cramped working conditions, management interference, lack of privacy and noisy
  36. Textiles, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, insecticides,dyestuff, household, cleaning , products,etc. Quantitatively, about 63 % and 18 % of all chlorine are used in
  37. Subject to sales tax collection. They include wrecker and towing services; dry, cleaning ,and laundry; body piercing, tattooing and electrolysis; pest control; security
  38. Work such as cutting hides and cordage, scraping hides, butchering animals, cleaning ,fish, and other tasks. Today, the term" utility knife" also includes small
  39. Form of electric bains-marie often consumes less energy, requires little, cleaning , and can be heated more quickly than traditional versions. They can also
  40. And improvement of highways, drainage,footpaths, public transport, and street, cleaning , Conservation matters (including trees and listed buildings) and
  41. Was equally entrenched in what he considered to be his mandate in, cleaning ,up gridlock. Building on a catchphrase from the sketch" Hans and Franz" from
  42. Production was estimated at 146.5 million tonnes. It is used in commercial, cleaning ,products. Ammonia, as used commercially, is often called anhydrous ammonia.
  43. Apartment to seek his approval. When Speer entered, the new Chancellor was busy, cleaning ,a pistol, which he briefly laid aside to cast a short, interested glance at the
  44. Such as an acoustic field. Such cavitation is often employed in ultrasonic, cleaning ,baths and can also be observed in pumps, propellers,etc. Since the shock waves
  45. A more modern use for medicinal leech, stating that leech could be used for, cleaning ,the tissues after surgical operations. He did, however,understand that there
  46. Non-coppered rooms. This reduction is the same level achieved by“ terminal ”, cleaning ,regimens conducted after patients vacate their rooms. Furthermore, of critical
  47. Filling up the beaches of the Baku Bay. Improvements were made in the general, cleaning , maintenance, garbage collection fields and these services are now at Western
  48. Frustrated by the amount of time that he wasted in filling up fountain pens and, cleaning ,up smudged pages, and the sharp tip of his fountain pen often tore the paper.
  49. Investigation of abnormal bleeding, and abortion. Curettage refers to, cleaning ,the walls of the uterus with a curette. The World Health Organization
  50. Properties of not barking (it makes a low, liquid ululation instead) and, cleaning ,itself like a cat. Often, the Benji is commonly referred to as the shrieking

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