Examples of the the word, interpreter , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Reusing much of the IBM 370 mainframe code. Arguably, the best known APL, interpreter ,for the IBM Personal Computer was STSC's APL The Commodore Super PET
  2. Was a well-documented bug in Apple soft BASIC that could actually crash the, interpreter ,if ONERA GOT was in effect and numerous program errors occurred. Apple
  3. Communicate with the operating system for information and setting, interpreter ,system variables was done through special privileged" I-beam" functions
  4. Burst through the TTY door to halt the practice until Dr. Haggerty fixed the APL, interpreter ,bug. Several time sharing firms sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s which sold APL
  5. System. In these instances the language tended to be implemented as an, interpreter , instead of, or in addition to, a compiler. Several years after its release
  6. To the language, focusing on nested arrays. NARS2000 is an open source APL, interpreter ,written by Bob Smith, a well-known APL developer and implementor from STSC in
  7. Limited's APEX product. I. P. Sharp Associates released a version of their APL, interpreter ,for the IBM PC and PC/370 - for the IBM PC, an emulator was written which
  8. In the lecturer's expositions. " When his wife reported to him that his, interpreter ,'s wife had boasted of her own husband's greatness, R. Abbey simply said,"
  9. Designing a language which could be implemented with the smallest possible,an, interpreter , example programs, and a README document. The language consists of eight
  10. And Microsoft. Apple employees, including Randy Wilkinson, adapted Microsoft's, interpreter ,for the Apple II and added several features. The first version of Apple soft was
  11. Villa. Cedilla was accompanied by several other men. He was told through an, interpreter ,he had no choice in the matter. " Doc" stalled long enough to convey the
  12. s) + c. Now, suppose there is a program in the language L1 which acts as an, interpreter ,for L2: function InterpretLanguage (string p) where p is a program in L2. The
  13. Saw fit. IBM partnership In 1980,IBM approached Microsoft to write the BASIC, interpreter ,for its upcoming personal computer, the IBM PC. When IBM's representatives
  14. Enough that it was used (with a compiler, opposed to its usual runtime, interpreter ,) for the production of at least two commercial titles and an innumerable host
  15. Their own right. First introduced in 1966,the APL\360 system was a multi-user, interpreter , The ability to programmatically communicate with the operating system for
  16. It was inefficient to write speed-dependent programs that ran on a runtime, interpreter , * The use of" real" ( floating-point) numbers for all math operations
  17. Compilers, this product produced machine code which would execute only in the, interpreter ,environment, it was not possible to eliminate the interpreter component. The
  18. Integration with. NET, Java,Ruby and R. Solution Incorporated offers the SAX, interpreter ,(Sharp APL for Unix) for Unix and Linux systems, which is a further
  19. E. Haggerty directed the implementation of the University of Maryland APL, interpreter ,for the Sperry UNIVAC 1100 Series mainframe computers. At the time, Sperry had
  20. APL system, such as operating system files. In the mid 1970s,the IBM mainframe, interpreter ,was even adapted for use on the IBM 5100 desktop computer, which had a small
  21. Microcomputers,APL2 was almost always the standard chosen for new APL, interpreter ,developments. Even today, most APL vendors cite APL2 compatibility, which only
  22. Version for Windows. Despite these missteps, licensing fees from the PostScript, interpreter ,allowed Adobe to outlast or acquire many of its rivals in the late 1980s and
  23. Was STSC's APL The Commodore Super PET, introduced in 1981,included an APL, interpreter ,developed by the University of Waterloo. In the early 1980s,the Analogic
  24. Machine code. As is the case when moving APL programs from one vendor's APL, interpreter ,to another, APL programs invariably will require changes to their content.
  25. Even across platforms (with an overhead no greater than a typical byte code, interpreter ,). This is essentially what microcode achieves when a hardware platform changes
  26. These differences, as the Apple II ROM had only 10 kilobytes available for the, interpreter , and the improved hi-res graphics support was clearly a higher priority.
  27. Of the day. On the stage, Richardson was known as Satan Devi, mezzo-soprano, interpreter , of East Indian music. Richardson became pregnant but on a voyage back to
  28. Developed an Altair emulator that ran on a minicomputer, and then the BASIC, interpreter , The demonstration, held at MITS's offices in Albuquerque, was a success and
  29. 7/7 and Macintosh system software. The Apple III also introduced a new BASIC, interpreter ,called Apple III Business BASIC, and later an implementation of UCSD Pascal for
  30. Mawk is a very fast AWK implementation by Mike Brennan based on a byte code, interpreter , *library is a fork of mark, allowing applications to embed multiple parallel
  31. Instructions that are interpreted at runtime. The Burroughs/Unisys APB, interpreter ,(1982) was the first to use dynamic incremental compilation to produce code
  32. Albuquerque, was a success and resulted in a deal with ITS to distribute the, interpreter ,as Altair BASIC. Paul Allen was hired into ITS, and Gates took a leave of
  33. Apple macOS with Wine. MicroAPL Limited offers APEX, a full-featured 64 bit, interpreter ,for Linux, Windows,and Apple macOS systems. The core language is closely
  34. It extends gawk with dynamically loadable libraries. *QSE AWK is an embedded AWK, interpreter ,implementation included in the QSE library that provides embedding API for C
  35. Advanced continuation of STSC's successful APL Dialog APL is an advanced APL, interpreter ,which operates under Linux, Unix,and Windows. Dialog has innovative extensions
  36. That ASL speakers constituted the fourth-largest population requiring an, interpreter ,in court in 1972; several other languages were more widely spoken, but many of
  37. To a variable using the assignment arrow \left arrow is displayed by the APL, interpreter ,);: +/N\, \! Prints the sum of N,i.e. 22. The user can save the workspace
  38. With that of R. Abbey of Acre (Sacco),who does not even remonstrate with his, interpreter ,for interpolating his own comments in the lecturer's expositions. " When his
  39. Only in the interpreter environment, it was not possible to eliminate the, interpreter ,component. The compiler could compile many scalar and vector operations to
  40. War and became assimilated into them. This was reinforced when their foremost, interpreter ,and performer, Gervase Elves (who had initiated the music festivals at Bring
  41. These versions tend to be quite different compared to the Microsoft, interpreter , so not all scripts written for the Microsoft platform may be supported.
  42. For L2: function InterpretLanguage (string p) where p is a program in L2. The, interpreter ,is characterized by the following property:: Running InterpretLanguage on input
  43. On mainframe computers. Next (formerly APL2000) offers an advanced APL, interpreter ,which operates under Linux, Unix,and Windows. It supports Windows automation
  44. Firm Telecommute Integrated Systems, Inc. released a business-oriented APL, interpreter ,known as TIS APL, for Z80-based systems. It featured the full set of file
  45. Many scalar and vector operations to machine code, but it would rely on the APL, interpreter ,'s services to perform some more advanced functions, rather than attempt to
  46. Keywords. Most of the home computers of the 1980s had a ROM-resident BASIC, interpreter , allowing the machines to boot directly into BASIC. Because of this legacy
  47. To the screen output). ProDOS followed this lead, although the BASIC command, interpreter ,was placed in a separate program called BASIC. SYSTEM and the hook worked in a
  48. The special symbols used in the language. In 1976 DNA Systems introduced an APL, interpreter ,for their TSO Operating System which ran time sharing on the IBM 1130,Digital
  49. Programs were entered and edited, a Motorola 6800 processor which ran the APL, interpreter , and the Analogic array processor which executed the primitives. At the time of
  50. And representative of the Hindu and Muslim people, as a knowledgeable, interpreter ,of the local customs. The new coin, based on the existing local coins, showed a

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