Examples of the the word, militia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( militia ), is the 5715 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the rank of colonel. He was later elected major general of the Tennessee, militia ,in 1802. During the War of 1812,the Shawnee chief Tecumseh encouraged the "
  2. Contrast to regular armies which grew slowly from personal bodyguards or elite, militia , History Sparta The Spartan Army was one of the earliest known professional
  3. His political analysis with his Armageddon theology quite naturally. " Some, militia ,groups in the US, such as the,30 March 2010. Retrieved 30 March 2010. Are
  4. For a rebellion, and he sent British troops to seize and destroy them. Local, militia , known as 'minutemen,' confronted the troops and a fire fight broke out. See
  5. The 13 colonies lacked a professional army or navy. Each colony sponsored local, militia , Militiamen were lightly armed, had little training, and usually did not have
  6. Reaching a company level and by the mid-1980s he was in command of over 20,000, militia , and had reached a regimental level. While the unit recruited throughout Jordan
  7. Massacre. In the last major encounters of the war, a force of 200 Kentucky, militia ,was defeated at the Battle of Blue Licks in August 1782. Yorktown and the
  8. Arrest revolutionaries in Concord, Massachusetts. They clashed with the local, militia , marking the first fighting of the American Revolutionary War. The news aroused
  9. Of his heritage to his paternal grandfather and namesake, Abraham Lincoln,a, militia ,captain and landholder who had inherited an estate in Rockingham County
  10. New Jersey, having given a morale boost to the American cause. New Jersey, militia ,continued to harass British and Hessian forces throughout the winter, forcing
  11. 1776,and was sent by Gen. George Washington to help organize the New Jersey, militia , He took part in Washington's crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas
  12. 18, 1775,General Gage sent 700 men to seize munitions stored by the colonial, militia ,at Concord, Massachusetts. Riders including Paul Revere alerted the countryside
  13. The Civil War begins, all the young men join their respective armies. A black, militia ,(with a white leader) ransacks the Cameron house. The Cameron women are
  14. Atlantic headquarters, before which the Bermuda government had maintained, militia ,for the defense of the colony. Once the Royal Navy established a base and
  15. Creek" Red Sticks" kill over 500 settlers (including over 250 armed, militia ,) in Fort Mims, north of Mobile, Alabama. *1836 – The city of Houston is
  16. Longer periods of training that was not available in the form of a mobilized, militia , As late as the 1650s,most troops were mercenaries. However, after the 17th
  17. Creek War, Jackson commanded the American forces, which included Tennessee, militia , U. S. regulars, and Cherokee, Choctaw,and Lower Creek warriors. Jackson
  18. The U. S. Congress followed in July, authorizing a, militia ,draft within a state when it could not meet its quota with volunteers. When the
  19. Disaster. With the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the war had begun. The, militia ,converged on Boston, bottling up the British in the city. About 4,500 more
  20. And the burning of bridges. Lincoln responded with martial law and sent in, militia ,units from the North. Before the Confederate
  21. Led a punitive expedition involving two Regular Army regiments and some, militia , This force advanced to the location of Indian settlements near the headwaters
  22. 200 years. Bornholm was pawned to Lübeck for 50 years starting 1525. Its first, militia , Bornholm Milts was formed in 1624. Swedish forces conquered the island in
  23. Guerrilla war, fought predominantly between bands of Loyalist and American, militia , which negated many of the gains the British had previously made. Yorktown 1781
  24. Victorious, the clansmen celebrate in the streets. Meanwhile,Lynch's, militia ,surrounds and attacks the hut where the Cameron's are hiding. The clansmen, with
  25. A British invasion force engages and defeats Continental Army regulars and, militia ,irregulars at Ridgefield, Connecticut. *1805 – First Barbary War: United States
  26. Union. When pro-Confederate Governor Claiborne F. Jackson called out the state, militia , it was attacked by federal forces under General Nathaniel Lyon, who chased the
  27. Difficult struggle, succeeded in suppressing piracy. In 1720,Rogers led local, militia ,to drive off a Spanish attack. During the American War of Independence, the
  28. Forces threatened New Orleans, Jackson took command of the defenses, including, militia , from several western states and territories. He was a strict officer but was
  29. New York, and Pennsylvania quietly began buying weapons and training, militia ,units. On March 4,1861,Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President. In his
  30. Had exclusive authority over his militia . Although a king could raise personal, militia ,from his lands, he could only muster a significantly large army through the
  31. To their lord's call to arms, and each noble had exclusive authority over his, militia , Although a king could raise personal militia from his lands, he could only
  32. His family occasionally visited the Todd estate in Lexington. Early career and, militia ,service In 1832,at age 23,Lincoln and a partner bought a small general store
  33. The Americans had little regard for new laws from London; they were drilling, militia ,and organizing for war. The British government responded by passing several
  34. Was always a work in progress, and Washington used both his regulars and state, militia ,throughout the war. The United States Marine Corps traces its institutional
  35. Military career War of 1812 Jackson was appointed commander of the Tennessee, militia ,in 1801,with the rank of colonel. He was later elected major general of the
  36. Occupied Baku, killing over a hundred civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani, militia ,and Soviet forces targeted Armenian paramilitaries operating in Karabakh.
  37. Seize supplies was decisively defeated in the Battle of Bennington by American, militia ,in August, depriving Burgoyne of nearly 1,000 men. Meanwhile, St. Leger—more
  38. Injured. Pennsylvania Governor Robert Patti son ordered two brigades of state, militia ,to the strike site. Then, allegedly in response to the fight between the
  39. New York City. Quebec Three weeks after the siege of Boston began, a troop of, militia ,volunteers led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga, a
  40. Leukemia, a subtype of acute exogenous leukemia *Aden Protectorate Levies,a, militia ,force for local defense of the Aden Protectorate *APL. De. app, pseudonym of
  41. Cameron house. The Cameron women are rescued when Confederate soldiers rout the, militia , Meanwhile, the younger Stone man and two of the Cameron brothers are killed in
  42. Sharon indicted on war crimes charges. Elie Hobart, the leader of the Phalanges, militia ,who carried out the massacres, was assassinated in January 2001,several months
  43. Occupied Baku, killing over a hundred civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani, militia ,and Soviet forces targeted Armenian paramilitaries operating in Karabakh.
  44. Percent of the population lived. British strategy relied on mobilizing Loyalist, militia , and was never fully realized. A British invasion from Canada ended in the
  45. Localities in disarming local companies of the all-black portion of the state, militia ,under various justifications prior to the eventual Federal troop intervention
  46. Marking a time of great upheaval and racial violence in the state between state, militia ,and the Ku Klux Klan. In 1874,the Brooks-Baxter War, a political struggle
  47. Maronite Christian militia s. The Security Chief of the Phalanges, militia , Elie Hobart, was the ground commander of the militia men who entered the
  48. During the American Revolutionary War, Jackson,at age thirteen, joined a local, militia ,as a courier. His eldest brother, Hugh,died from heat exhaustion during the
  49. Protesters took to the streets, scores were beaten and arrested by state, militia , including most of the rival candidates allowed to run. Six months later
  50. Internal lines of communications. They had a long-established system of local, militia , with companies and an officer corps that could form the basis of local

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