Examples of the the word, burst , in a Sentence Context

The word ( burst ), is the 4559 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Patterns; other neurons are quiet most of the time, but occasionally emit a, burst ,of action potentials. Axons transmit signals to other neurons, or to
  2. An environment in which materials not normally considered highly flammable will, burst ,into flame. The high-pressure oxygen atmosphere was consistent with that used
  3. Too high. Accurate running time was less important with cargo munitions that, burst ,much higher. The first radar proximity fuses (code named 'VT' ) were initially
  4. Other large vendors such as Cisco Systems provided ATM as an option. After the, burst ,of the dot-com bubble, some still predicted that" ATM is going to dominate ".
  5. On the host bus to which the ATA adapter is attached may also limit the maximum, burst ,transfer rate. For example, the maximum data transfer rate for conventional PCI
  6. In the USA. Since dance is to a large extent tied to music, this led to a, burst ,of newly invented dances. There were many dance crazes in the period 1910–1930.
  7. Be extinguished by rain and an excess amount of charge could cause the guns to, burst , The flintlock mechanism on the other hand only needs to be cocked and when its
  8. Are close enough together for mutual support, but far enough apart so that one, burst ,of automatic fire wouldn't take out the entire unit. When on foot, if possible
  9. The Apple II display provided two pixels per subcarrier cycle. When the color, burst ,reference signal was turned on and the computer attached to a color display, it
  10. Kill Guevara. These orders were carried out at 1315 hours the same day with a, burst ,of fire from an M-2 automatic rifle. Felix Rodriguez was a CIA officer on the
  11. Control predicted the time that the burst disc would rupture. The helium tank, burst ,disc ruptured at 108:54,after the lunar flyby. The expulsion reversed the
  12. Hijack attempt whilst flying over Sudan. A Kenyan student with a mental illness, burst ,into the cockpit of the Boeing 747. As three crew fought to restrain the man
  13. A much larger 5 megaton warhead intended to destroy enemy's warheads with a, burst ,of x-rays outside the atmosphere. A second shorter-range missile called Sprint
  14. Half-tracks in that they offer a higher level of protection from artillery, burst ,fragments, and greater mobility in more terrain types. The basic APC design was
  15. Gaster. When disturbed, workers rupture the membrane of the master, causing a, burst ,of secretions containing acetophenones and other chemicals that immobilize
  16. It first. Landing men on the Moon by the end of 1969 required the most sudden, burst ,of technological creativity, and the largest commitment of resources ($24
  17. Casualty-producing device available to the attacking elements. This might be a, burst ,from an automatic weapon, or the use of an antipersonnel explosive device (
  18. Until her bottle of water was completely consumed. In a moment of despair, she, burst , in tears. The boy then called to God and upon hearing him, an angel of God
  19. Pressure continued to rise and Mission Control predicted the time that the, burst ,disc would rupture. The helium tank burst disc ruptured at 108:54,after the
  20. Early versions were often limited to proximity air burst , albeit with height of, burst ,options, and impact. Some offered a go/no-go functional test through the fuse
  21. Brush strokes and color. Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, burst ,onto the French culture, effecting a revolution with a style that has become
  22. 1960s,where well-trained crews could show off their skills for spectators. Air, burst ,The destructiveness of artillery bombardments can be enhanced when some or all
  23. Time, which was affected by non-standard conditions. With HE (requiring a, burst ,20 to above the ground),if this was very slightly wrong the rounds would
  24. With the exception that the elements shown in color in the diagram (the color, burst , and the chrominance signal) are not present. The front porch is a brief (
  25. Was that suppression of civil liberties in Russia and police brutality, burst ,back in full force after experiencing some restraint under the reign of
  26. At this point of the story is meager—on August 24 410,Alaric and his Visigoths, burst ,in by the Port Malaria on the northeast of the city. Rome, for so long
  27. Mercury and Gemini experience. They perceived a risk that their eardrums might, burst ,due to the sinus pressure from their colds, and they wanted to be able to pinch
  28. Graphics display mode worked differently, as it could output a short, burst ,of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color options. The epitome of
  29. Pearson International Airport, and runs off the runway causing the plane to, burst ,into flames leaving 12 injuries and no fatalities. Births *1455 – John Cicero
  30. Developing APL programs in the third-floor TTY room, causing Dr. Haggerty to, burst ,through the TTY door to halt the practice until Dr. Haggerty fixed the APL
  31. George Canning. The paper was a failure, in part because the mining" bubble ", burst ,in late 1825,which ruined Poles and Disraeli. Also, according to Disraeli's
  32. Has declined due to a fall in Microsoft's stock price after the dot-com bubble, burst ,and the multi-billion dollar donations he has made to his charitable
  33. The Apple II display provided two pixels per subcarrier cycle. When the color, burst ,reference signal was turned on and the computer attached to a color display, it
  34. Pursuing the enemy forces at speed along the coast road, a violent rainstorm, burst ,over the region, bogging down the tanks and support trucks in the desert mud.
  35. The 1.7 kt boosted fission W25 warhead. When such an explosion takes place a, burst ,of X-rays are released that strike the Earth's atmosphere, causing secondary
  36. Operation Crossroads in 1946. Both battleships proved resistant to nuclear air, burst ,but vulnerable to underwater nuclear explosions. The Italian Giulio Cesare was
  37. Provide options giving, superquick, delay,a choice of proximity heights of, burst , time and a choice of foliage penetration depths. A new type of artillery fuse
  38. Speer as highly as ever. According to Milch, upon hearing the message, Speer, burst , out," The Führer can kiss my ass! " After a lengthy argument, Milch persuaded
  39. Which divide to produce sporophytes that enter its cells. Eventually, the cells, burst , releasing merozoites which infect new cells. This may occur several times
  40. Recovery, when an imposture, which had formed itself in his lungs, suddenly, burst , and discharged a quantity of matter, which he continued to throw up while he
  41. These temperatures could cause the heat shield to crack or propellant lines to, burst , As it was impossible to get a perfect roll, the spacecraft actually swept out
  42. Is encoded based on the phase of this signal in relation to a reference color, burst ,signal. The result is that the position, size,and intensity of a series of
  43. Scrolls—tells of" the Sheol of Abandon" and of the" torrents of Belief that, burst ,into Abandon ". The Biblical Antiquities attributed to Phil mentions Abandon
  44. If this was very slightly wrong the rounds would either hit the ground or, burst ,too high. Accurate running time was less important with cargo munitions that
  45. Graphics display mode worked differently, as it could output a short, burst ,of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color options. The epitome of
  46. Of around 160 feet (50 m). When the mirrors were focused accurately, the ship, burst ,into flames within a few seconds. The plywood ship had a coating of tar paint
  47. At the Cafetiere de Montmartre in Paris. In phonetics, aspiration is the strong, burst ,of air that accompanies either the release or, in the case of respiration
  48. Expanding gases from the fire over pressurized the CM to 29 psi (200 PA) and, burst ,the cabin interior. Flames and gases then rushed outside the command module
  49. S highest unconfirmed temperature was a temperature flare up during a heat, burst ,in June 1967,with a temperature of. Sir Alexander Fleming (6 August 188111

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