Examples of the the word, arabs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arabs ), is the 8461 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lors-Bakhtiyaris-ghashghayee- Arabs and Persians from periods of history that, arabs , were not mentioned anywhere. Khuzestan has great potentials for agricultural
  2. Went to Timpani, met all his friends and briefed about the invasion of the, arabs , They helped him with formation of large troop. War after Tirupandiyan's
  3. Thrillers under the name 'Nicholas Blake '. The Arabian wolf (Cans lupus, arabs , ) is a subspecies of Gray Wolf which was once found throughout the Arabian
  4. Unrecognized candid species or subspecies (Cans aureus luster or Cans lupus, arabs , ),reported from the very dry Anakin Depression desert on the coast of Eritrea
  5. Term grabber is believed to derive from the 19th century slang term" street, arabs ,". Grabbing began in the early 19th century, when access to ships and stables
  6. Arab in Arabian Business's annual Power 500 of the world's most influential, arabs , The magazine's annual report stated Phonic as the primary contributor to the
  7. Went to Timpani, met all his friends and briefed about the invasion of the, arabs , They helped him with formation of large troop. War after Tirupandiyan's
  8. Went to Timpani, met all his friends and briefed about the invasion of the, arabs , They helped him with formation of large troop. Madurai War After forming a big
  9. And democratic state ". The amendment has been strongly criticized by Israeli, arabs , as well as by Israeli left-wing movements including Karima opposition party
  10. Custards Order: Cruciforms Family: Oxide * Arabian Mustard, Ardeotis, arabs , ( A) * Denham's Mustard, Neotis Denali (A) Near-threatened * White-bellied
  11. Port),almost all the population (18 000) is Christian excluding some gulf, arabs , muslims who reside in Bayer during the summer (50 m - 12 km from Beirut) The "
  12. ABD al-Muttalib bin Ha shim in ABD MANA. Abbasid's family to be respectable by, arabs , since Muslims respects people who are from prophet Mohammad family. Awaits
  13. State is dominated by the Kanji and Ba bur ethnic groups and also a few Shula, arabs , mainly descendants of Arab immigrants, and is an example of the endurance of
  14. A newsboy and sold newspapers, having to defend his location against" street, arabs ," and prevent theft, and later worked as a helper in various Wisconsin lumber
  15. Mens in Saudi Arabia. Considered to be one of the 500 Power most influential, arabs , based on Arabian Business in 2011. Following a successful five-year career as
  16. As the Iranian Wolf (Cans lupus allies),the Arabian Wolf (Cans lupus, arabs , ),or the Tibetan Wolf (Cans lupus chance),which are probably more similar
  17. For the France during the worlds wars. France need workforce Integration of the, arabs , muslims in Besançon The organization of a Muslim community The seven Islamists
  18. With the Arabic peoples, as the Areas fort was Arabic for:" place of the, arabs , " Notable people. Lost son of the Gladioli campaign in WWI, seen with his
  19. Taiwan, Russia,English, Central Americans, mestizo,Creole, indians (Hindu, arabs , ),Belizean. First language is Spanish and English Creole also 2nd language
  20. And although there are few visible architectural relics from this time,the, arabs , adapted the Fuentes Grande to channel its waters to Granada, and the old heart
  21. Of interest include Phoenicopterus minor, Petronia brachydactyla and Arrests, arabs , The Awash - Asset highway crosses the Languid Lassa National
  22. To muscleman. From Arabic Muslim (مسلم). N, O,P, Q #nabí: Prophet among, arabs , From Arabic Navy. #nacar: Innermost of the three layers of a seashell. From
  23. Words like" algebra" ( altar)," alcohol" ( al-kuhūl)," alchemy" ( the, arabs , themselves borrowed the word (Kamila) from Greek (chyme, meaning melting
  24. Beans, sweet potatoes, manioc chips, yam and plantain. In the 9th century, arabs , and Persians began colonizing the coast of East Africa as well as the Zanzibar
  25. In the Madeira Map. The triumph was demolished after the Roman times. The, arabs , called the Damascus Gate by the name:" The gate of the triumph ". Starting

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